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QMediaVideoControlServer Class Reference

The QMediaVideoControlServer class is used by Media Engines to inform clients that video is available for the associated media session. More...

    #include <QMediaVideoControlServer>

This class is under development and is subject to change.

Inherits QObject.

Public Functions


Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QMediaVideoControlServer class is used by Media Engines to inform clients that video is available for the associated media session.

A Media Engine using the QtopiaMedia API constructs a QMediaVideoControlServer when it would like to inform and enable a client to access a QWidget based video widget in the server.

        VideoWidget* videoWidget = new VideoWidget(videoSource, parent);

        QMediaVideoControlServer* videoControlServer = new QMediaVideoControlServer(id, parent);


See also QMediaVideoControl and QMediaAbstractControlServer.

Member Function Documentation

QMediaVideoControlServer::QMediaVideoControlServer ( QMediaHandle const & handle, QWidget * target = 0, QObject * parent = 0 )

Constructs a QMediaVideoControlServer with the session handle, and optionally the video target widget for sharing with the client and the parent QObject.

QMediaVideoControlServer::~QMediaVideoControlServer ()

Destroy the QMediaVideoControlServer object.

void QMediaVideoControlServer::rotationChanged ( QtopiaVideo::VideoRotation rotation )   [signal]

This signal is emitted when video rotation value was changed, the value is given by rotation.

See also videoRotation() and QtopiaVideo::VideoRotation.

void QMediaVideoControlServer::scaleModeChanged ( QtopiaVideo::VideoScaleMode scaleMode )   [signal]

This signal is emitted when video scale mode was changed, the value is given by scaleMode.

See also videoScaleMode() and QtopiaVideo::VideoScaleMode.

void QMediaVideoControlServer::setRenderTarget ( QWidget * renderTarget )

Set the video target widget to renderTarget.

The Media Engine calls this function when it has a widget that it would like to make available to a client application.

The QWidget will exist in the Media Server process, but will be made available to the session client. A session client will be able to control different widget states, for example whether the widget is hidden or visible.

void QMediaVideoControlServer::setRenderTarget ( WId wid )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Set the video target to the window with wid.

The Media Engine calls this function when it has a widget that it would like to make available to a client application.

The QWidget will exist in the Media Server process, but will be made available to the session client. A session client will be able to control different widget states, for example whether the widget is hidden or visible.

void QMediaVideoControlServer::unsetRenderTarget ()

Remove the video target widget.

The Media Engine should call this function when it will no longer be rendering video into the QWidget set in setRenderTarget(). The Session client will be notified that the widget is no longer valid.

QtopiaVideo::VideoRotation QMediaVideoControlServer::videoRotation () const

Return the current video rotation value.

QtopiaVideo::VideoScaleMode QMediaVideoControlServer::videoScaleMode () const

Return the current video scale mode value.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3