Android APIs
public class


extends Object
implements ConnRoutePNames
   ↳ org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnRouteParams

Class Overview

An adaptor for accessing route related parameters in HttpParams. See ConnRoutePNames for parameter name definitions.


Inherited Constants
From interface org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnRoutePNames
public static final HttpHost NO_HOST A special value indicating "no host".
public static final HttpRoute NO_ROUTE A special value indicating "no route".
Public Methods
static HttpHost getDefaultProxy(HttpParams params)
Obtains the DEFAULT_PROXY parameter value.
static HttpRoute getForcedRoute(HttpParams params)
Obtains the FORCED_ROUTE parameter value.
static InetAddress getLocalAddress(HttpParams params)
Obtains the LOCAL_ADDRESS parameter value.
static void setDefaultProxy(HttpParams params, HttpHost proxy)
Sets the DEFAULT_PROXY parameter value.
static void setForcedRoute(HttpParams params, HttpRoute route)
Sets the FORCED_ROUTE parameter value.
static void setLocalAddress(HttpParams params, InetAddress local)
Sets the LOCAL_ADDRESS parameter value.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final HttpHost NO_HOST

Added in API level 1

A special value indicating "no host". This relies on a nonsense scheme name to avoid conflicts with actual hosts. Note that this is a valid host.

public static final HttpRoute NO_ROUTE

Added in API level 1

A special value indicating "no route". This is a route with NO_HOST as the target.

Public Methods

public static HttpHost getDefaultProxy (HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1

Obtains the DEFAULT_PROXY parameter value. NO_HOST will be mapped to null, to allow unsetting in a hierarchy.

params the parameters in which to look up
  • the default proxy set in the argument parameters, or null if not set

public static HttpRoute getForcedRoute (HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1

Obtains the FORCED_ROUTE parameter value. NO_ROUTE will be mapped to null, to allow unsetting in a hierarchy.

params the parameters in which to look up
  • the forced route set in the argument parameters, or null if not set

public static InetAddress getLocalAddress (HttpParams params)

Added in API level 1

Obtains the LOCAL_ADDRESS parameter value. There is no special value that would automatically be mapped to null. You can use the wildcard address ( for IPv4, :: for IPv6) to override a specific local address in a hierarchy.

params the parameters in which to look up
  • the local address set in the argument parameters, or null if not set

public static void setDefaultProxy (HttpParams params, HttpHost proxy)

Added in API level 1

Sets the DEFAULT_PROXY parameter value.

params the parameters in which to set the value
proxy the value to set, may be null. Note that NO_HOST will be mapped to null by getDefaultProxy(HttpParams), to allow for explicit unsetting in hierarchies.

public static void setForcedRoute (HttpParams params, HttpRoute route)

Added in API level 1

Sets the FORCED_ROUTE parameter value.

params the parameters in which to set the value
route the value to set, may be null. Note that NO_ROUTE will be mapped to null by getForcedRoute(HttpParams), to allow for explicit unsetting in hierarchies.

public static void setLocalAddress (HttpParams params, InetAddress local)

Added in API level 1

Sets the LOCAL_ADDRESS parameter value.

params the parameters in which to set the value
local the value to set, may be null