Jira Report

EJB-65 Project won ' t build using EJB3 cartridge when UML model has associations with abstract entities Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-64 Seam project won ' t build: missing andromda-plugins-profiles Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-18 Weblogic Datatype (mapping to OracleClob) is not working Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
EJB-97 I ' m building an androMDA proyect with Ant. This proyect I ' m packiging it as .ear. It build succesfully but when I try to deploy this package in JBoss it dosen ' t deploy and no message of error it ' s display Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-87 @andromda.seam.conversation.begin.join tagged value doesn ' t work Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-76 Seam component scope in the model ignored on generation Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-54 Generation of @Table and @DiscriminatorColumn in a subclass of a SINGLE_TABLE hierarchy is wrong Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-53 Wrong class reference of associations of a MappedSuperclass Reopened Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-48 Sequence and Table Generators for EJB3 Entity identifiers are not created Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-17 n-m relationships are not working in weblogic Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
EJB-103 Problem with @andromda.persistence.collection.index tagged value Open Unresolved Va nce Karimi
EJB-101 Application with MappedSuperclass is not deployable when using newest JBoss Version Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-100 Conflict between Service and PersistenceContext stereotypes Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-99 No way to test Seam components Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-94 Implement uniqueGroup on entities in EJB3 cartridge Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-91 Injection of Local Service Bean fails Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-89 Bug in generating Accessor function in EJB3 Cartridge Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-85 @andromda.seam.bijection.in.create tagged value doesn ' t work Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-84 EMFSeam profile Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-83 No way to distinguish NoResultException from other exceptions when you call a DAO query method Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-82 Seam component generation for value objects or pojos Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-81 Stereotype < < WebRemote > > doesn ' t work Open Unresol ved Vance Karimi
EJB-79 Missing dependencies to myfaces jars in core/pom.xml Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-78 < < Mapped SuperClass > > and single table inheritance Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-77 Update Seam cartridge to work with Seam 1.2.1.GA and JBoss 4.2.1.GA Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-75 @org.hibernate.validator.Length annotation min and max setting does not work for EJB3 + Seam Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-74 Embedded Value Objects can ' t be instanciated by hibernate Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-72 ignored < < Identifier > > association ends Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-71 Composite < < Identifier > > and Value Object Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-70 @In annotation should be used for injection instead of @EJB annotation for Seam components Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-68 EJB3 foreignKeySuffix namespace value not being applied Resolved Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-63 New, more fixed uml2 andromda-profile-seam-1.1-SNAPSHOT.xml.zip Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-61 AndroMDApp generated EJB3+Seam project incorrectly puts uml14 in dependencies when you have asked for uml2 Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-60 Fixed andromda-profile-seam-1.1-SNAPSHOT.xml.zip Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-59 Generated SQL tablename longer then specified length > 30 Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-57 UML {ordered} produces invalid code Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-55 EJB3 Cartridge: version attribute should move to the getter method Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-52 uml 2.0 profile for seam Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-51 org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN support Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-49 andromda-ejb3-cartridge source seems to be missing from the source download Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-47 Patch for Seam support Resolved Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-46 < < Timeout > > methods are not generated correctly Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-45 < < Manageable > > stereotype causes compilation failure - MD11.5/UML2 & EJB3 Cartridge Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-44 Controller implementation tries to call service class (not service bean). I am using the ejb3 and jsf cartridges. Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-42 Bean managed transactions doesn ' t work Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-38 Query with enum type fails Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-37 EJB3 ServiceDelegate.vsl: Compiler fails with " unreachable statement " Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-36 EJB3 - Entities used in SortedSet must implement Comparable interface Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-33 EJB3 Two EmbeddedValue of the same type in an Entity are sharing the same column(s) Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-32 EJB3: EmbeddedValue: Generate Associations Reopened Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-31 EJB3: Attribute Annotation in EmbeddeValue Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-29 EJB3: EmbeddedValue is abstract and cannot be persisted Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-28 EJB3 : Adding < jar-file > element to persistence xml Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-24 Fix needed to SessionRemote.vsl Closed Fixed Steve Jerman
EJB-23 EnvEntry does not work properly Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
EJB-16 transaction type attribute should be refactorized Open Unresolved Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-15 Building car rental sample gives compilation error Open Unresolved Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-14 Small error in the template for creation of environment entries Open Unresolved Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-13 [Stateful session bean ] bean interface and bean implementation class does not match Open Unresolved Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-12 Field of stateful session beans are not created Open Unresolved Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-11 websphere support Open Unresolved Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-10 @andromda.persistence.column.weblogicDataType is a strange tagged value Open Unresolved Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-9 EntityRef and ServiceRef stereotypes not documented Open Unresolved Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-8 [EJBMetafacadeUtils ] getInheritedInstanceAttributes: always returns empty list Closed Fixed Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-7 [EJBMetafacadeUtils ] getCreateMethod: inheritance bug Closed Fixed Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-6 Entity Inheritance Broken Closed Fixed Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-5 Documentation missing a lot of stuff Open Unresolved Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-4 one2one CMRs should be modelled though aggregation Closed Fixed Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-3 Isomorphic Value Objects should not be modeled Open Unresolved Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-2 [EntityBeans ] generated ejbCreateImpl() method contains error Closed Fixed Sascha-Matthias Kulawik
EJB-102 Properly handle models without entities Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-98 Upgrade TestNG and Surefire plugin Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-96 components.xml generated at the wrong place by Seam cartridge Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-93 @andromda.seam.component.role.* tagged value doesn ' t work Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-92 Use Richfaces components instead of Apache Myfaces components Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-90 Locale management with Seam cartridge Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-88 Various improvements and bug fixes Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-86 Add properties in Seam namespace for Ajax4JSF Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-80 Generate DB Schema Creation File with EJB Cartridge Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-73 booking-seam example UML model does not open properly in newer environments Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-69 Improved JoinTable annotation for OneToMany associations in EJB3 cartridge Resolved Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-67 Improved JoinColumn name for OneToOne and ManyToOne assocation annotations in EJB3 cartridge Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-66 Model validation errors with EJB3 cartridge Closed Won ' t Fix Vance Karimi
EJB-62 Seam Cartridge Doesn ' t Build Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-58 Patch adding readById method to support JSF2 crud Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-56 Multiplicity is ignored during code generation of Enumeration type entity attributes Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-50 hibernate uuid extension Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-43 ejb3: default cascadation setup for entity associations Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-40 Map associations are not generated correctly and list index imporvement Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-39 Generate serialVersionUID to DaoException classes Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-27 EJB3 SessionBeanDelegate and local vs remote view types Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-26 EJB3: Adding equals, hashcode and toString implementation to entities Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-25 EJB3: ManyToMany Association generates JoinTable with identical colum names Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-21 Quick fix to add Composite Id generation in entity beans Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
EJB-20 ValueRef description does not make sense Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
EJB-19 IllegalStateException : Relation ' decisionItem2yesSuccessor ' has the abstract target ' DecisionItem ' . Abstract targets are not allowed in EJB Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
EJB-1 SessionBeanImpl.vsl return type for getters with primitive types Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
EJB-95 Define new property entityGenerateImplementationClasses Open Unresolved Vance Karimi
EJB-41 Removed compiler warnings and usage of deprecated methods Closed Fixed Vance Karimi
EJB-35 Finder methods, named queries and relations Open Unresolved Vance Karimi