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QRetryAtChat Class Reference

The QRetryAtChat class provides a mechanism to retry an AT command until it succeeds. More...

    #include <QRetryAtChat>

Inherits QObject.

Public Functions


Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QRetryAtChat class provides a mechanism to retry an AT command until it succeeds.

The done() signal will be emitted when the command succeeds or when the number of retries has been exhausted.

See also QAtChat.

Member Function Documentation

QRetryAtChat::QRetryAtChat ( QAtChat * atchat, const QString & command, int numRetries, int timeout = 1000, bool deleteAfterEmit = true, QObject * parent = 0 )

Construct a new retry At chat handler attached to parent that will send command on atchat for numRetries times before giving up.

If deleteAfterEmit is true, then deleteLater() will be called on this object once the done() signal has been emitted.

The timeout parameter specifies the amount of time to wait between retries (default is 1 second).

QRetryAtChat::~QRetryAtChat ()

Destruct this retry AT chat handler.

void QRetryAtChat::done ( bool ok, const QAtResult & result )   [signal]

Signal that is emitted when the command completes successfully, or when the number of retries has been exhausted. The command results are supplied in ok and result.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3