3.2. Typical Workflow for Customizing the CMS

Once you have set up the core information in CMS, you can customize various pieces to match your corporate branding and processes. You do not have to follow these steps in any particular order and you can implement them at any time. Some of these items require programming (you cannot implement them through the CMS interface).

Typical Workflow for Customizing the CMS

  1. Create a category tree

    Use the category tree to determine how your content will be organized. The tree always starts with a Root folder, followed by some number of subcategories. You can add more second level categories and each level can have more sublevels, letting you make your category tree as granular as necessary. Programming is required to add new top level categories and direct programmatic input is recommended for companies with large amounts of information.

    You can link categories, assign a purpose to top-level categories (which lets you use multiple logical category hierarchies), and assign category templates by content type.

    Refer to Section 4.3 Category for more conceptual information.

  2. Create a new content type

    Within the interface, you can create new content types that are children of the existing content types. You can also programmatically add new parent and children content types to the CMS.

    Refer to Section 4.6 Content Type for more conceptual information.

  3. Add custom stylesheets

    Programming is required to implement new stylesheets, which change the look and feel of the output. This lets you match corporate branding or create public and private sites that are displayed differently.

    Refer to the CMS Deployment Guide for more information.

  4. Design forms

    Use the Forms section to create and modify forms, which you use to create templates for surveys, "contact us" forms, and more. Once the forms have been created, content creators can create new forms in the CMS that you know will include the correct information.

    Refer to Section 4.8 Forms for more conceptual information.

  5. Modify templates

    Programming is required to modify templates, which are used to define the necessary pieces for the different content types.

    Refer to Section 4.15 Templates for more conceptual information.