Most of the model elements will require a stereotype to be processed correctly, below you will find a table indicating on which model element you may put what stereotype, it will also denote which effect this has on the generation process. Sometimes it happens you want to add information to the model but there is no clean way of doing it. In those cases you may want to resort to tagged values, but these cases should be considered with caution. A tagged value is something extra, something optional, and the application should run fine without them. Bpm4struts allows you to add tagged values here and there but provides a default value in case they are missing.

AndroMDA BPM4Struts Cartridge Profile

This profile contains all elements that can be applied on the model used as the MDA transformation process. These elements are specific to the AndroMDA BPM4Struts Cartridge component.

Stereotypes are the names you sometimes see appear in UML diagrams, they typically look like <<MyStereotype>> and can be applied on any type of UML model element.
Tagged Values
Sometimes it happens you want to add information to the model but there is no clean way of doing it. In those cases you may want to resort to tagged values, but these cases should be considered with caution. A tagged value is something extra, something optional, and the application should run fine without them.
Bpm4struts allows you to add tagged values here and there but provides a default value in case they are missing.

FrontEndException (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Transition
Modeled on a transition it designates an exception occuring while processing an action, must exit an action state and enter a JSP page.
FrontEndSessionObject (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Class
These classes can be associated to controllers. They represent objects that persist during the session of the user. For each such session object associated with a controller the controller will have accessor methods for this object. Use a dependency from the controller to the session object to properly model this relationship, a controller can depend on many such session objects; and in the same way a session object might be shared between controllers.
@andromda.presentation.web.action.type (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Transition coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Indicates the type of trigger causing the action.
Allowed values for this element:
  • form (default)
  • hyperlink
  • image
  • table
@andromda.presentation.web.action.tablelink (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Transition coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Denotes this action applies on the information shown in a tabular format, you will need to specify the name of the table as the value, optionally suffix with a dot and the name of the column. If the column is specified the action will be rendered in that specific column, otherwise a new column will be created for it.
@andromda.presentation.web.action.form.scope (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Transition coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
This allows one to override the action form scope defined by the actionFormScope namespace property.
Allowed values for this element:
  • session
  • request
@andromda.presentation.web.action.form.key (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: A <<FrontEndUseCase>>
Denotes the key used to store this use-case's action forms under. This feature is useful when you are using Struts Tiles to execute more than one action at the same time; an example would be a sidebar such as a menu that automatically reloads on each request, you will not want this sidebar's action to collide with the form from the other 'real' action. Please note that using this feature in combination with passing parameters across use-cases will not work, only use this feature for use-cases that stand on their own.
Allowed values for this element:
  • form (default)
  • any string is allowed
@andromda.presentation.web.action.resettable (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Transition coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Set this value to true if you want to be able to reset forms to their initial values
Allowed values for this element:
  • false (default)
  • true
@andromda.presentation.action.success.message (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Transition
On action completion will have a success message rendered on screen
Allowed values for this element:
  • Any message you would like to see displayed, it will be included in the resource bundle for internationalization
@andromda.presentation.action.warning.message (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Transition
On action completion will have a warning message rendered on screen
Allowed values for this element:
  • Any message you would like to see displayed, it will be included in the resource bundle for internationalization
@andromda.presentation.view.field.required (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Denotes whether or not this is a required field. If a field is required its type will always be checked (you cannot enter a String value when an int is expected)
Allowed values for this element:
  • false (default)
  • true
@andromda.presentation.web.view.field.size (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Denotes the number of columns an input field should have.
Allowed values for this element:
  • browser specific (default)
  • any strictly positive integer
@andromda.presentation.web.view.field.rows (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype, while having @andromda.presentation.web.view.field.textarea
Denotes the number of rows on a textarea field.
Allowed values for this element:
  • 5 (default)
  • any strictly positive integer
@andromda.presentation.view.field.readonly (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Indicates the parameter is read only, it's value cannot be entered by the user
Allowed values for this element:
  • false (default)
  • true
@andromda.presentation.view.field.format (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
The format of this field's value.

Type Value Arguments Example Description
int, float, double, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, java.lang.Double range 2 of this type range 2 12 Specifies in which range the value of this attribute must fall
java.util.Date, java.sql.Date N/A [strict] (format) strict dd/MM/yyyy The format in which dates need to be specified (optionally strict) (*)
java.lang.String minlength an integer value minlength 4 Specifies the minimum number of characters
java.lang.String maxlength an integer value maxlength 4 Specifies the maximum number of characters
java.lang.String pattern a regular expression pattern [a-zA-Z]* Validates format according to a regular expression (**), the leading '^' and trailing '$' must not be specified
java.lang.String creditcard N/A creditcard Validates the value to be a creditcard number, according to what is known as the Luhn check
java.lang.String email N/A email Checks if the specified value is a possible email address, IP addresses are also taken into account, you may specify this format in combination with other validator format, the only requirement is that when you specify 'email' it should be the last sequence of characters; delimit those validators using a space

(*) The format is specified by the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class from the Java 2 SDK, please refer to the JavaDoc documentation of that class for more information, this format is case-sensitive SimpleDateFormat JavaDoc

(**) The pattern expression is a Perl regular expression as you would you use in Javascript, by convention it requires the ^ and $ to denote respectively the beginning and ending of the pattern Netscape's guide to regular expressions in Javascript

Allowed values for this element:
  • Any of the formats listed above
@andromda.presentation.web.view.field.type (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Indicates the type of parameter, this information will be used when rendering the pages, possible values are: link, multibox, text, textarea, checkbox, radio, select, password, hidden and plaintext. One of the tables below give some more information about field formats, for a list of possible types see this page
Allowed values for this element:
  • text (default)
  • select
  • password
  • hidden
  • textarea
  • checkbox
  • radio
  • link
  • multibox
@andromda.presentation.view.field.multibox (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Can only be used in combination with @andromda.presentation.web.view.field.type=multibox in a table. This tagged value specified the incoming page-variable that is holding the values to match against. If a match is found the checkbox will be checked for the corresponding row.
Allowed values for this element:
  • any name of a page-variable that is a datatype::Collection type (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Can be used in combination with the @andromda.presentation.web.view.field.type=radio tagged value. Use it to specify the number of options to render, the values of these options will always be the same, alternatively you can specify a comma-separated list of runtime properties if you prefer the values to be updateable at runtime. If this tagged value is not specified the cartridge will assume it to have value '3'.
Allowed values for this element:
  • a strictly positive integer
  • 3 (default)
@andromda.presentation.web.view.field.validwhen (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Additional validation to be performed, specify a Struts-validator condition here, see Struts-Validator and go to the section labeled The required parentheses will automatically be placed around your condition.
Allowed values for this element:
  • a Struts 'validwhen' condition
@andromda.presentation.web.view.field.validators (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Custom validation to be performed, you can add one or more of your own validators here. Make sure you add your validator definitions in validator-rules.xml, there is a merge point that can be used to have them automatically inserted. Validator values look like this: myValidator, myValidator(myVar=myArg), myValidator(myVar=myArg,myVar2=myArg2), etc... Specify each validator using a new value, don't specify all of them in a single value. Be careful when using multiple validators with the same 'var' name, the last one found will be used! Normally speaking this should not happen, so try to avoid it (I recommend against using names used by known validators: minlength, test, datePattern, ...)
Allowed values for this element:
  • a call to one of your custom validators
@andromda.presentation.web.view.field.calendar (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Denotes the parameter of type datatype::Date is to be rendered with a calendar popup next to it.
Allowed values for this element:
  • false (default)
  • true
@andromda.presentation.web.view.field.tablelink (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
The value is of the format table.column where table denotes a parameter coming into the page of type Collection (and containing a tagged value to indicate it is to be displayed as a table); the column part is used to indicate which column of the corresponding table is to be used for linking. The result will be that the specified table column will contain a hyperlink reference to the action on which this parameter resides, this is useful to eg. display a list of persons and view their details by simply clicking on their names in the table (for that to work this parameter's type should be 'link', use the @andromda.presentation.web.view.field.type=link tagged value for that). The column name is optional, if you do not specify it the name of the parameter will be assumed. By setting the parameter type you can have any widget rendered into the table.
Allowed values for this element:
  • any name of a table page-variable that is a datatype::Collection type followed by a dot and the name of the target column
@andromda.presentation.web.view.field.reset (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Indicates whether or not the field should be reset (to its orginal value) after the execution of the action. This is useful when you want only some of the parameters reset on the form but not all of them.
Allowed values for this element:
  • false (default)
  • true
@andromda.presentation.view.table.columns (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter of type datatype::Collection going into an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
The collection will be displayed in tabular format using the <display:*> tag-library. Each column in this table will be mapped to a property of the object type contained in the collection. So you will need to make sure all objects have accessor methods for the property you list in this tagged value. Properties are separated using a comma ','. More than one value maybe be assigned to this tag, all properties will correctly be resolved.
Allowed values for this element:
  • a comma-separated list of column names
@andromda.presentation.view.table.maxrows (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter of type datatype::Collection going into an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
This value represents the maximum number of entries shown at the same time, also known as the 'page size'. If the number of entries is a number greater than this value then a list of pages will be displayed to jump to the other values.
Allowed values for this element:
  • a strictly positive integer
  • 15 (default)
@andromda.presentation.view.table.export (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter of type datatype::Collection going into an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Denotes the different formats into which it should be possible to export the list The tagged value may be assigned multiple values, use a combination of csv, xml, pdf and excel. By default it is possible to export to all known formats. You may use the none value to disable exporting for this table, this value will take priority over any other ones if specified.
Allowed values for this element:
  • xml (default)
  • csv (default)
  • excel (default)
  • pdf (default)
@andromda.presentation.view.table.sortable (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter of type datatype::Collection going into an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Indicates whether or not it should be possible to sort the columns by clicking on the header.
Allowed values for this element:
  • true (default)
  • false
@andromda.struts.view.table.decorator (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Parameter of type datatype::Collection going into an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Whether or not to generate a displaytag table decorator for this table. Can be used in combination with the generateTableDecorators namespace property.
Allowed values for this element:
  • false (default)
  • true
@andromda.presentation.exception.type (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Transition
Indicates which exception this handler takes care of
Allowed values for this element:
  • the fully qualified name of a Java java.lang.Exception type
  • java.lang.Exception (default)
@andromda.presentation.web.action.redirect (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Transition coming out of an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
Indicates whether or not HTTP redirection should occur when forwarded on to the next action
Allowed values for this element:
  • false (default)
  • true
@andromda.manageable.table.maxlistsize (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: A class with the <<Manageable>> stereotype
The maximum number of rows to fetch from the database in a single operation. Tune this parameter to avoid downloading thousands of rows each time, most of the time the user will want to use the search facility to refine the result set
Allowed values for this element:
  • a strictly positive integer
  • 250 (default)
@andromda.manageable.table.pagesize (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: A class with the <<Manageable>> stereotype
The maximum number of records to show on the same page.
Allowed values for this element:
  • a strictly positive integer
  • 20 (default)
@andromda.manageable.table.displayname (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: A class with the <<Manageable>> stereotype
The column representing this entity,by default the first <<Unique>> attribute found is taken but you might want to specify another column yourself. This value is used when one entity has a foreign key to another one and you want to select the value of this foreign key from a combobox and you would like to see a more meaningful label for each option, if no <<Unique>> attribute is found the identifier is used, which isn't very helpful.
Allowed values for this element:
  • any column name present in this entity
  • the name of the identifier column (default)
@andromda.manageable.table.resolveable (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Association end to a class with the <<Manageable>> stereotype
Whether or not the assocation to another entity should be represented using a combobox. You might want to disable this feature if you are sure the target entity can have many different values (meaning a table with lots of records).
Allowed values for this element:
  • true (default)
  • false
datatype::char (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::byte (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::short (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::int (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::long (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::float (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::double (Back to Data Types)
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datatype::URL (Back to Data Types)
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datatype::Time (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available