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QtopiaNetworkConfiguration Class Reference

The QtopiaNetworkConfiguration class defines the interface to network interface configurations. More...

    #include <QtopiaNetworkConfiguration>

Public Functions

Detailed Description

The QtopiaNetworkConfiguration class defines the interface to network interface configurations.

Network interface parameter are stored in configFile(). They can be edited via a combination of writeProperties(), getProperties() and property() or by calling configure() which returns one or more user interface dialogs. The dialogs depend on the various configuration types() supported by the interface. The WLAN plug-in e.g., provides two configuration dialogs. The first dialog supports general interface parameter whereas the second dialog allows the configuration through an WLAN scanner interface.

There is no default implementation available for this interface.

See also QtopiaNetworkInterface.

Member Function Documentation

QtopiaNetworkConfiguration::~QtopiaNetworkConfiguration ()   [virtual]

Destroys the QtopaNetworkConfiguration instance.

QString QtopiaNetworkConfiguration::configFile () const   [pure virtual]

Returns the absolute path and filename of the network configuration file that defines the current interface. The return string can also be used as interface handle.

QDialog * QtopiaNetworkConfiguration::configure ( QWidget * parent, const QString & type = QString() )   [pure virtual]

Returns the default configuration dialog that is shown to the user when he configures this interface. parent is the parent widget for the dialog. The valid values to type can be obtained by using types(). If type is unknown this function returns 0. The default configuration interface is returned if no type is passed.

Note: A plug-in can have additional configuration interfaces which are relevant to the plug-in but not essential. For example, the LAN plug-in has an additional user interfaces for WLAN scanning.

See also types().

QtopiaNetworkProperties QtopiaNetworkConfiguration::getProperties () const   [pure virtual]

Returns all properties of this interface. If only a single property is needed property() should be used.

See also property().

QVariant QtopiaNetworkConfiguration::property ( const QString & key ) const   [pure virtual]

This is a quick way of accessing the configuration value for key. The following example quickly determines the human-readable name of this interface/configuration:

    QtopiaNetworkConfiguration* config = ...
    QString value = config->property( "Info/Name" ).toString();

QStringList QtopiaNetworkConfiguration::types () const   [pure virtual]

Returns a list of all user interfaces. Each list entries are localised strings and can by used as a short description for the interface dialogs. The same strings are also used as identifiers for configure() to request the user interface.

The first entry in the list is the default configuration interface. The returned list must contain at least one entry (being the default interface).

void QtopiaNetworkConfiguration::writeProperties ( const QtopiaNetworkProperties & properties )   [pure virtual]

Writes properties out to the network configuration file.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3