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QObexAuthenticationResponse Class Reference

The QObexAuthenticationResponse class contains a received OBEX authentication response. More...

    #include <QObexAuthenticationResponse>

Public Functions

Detailed Description

The QObexAuthenticationResponse class contains a received OBEX authentication response.

This class is used in the QObexClientSession::authenticationResponse() and QObexServerSession::authenticationResponse() signals to pass on a OBEX authentication response that has been received by an OBEX client or server. The programmer can use user() and match() to determine whether the authentication details are correct.

See also QObexClientSession, QObexServerSession, and QObexAuthenticationChallenge.

Member Function Documentation

QObexAuthenticationResponse::QObexAuthenticationResponse ( const QObexAuthenticationResponse & other )

Constructs an authentication response with the contents from other.

QObexAuthenticationResponse::~QObexAuthenticationResponse ()

Destroys the response.

bool QObexAuthenticationResponse::match ( const QString & password ) const

Returns whether password matches the password specified in the authentication response.

QString QObexAuthenticationResponse::user () const

Returns the username specified in the authentication response.

QObexAuthenticationResponse & QObexAuthenticationResponse::operator= ( const QObexAuthenticationResponse & other )

Assigns the contents of other to this object and returns a reference to this response.

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