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QMultiPortMultiplexer Class Reference

The QMultiPortMultiplexer class provides multiplexing across several serial ports More...

    #include <QMultiPortMultiplexer>

Inherits QSerialIODeviceMultiplexer.

Public Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QMultiPortMultiplexer class provides multiplexing across several serial ports

Use this class instead of QGsm0710Multiplexer if the operating system kernel has built-in support for multiplexing.

Instances of QMultiPortMultiplexer are created by multiplexer plug-ins. See the Tutorial: Writing a Multiplexer Plug-in for more information on how to write a multiplexer plug-in that uses QMultiPortMultiplexer.

See also QSerialIODeviceMultiplexer, QGsm0710Multiplexer, and QSerialIODeviceMultiplexerPlugin.

Member Function Documentation

QMultiPortMultiplexer::QMultiPortMultiplexer ( QSerialIODevice * device, QObject * parent = 0 )

Construct a new multi-port multiplexer object and attach it to parent. The primary channel will be set to device. Further channels can be added by calling addChannel(). Ownership of device will pass to this object; it will be deleted when this object is deleted.

QMultiPortMultiplexer::~QMultiPortMultiplexer ()

Destruct this multi-port multiplexer object.

bool QMultiPortMultiplexer::addChannel ( const QString & name, QSerialIODevice * device )

Add a new channel to this multiplexer, with requests for name being redirected to device. Returns false if name already exists.

Ownership of device will pass to this object; it will be deleted when this object is deleted. A single device can be added for multiple channels (e.g. data and datasetup). This object will ensure that such devices will be deleted only once.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3