Android APIs
public class


extends EditText
   ↳ android.view.View
     ↳ android.widget.TextView
       ↳ android.widget.EditText

Class Overview

EditText widget that monitors keyboard changes.


Nested Classes
interface SearchEditText.OnKeyboardDismissListener  
Inherited XML Attributes
From class android.widget.TextView
From class android.view.View
Inherited Constants
From class android.view.View
Inherited Fields
From class android.view.View
Public Constructors
SearchEditText(Context context)
SearchEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
SearchEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle)
Public Methods
static boolean isLayoutRtl(View view)
void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo info)
This is required to make the View findable by uiautomator
boolean onKeyPreIme(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
Handle a key event before it is processed by any input method associated with the view hierarchy.
void reset()
void setFinalRecognizedText(CharSequence finalText)
Sets the final, non changing, full text result.
void setOnKeyboardDismissListener(SearchEditText.OnKeyboardDismissListener listener)
Set a keyboard dismissed listener.
void updateRecognizedText(String stableText, String pendingText)
void updateRecognizedText(String stableText, List<Float> rmsValues)
Protected Methods
void onFinishInflate()
Finalize inflating a view from XML.
Inherited Methods
From class android.widget.EditText
From class android.widget.TextView
From class android.view.View
From class java.lang.Object
From interface
From interface android.view.KeyEvent.Callback
From interface android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener
From interface android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventSource

Public Constructors

public SearchEditText (Context context)

public SearchEditText (Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

public SearchEditText (Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle)

Public Methods

public static boolean isLayoutRtl (View view)

public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo (AccessibilityNodeInfo info)

This is required to make the View findable by uiautomator

info The instance to initialize.

public boolean onKeyPreIme (int keyCode, KeyEvent event)

Handle a key event before it is processed by any input method associated with the view hierarchy. This can be used to intercept key events in special situations before the IME consumes them; a typical example would be handling the BACK key to update the application's UI instead of allowing the IME to see it and close itself.

keyCode The value in event.getKeyCode().
event Description of the key event.
  • If you handled the event, return true. If you want to allow the event to be handled by the next receiver, return false.

public void reset ()

public void setFinalRecognizedText (CharSequence finalText)

Sets the final, non changing, full text result. This should only happen at the very end of a recognition.

finalText to the view to.

public void setOnKeyboardDismissListener (SearchEditText.OnKeyboardDismissListener listener)

Set a keyboard dismissed listener.

listener The listener.

public void updateRecognizedText (String stableText, String pendingText)

public void updateRecognizedText (String stableText, List<Float> rmsValues)

Protected Methods

protected void onFinishInflate ()

Finalize inflating a view from XML. This is called as the last phase of inflation, after all child views have been added.

Even if the subclass overrides onFinishInflate, they should always be sure to call the super method, so that we get called.