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QSpeedDialList Class Reference

The QSpeedDialList class provides a list widget for editing Speed Dial entries. More...

    #include <QSpeedDialList>

Inherits QSmoothList.


Public Functions

Public Slots


Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QSpeedDialList class provides a list widget for editing Speed Dial entries.

If you need a dialog that allows the user to select a spot to insert an already selected action (for example, adding a QContact's phone number to Speed Dial list), use QSpeedDial::addWithDialog().

Use editItem() to edit selected entry. This will open QtopiaServiceSelector which provides a list of predefined services.

Use clearItem() to remove the entry.

"Editing Speed Dial Entries"

See also QSpeedDial and QtopiaServiceSelector.

Property Documentation

count : const int

This property holds the number of rows in the list.

Access functions:

currentInput : const QString

This property holds the input required for the currently selected Speed Dial entry if exists; otherwise returns an empty string.

Access functions:

currentRow : int

This property holds the currently selected row number.

Access functions:

Member Function Documentation

QSpeedDialList::QSpeedDialList ( QWidget * parent = 0 )

Constructs a QSpeedDialList object with the given parent.

QSpeedDialList::~QSpeedDialList ()

Destroys this QSpeedDialList

void QSpeedDialList::addItem ()   [slot]

Adds a service to the Speed Dial

Presents the a QtopiaServiceSelector for the user to select a service performed, and also asks for an input to associate with it.

See also QtopiaServiceSelector.

void QSpeedDialList::clearItem ( int row )   [slot]

Removes the Speed Dial entry at the given row. The action is not removed from Favorite Services.

void QSpeedDialList::clearItem ()   [slot]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Removes the Speed Dial entry at the currently selected row. The action is not removed from Favorite Services.

void QSpeedDialList::currentRowChanged ( int row )   [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the user selects a different row (either with the keypad or the mouse).

void QSpeedDialList::editItem ( int row )   [slot]

Edits the Speed Dial entry at row.

Presents the a QtopiaServiceSelector for the user to select a service performed for the same input.

See also QtopiaServiceSelector.

void QSpeedDialList::editItem ()   [slot]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Edits the Speed Dial entry at the currently selected row.

void QSpeedDialList::reload ( const QString & input )   [slot]

Forces the entry for Speed Dial at input to be refreshed from the source.

void QSpeedDialList::rowClicked ( int row )   [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the user either clicks on a different row with the mouse, or presses the keypad Select key while a row is selected.

QString QSpeedDialList::rowInput ( int row ) const

Returns the input required to trigger the Speed Dial entry at row.

void QSpeedDialList::setCurrentInput ( const QString & input )

Selects the row from the list that corresponds to the Speed Dial input. If there is no such row then it will go the the one before where it would be.

See also currentInput().

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Qt Extended 4.4.3