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QMediaHelixSettingsControl Class Reference

The QMediaHelixSettingsControl class is used to alter settings of the helix engine. More...

    #include <QMediaHelixSettingsControl>

Inherits QObject.

Public Functions


Static Public Members

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QMediaHelixSettingsControl class is used to alter settings of the helix engine.

This class can be used to query and alter options within the Helix DNA Client engine using the Helix preferences mechanism.

Options are set using a QString and QVariant pair. The QString being the option to set and the QVariant being the value of the option.

    QMediaHelixSettingsControl settings;
    settings.setOption( "ServerTimeOut", 10 );

Options are applied at the global scope and will affect all media played using the Helix DNA Client engine.

A list of options available to set and query can be obtained by using availableOptions().

It is only available when the Helix Client is being used as the media provider in the Media System.

Member Function Documentation

QMediaHelixSettingsControl::QMediaHelixSettingsControl ( QObject * parent = 0 )

Create a QMediaHelixSettingsControl

The parent is the Parent QObject.

QMediaHelixSettingsControl::~QMediaHelixSettingsControl ()

Destroy a QMediaHelixSettingsControl

QStringList QMediaHelixSettingsControl::availableOptions ()

Return a list of options supported by the Qt Extended Helix integration.

QString QMediaHelixSettingsControl::name ()   [static]

Return the name of the control.

void QMediaHelixSettingsControl::optionChanged ( QString name, QVariant value )   [signal]

This Signal is emitted when the system has processed the option changed request initiated with setOption. The name and value paramters match the values specified with the setOption call.

QVariant QMediaHelixSettingsControl::optionValue ( QString const & name )

Retrieve a value by name from the Helix Client Engine.

The name parameter is the name of the helix option to fetch.

void QMediaHelixSettingsControl::setOption ( QString const & name, QVariant const & value )

Set a Helix option by name into the Helix Client Engine.

The name parameter is the name of the helix option to set. The value parameter is the value of the helix option.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3