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ThemeRectItem Class Reference

The ThemeRectItem class represents a visual rectangle in a ThemedView. More...

    #include <ThemeRectItem>

Inherits ThemeGraphicItem.

Public Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The ThemeRectItem class represents a visual rectangle in a ThemedView.

The ThemeRectItem class implements the rect element from the theme XML.

Normally you do not want to call this item's functions directly, but rather specify the relevant attributes and data for this item in the themed view XML.

See also rect element.

Member Function Documentation

ThemeRectItem::ThemeRectItem ( ThemeItem * parent, ThemedView * view, const ThemeAttributes & atts )

Constructs a ThemeRectItem. parent, view and atts are passed to the base class constructor.

QColor ThemeRectItem::brushColor ( ThemeItem::State state = ThemeItem::Default ) const

Returns the color used for the rectangle's background for the given state state.

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