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QOtaCharacteristicList Class Reference

The QOtaCharacteristicList class encapsulates a list of characteristics from an OTA network configuration message More...

    #include <QOtaCharacteristicList>

Public Functions

Detailed Description

The QOtaCharacteristicList class encapsulates a list of characteristics from an OTA network configuration message

The QOtaCharacteristicList class contains a list of network configuration characteristics that resulted from parsing an Over-The-Air (OTA) network configuration message with QOtaReader::parse().

See also QOtaReader.

Member Function Documentation

QOtaCharacteristicList::QOtaCharacteristicList ()

Construct an empty characteristics list.

QOtaCharacteristicList::QOtaCharacteristicList ( const QOtaCharacteristicList & list )

Construct a copy of a specified characteristics list.

QOtaCharacteristicList::~QOtaCharacteristicList ()

Destruct a characteristics list.

QString QOtaCharacteristicList::appParameter ( const QString & app, const QString & name1 ) const

Return the value of a parameter called name1 under the application-specific data for app.

See also parameter().

QString QOtaCharacteristicList::appParameter ( const QString & app, const QString & name1, const QString & name2 ) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Return the value of a parameter called name2 under the section name1 within the application-specific data for app.

See also parameter().

QString QOtaCharacteristicList::appParameter ( const QString & app, const QString & name1, const QString & name2, const QString & name3 ) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Return the value of a parameter called name3 under the sub-section name2 and section name1 within the application-specific data for app.

See also parameter().

QString QOtaCharacteristicList::parameter ( const QString & name1 ) const

Return the value of a top-level parameter called name1.

See also appParameter().

QString QOtaCharacteristicList::parameter ( const QString & name1, const QString & name2 ) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Return the value of a parameter called name2 under the top-level section name1.

See also appParameter().

QString QOtaCharacteristicList::parameter ( const QString & name1, const QString & name2, const QString & name3 ) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Return the value of a parameter called name3 under the sub-section name2 under the top-level section name1.

See also appParameter().

QString QOtaCharacteristicList::parameter ( const QString & name1, const QString & name2, const QString & name3, const QString & name4 ) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Return the value of a parameter called name4 under the sub-section name3 under sub-section name2 under the top-level section name1.

See also appParameter().

QtopiaNetworkProperties QOtaCharacteristicList::toConfig () const

Convert an Over-The-Air (OTA) network configuration characteristics list into a NetworkInterfaceProperties object suitable for use by the Qt Extended network configuration system.

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