def host(hostNames: String*): Directive0
def host(predicate: String ⇒ Boolean): Directive0
def host(regex: Regex): Directive1[String]
Filter requests matching conditions against the hostname part of the Host header value in the request.
The def host(hostNames: String*)
overload rejects all requests with a hostname different from the given ones.
The def host(predicate: String ⇒ Boolean)
overload rejects all requests for which the hostname does not satisfy the given predicate.
The def host(regex: Regex)
overload works a little bit different: it rejects all requests with a hostname that doesn’t have a prefix matching the given regular expression and also extracts a String
to its inner route following this rules:
- For all matching requests the prefix string matching the regex is extracted and passed to the inner route.
- If the regex contains a capturing group only the string matched by this group is extracted.
- If the regex contains more than one capturing group an
is thrown.
Matching a list of hosts:
val route =
host("", "") {
// tests:
Get() ~> Host("") ~> route ~> check {
status shouldEqual OK
responseAs[String] shouldEqual "Ok"
Get() ~> Host("") ~> route ~> check {
handled shouldBe false
Making sure the host satisfies the given predicate
val shortOnly: String => Boolean = (hostname) => hostname.length < 10
val route =
host(shortOnly) {
// tests:
Get() ~> Host("") ~> route ~> check {
status shouldEqual OK
responseAs[String] shouldEqual "Ok"
Get() ~> Host("") ~> route ~> check {
handled shouldBe false
Using a regular expressions:
val route =
host("api|rest".r) { prefix =>
complete(s"Extracted prefix: $prefix")
} ~
host("public.(my|your)".r) { captured =>
complete(s"You came through $captured company")
// tests:
Get() ~> Host("") ~> route ~> check {
status shouldEqual OK
responseAs[String] shouldEqual "Extracted prefix: api"
Get() ~> Host("") ~> route ~> check {
status shouldEqual OK
responseAs[String] shouldEqual "You came through my company"
Beware that in the case of introducing multiple capturing groups in the regex such as in the case bellow, the directive will fail at runtime, at the moment the route tree is evaluated for the first time. This might cause your http handler actor to enter in a fail/restart loop depending on your supervision strategy.
an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy {
host("server-([0-9]).company.(com|net|org)".r) { target =>
complete("Will never complete :'(")