Since: API Level 1


Classes | Description

Channels provide a way to connect to sources of data such as files, sockets or other structures that allow input and/or output of data.



ByteChannel A ByteChannel is both readable and writable. 
Channel A channel is a conduit to I/O services covering such items as files, sockets, hardware devices, I/O ports or some software component. 
GatheringByteChannel The interface for channels that can write a set of buffers in a single operation. 
InterruptibleChannel Channels that implement this interface can be asynchronously closed and interrupted. 
ReadableByteChannel A ReadableByteChannel is a type of Channel that can read bytes. 
ScatteringByteChannel The interface for channels that can read data into a set of buffers in a single operation. 
WritableByteChannel A WritableByteChannel is a type of Channel that can write bytes. 


Channels This class provides several utilities to get I/O streams from channels. 
DatagramChannel A DatagramChannel is a selectable channel that represents a partial abstraction of a datagram socket. 
FileChannel An abstract channel type for interaction with a platform file. 
FileChannel.MapMode MapMode defines file mapping mode constants. 
FileLock A FileLock represents a locked region of a file. 
Pipe A pipe contains two channels. 
Pipe.SinkChannel Writable sink channel used to write to a pipe. 
Pipe.SourceChannel Readable source channel used to read from a pipe. 
SelectableChannel A channel that can be used with a Selector
SelectionKey A SelectionKey represents the relationship between a channel and a selector for which the channel is registered. 
Selector A controller for the selection of SelectableChannel objects. 
ServerSocketChannel A ServerSocketChannel is a partial abstraction of a selectable, stream-oriented listening socket. 
SocketChannel A SocketChannel is a selectable channel that provides a partial abstraction of stream connecting socket. 


AlreadyConnectedException An AlreadyConnectedException is thrown when an attempt is made to connect a SocketChannel that is already connected. 
AsynchronousCloseException An AsynchronousCloseException is thrown when the underlying channel for an I/O operation is closed by another thread. 
CancelledKeyException A CancelledKeyException is thrown when an invalid selection key is used. 
ClosedByInterruptException A ClosedByInterruptException is thrown when a thread is interrupted in a blocking I/O operation. 
ClosedChannelException A ClosedChannelException is thrown when a channel is closed for the type of operation attempted. 
ClosedSelectorException A ClosedSelectorException is thrown when a selector is closed and an I/O operation is attempted. 
ConnectionPendingException A ConnectionPendingException is thrown when an attempt is made to connect a SocketChannel that has a non-blocking connection already underway. 
FileLockInterruptionException A FileLockInterruptionException is thrown when a thread is interrupted while waiting to acquire a file lock. 
IllegalBlockingModeException An IllegalBlockingModeException is thrown when an operation that requires a specific blocking mode is invoked on a channel that is in a different blocking mode. 
IllegalSelectorException An IllegalSelectorException is thrown when a call is made to register a channel on a selector that has been created by a different provider. 
NoConnectionPendingException A NoConnectionPendingException is thrown if SocketChannel's finishConnect method is called before the SocketChannel's connect( connect} method completed without error. 
NonReadableChannelException A NonReadableChannelException is thrown when attempting to read from a channel that is not open for reading. 
NonWritableChannelException A NonWritableChannelException is thrown when attempting to write to a channel that is not open for writing. 
NotYetBoundException A NotYetBoundException is thrown if the server socket channel is not bound before an I/O operation is made. 
NotYetConnectedException A NotYetConnectedException is thrown if the socket channel is not connected before an I/O operation is invoked. 
OverlappingFileLockException An OverlappingFileLockException is thrown when attempting to acquire a lock that overlaps an existing or pending lock held by this process. 
UnresolvedAddressException An UnresolvedAddressException is thrown when trying to use an unresolved network address in a network operation. 
UnsupportedAddressTypeException An UnsupportedAddressTypeException is thrown when connecting or binding to an unsupported address type.