Auto Scaling

Stackato includes automatic scaling functionality for vSphere, EC2, and OpenStack environments. This allows your Stackato cloud to automatically expand the number of available DEA's when needed.

Create the DEA template

The primary requisite for enabling auto scaling is to create a DEA template from the Stackato VM. Typically you would do this by running the following commands on a fresh Stackato VM:

$ kato op defer "node attach -e dea CORE_IP" --run-as-root

This will defer the attach command and enable the DEA role on the next boot, so proceed to shut down the VM once this is done.


For vSphere, With the VM shut off, right click it in vCenter and select Create a Template. It is important that it is a 'template' object so that it can be seamlessly deployed to any of the available ESXi hosts.

Enable Auto-Scaling in the Health Manager

On your primary node, run the following command:

$ kato config get health_manager | grep enable_autoscaling

And ensure the following key is present and set to 'true':

enable_autoscaling = true

If not, run the following command:

$ kato config set health_manager enable_autoscaling true

After saving this change, restart the health manager:

$ kato process restart health_manager

You should then start seeing some scaling information in the health managers log file:

$ kato log tail health_manager

Once confirmed you can then proceed to configure the controller.

Configure the Controller

The controller requires setting a few switches before auto-scaling can be triggered.


On all of your controller nodes, run the following command:

$ kato config get cloud_controller | grep vcenter

And ensure the following keys are present and set to 'vcenter':

primary_scaling_platform = vcenter
vcenter_config = /home/stackato/stackato/etc/vcenter_config.yml

If not, run the following commands:

$ kato config set cloud_controller primary_scaling_platform vcenter
$ kato config set cloud_controller vcenter_config /home/stackato/stackato/etc/vcenter_config.yml


On all of your controller nodes, run the following command:

$ kato config get cloud_controller | grep ec2

And ensure the following keys are present and set to 'ec2':

primary_scaling_platform = ec2
vcenter_config = /home/stackato/stackato/etc/ec2_config.yml

If not, run the following commands:

$ kato config set cloud_controller primary_scaling_platform ec2
$ kato config set cloud_controller ec2_config /home/stackato/stackato/etc/ec2_config.yml

See the cloud-init documentation for additional information on customizing EC2 instance initialization.


On all of your controller nodes, run the following command:

$ kato config get cloud_controller | grep openstack

And ensure the following keys are present and set to 'openstack':

primary_scaling_platform = openstack
openstack_config = /home/stackato/stackato/etc/openstack_config.yml

If not, run the following commands:

$ kato config set cloud_controller primary_scaling_platform openstack
$ kato config set cloud_controller openstack_config /home/stackato/stackato/etc/openstack_config.yml

See the cloud-init documentation for additional information on customizing instance initialization in OpenStack Horizon.

Create the scaling configuration file


Stackato includes everything you need to setup auto scaling on the vSphere platform.

The scaling part of Stackato talks directly to the vSphere API in the event of a scaling trigger, which is determined by the health manager when no more DEA's are available for deploying applications. Stackato also keeps a record of what hosts are hosting which DEA, so it can round-robin DEA's on all your available hosts, without overloading any single one and performing runtime health checks on the host to verify it is suitable for deployment.

The scaling <-> vSphere API layer needs to know a few additional details before it can succesfully talk to your vSphere setup.

Create the following file on all controller nodes:


And place the following yaml template there:

  user: username
  password: password
  https: true
  port: 443
  insecure: true
  path: /sdk
  datacenter: DataCenter
  datastores: "Datastore name"
  template: "Your-Template-Name"
  vm_name_prefix: "auto-scaled-dea"

As this is just a template, you will need to replace the values with some of your own:

vSphere settings

  • server: This is the endpoint of your vCenter, and should be a resolvable URL.
  • user: The user you would normally login to vCenter with.
  • password: The password you would normally login to vCenter with.
  • https: It is recommended you enable HTTPS for logins, and this should remain as 'true'
  • port: Change to '80' if you are not using HTTPS.
  • insecure: If left as 'true' it allows the use of self-signed SSL certs with vCenter.
  • path: Unless you have a custom vCenter install, this setting can be left as its default value.
  • datacenter: This is the case-sensitive name of the datacenter on which the cloud controller and DEA template reside. It is not the name of any of your ESXi hosts.
  • datastores: This is the case-sensitive name of the datastores to use as the file backing for the newly scaled VM. If you supply a json array value, such as datastores: [ "datastore-1",  "datastore-2"] then one will be chosen at random when scaling occurs.
  • template: This is the name of the DEA template you just created, which will be deployed round-robin to all your available ESXi hosts when a scaling event is triggered by Stackato.
  • vm_name_prefix: Prefix the name of all autoscaled VMs with this string, for easier identification in your cluster.

EC2 / OpenStack Configuration File

EC2 and OpenStack follow a similar pattern as vSphere to enabling auto scaling. The cloud controller(s) will talk directly with the EC2-compatible API to spin up an new AMI instance whenever a scaling event is triggered.

For Openstack, the settings here can normally be found in your OpenStack/Nova credentials file, with the keys normally prefixed with EC2_*. The key setting for OpenStack normally corresponds to the NOVA_API_KEY setting.

In the ec2_config.yml or openstack_config.yml file as set in Configure the Controller you should insert and modify the following template:

ami: <AMI_name>
instance_type: m1.large
security_group: <security_group>
key: my-stackato-ec2
url: <EC2 compatible API URL>
accesskey: <EC2 access key>
secretkey: <EC2 secret key>

EC2 / OpenStack Settings

  • AMI: This is name of the AMI image that should be deployed when a scaling event is triggered.

  • instance_type: This is the EC2 instance type. Generally for DEA nodes, the m1.large type is recommended. See: EC2 Instance Types for all the available types.

  • security_group: The default security group to apply to the new instance, as defined in your AWS console.

  • url This is the URL of the EC2 compatible API that you wish to use. For OpenStack, the url should be in a similar format to the EC2_URL provided in the OpenStack credentials, with the full path provided. For example:


    On EC2 itself the URL would include the region. For example:

  • key This is the name of your keypair credentials, as named in your AWS console.

  • accesskey & secretkey: The keypair credentials used to access the EC2 API under your account. For more information on EC2 credential management see: EC2 Credentials.

Once the configuration yml file has been updated, save it and then restart the controller and health manager:

$ kato restart cloud_controller health_manager

You can then proceed to test the scaling events by pushing an app with many instances, and at least 256MB assigned. For example:

$ stackato push node-env --instances 10 --mem 256


Most of the output from the scaling triggers comes from the health manager:

$ kato log tail health_manager

Once scaling has been triggered by the health manager, you should then check for the relevant platform API output in the controller:

$ kato log tail cloud_controller

If you are using vSphere, make sure to monitor any logs and events on the vCenter GUI. A common issue is running out of available disk space on the filestores for new deployments.

For EC2, you can monitor using the AWS console. It can provide useful insights into the health of the instance such as network reachability and OS responsiveness, as well as setting administrative alerts.

If you are testing scaling triggers, you can force a scale-up operation by issuing the following on the cloud controller node:

$ nats-pub '{"op": "scaleup"}'