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QVibrateAccessoryProvider Class Reference

The QVibrateAccessoryProvider class provides an interface for vibrate devices to integrate into Qtopia. More...

    #include <QVibrateAccessoryProvider>

Inherits QVibrateAccessory.

Inherited by QModemVibrateAccessory.

Public Functions

Public Slots

Protected Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QVibrateAccessoryProvider class provides an interface for vibrate devices to integrate into Qtopia.

Vibrate devices inherit from this class and override setVibrateOnRing() and setVibrateNow() to implement the required functionality. Subclasses should also call setSupportsVibrateOnRing() and setSupportsVibrateNow() to indicate the level of functionality that is supported.

See also QVibrateAccessory.

Member Function Documentation

QVibrateAccessoryProvider::QVibrateAccessoryProvider ( const QString & id, QObject * parent = 0 )

Create a vibrate device provider called id and attaches it to parent.

QVibrateAccessoryProvider::~QVibrateAccessoryProvider ()

Destroys the vibrate device provider.

void QVibrateAccessoryProvider::setSupportsVibrateNow ( bool value )   [protected]

Indicate whether this vibrate provider supports vibrateNow() with value. This is typically called from the constructor of subclass implementations.

void QVibrateAccessoryProvider::setSupportsVibrateOnRing ( bool value )   [protected]

Indicate whether this vibrate accessory supports vibrateOnRing() with value. This is typically called from the constructor of subclass implementations.

void QVibrateAccessoryProvider::setVibrateNow ( const bool value )   [virtual slot]

Turns on the vibration device if value is true; otherwise it is turned off. The default implementation updates the vibrateNow state as seen by vibrateNow() on the client. Vibrate provider implementations should override this function to provide device-specific functionality and then call this implementation to update the client's view of the vibrateNow state.

Reimplemented from QVibrateAccessory.

void QVibrateAccessoryProvider::setVibrateOnRing ( const bool value )   [virtual slot]

Sets the vibrateOnRing attribute to value. The default implementation updates the vibrateOnRing attribute as seen by vibrateOnRing() on the client. Vibrate provider implementations should override this function to provide device-specific functionality and then call this implementation to update the client's view of the vibrateOnRing value.

Reimplemented from QVibrateAccessory.

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