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Scilab Help >> Scilab > Control flow > while


while keyword


The while clause must be terminated by "end".

while expr ,instructions,..., end

while expr do instructions,..., end

while expr then instructions,..., end


  • The only constraint is that each then or do keyword must be on the same line as while keyword.

  • Keywords then or do can be replaced by a carriage return or a comma. For compatibility with Matlab it is also possible, but not recommended, to put a space between the end of the expression and the beginning of the first instruction.

According to the Code Conventions for the Scilab Programming Language it is recommended:

  • Start each statement on a new line.

  • Write no more than one simple statement per line.

  • Break compound statements over multiple lines.

For example, use:

i = 0
while i<5
    i = i + 1;

rather than

i = 0; while i<5 disp("i"); i = i + 1; end

Warning: the number of characters used to define the body of any conditional instruction (if while for or select/case) must be limited to 16k.


e=1; a=1; k=1;
while norm(a-(a+e),1) > %eps,

See Also

  • for — language keyword for loops
  • select — select keyword
  • break — keyword to interrupt loops
  • return — return or resume execution and copy some local variables
  • pause — pause mode, invoke keyboard


6.0.0 The [,else instructions] construction no more supported.
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Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
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with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:27:30 CEST 2016