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TaskManagerLauncherView Class Reference

The TaskManagerLauncherView class provides the list of running applications. More...

    #include <TaskManagerLauncherView>

Inherits LauncherView.

Public Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The TaskManagerLauncherView class provides the list of running applications.

An application is automatically added to the list once it changes its state to Running. This is helpfull in situations whereby an application is backgrounded.

In addition it is possible to insert artifical entries to the list. Refer to TaskManagerEntry for more details about this feature.

This class is part of the Qt Extended server and cannot be used by other Qt Extended applications.

See also LauncherView and TaskManagerEntry.

Member Function Documentation

TaskManagerLauncherView::TaskManagerLauncherView ( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 )

Creates a new TaskManagerLauncherView instance with the given parent and flags. To increase the component separation an instance of this class should be created via LauncherView::createLauncherView().

    LauncherView* view = LauncherView::createLauncherView("TaskManagerLauncherView", p, fl);

TaskManagerLauncherView::~TaskManagerLauncherView ()

Destroys the TaskManagerLauncherView instance.

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Qt Extended 4.4.3