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QServiceCheckerServer Class Reference

The QServiceCheckerServer class allows telephony services to easily advertise their hardware failure state. More...

    #include <QServiceCheckerServer>

Inherits QServiceChecker.

Public Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QServiceCheckerServer class allows telephony services to easily advertise their hardware failure state.

This class is useful for when the validity is known at initialization time. If the validity is not known until later, QServiceChecker should be inherited and QServiceChecker::setValid() called when the state is known.

See also QServiceChecker.

Member Function Documentation

QServiceCheckerServer::QServiceCheckerServer ( const QString & service, bool valid, QObject * parent = 0 )

Construct a server-side service checker for service and attach it to parent. The isValid() state will be set to valid.

QServiceCheckerServer::~QServiceCheckerServer ()

Destroy this server-side service checker.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3