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QtopiaAppService Class Reference

Provides the Qt Extended built-in service. More...

    #include <QtopiaAppService>

Inherits QtopiaAbstractService.

Public Slots

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

Provides the Qt Extended built-in service.

The QtopiaApplicationService describes messages that all Qt Extended applications respond to, without the application programmer needing to do anything special to enable them.

For example, every application has a raise() message that can be used to automatically execute and raise the application as follows:

    QtopiaIpcEnvelope e( "QPE/Application/foo", "raise()" );

Member Function Documentation

void QtopiaAppService::close ()   [slot]

Make the application's main window "go away". If the application is preloaded, this will merely hide the main window. Otherwise this calls QCoreApplication::quit().

void QtopiaAppService::disablePreload ()   [slot]

Disable preloading of this application. This will cause the close() message to quit the application rather than just hide the main window.

void QtopiaAppService::enablePreload ()   [slot]

Enable preloading of this application. This will cause the close() message to hide the main window rather than quitting.

void QtopiaAppService::flush ()   [slot]

Tell the application to flush all of its data to disk in preparation for syncing with a desktop system. This will cause the QtopiaApplication::flush() signal to be emitted, which the application can connect to if it needs to perform non-trivial operations to flush its data.

void QtopiaAppService::quit ()   [slot]

Ask the application to quit if doing so will not lose state. Internally, this calls QtopiaApplication::tryQuit().

void QtopiaAppService::quitIfInvisible ()   [slot]

Quit the application if it has no windows currently displayed. Internally, this calls QCoreApplication::quit().

void QtopiaAppService::raise ()   [slot]

Raise this application to the top-most position and make its main window visible.

void QtopiaAppService::reload ()   [slot]

Tell the application to reload its data after syncing with a desktop system. This will cause the QtopiaApplication::reload() signal to be emitted, which the application can connect to if it needs to perform non-trivial operations to reload its data.

void QtopiaAppService::setDocument ( const QString & doc )   [slot]

Set the document to be displayed in the application to doc. If the main window object has a setDocument(QString) slot, then that slot will be invoked automatically, with doc as its argument.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3