Jira Report

JAVA-35 Using primitive types " short " or " byte " as enumeration value types causes compile errors Closed Fixed Jens Vagts
JAVA-13 Enumeration equals() has compile error Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
JAVA-37 Wrong java comment type in velocity template Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-10 strage EnumerationTest in Enumeration #compareTo Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
JAVA-36 compile error with Enumeration (TimeTracker tutorial) Resolved Not an issue Thorsten Pohl
JAVA-34 Invalid code generated for enumeration literals Resolved Fixed Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-30 serializable enums/singletons should implement readResolve Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
JAVA-29 Incorrect super-class constructor calls in ValueObjects hierarchies of greater 1 with optional associations Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
JAVA-28 Missing default constructor for child value object Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
JAVA-27 Support for generics (enableTemplating) in Enumeration Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
JAVA-25 Add support for modelling interfaces Open Unresolved Peter Friese
JAVA-24 Inheritance in value objects causes wrong code for constructors of child classes Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-23 Attributes in Interfaces Resolved Fixed Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-21 EJB dependency Closed Not an issue Chad Brandon
JAVA-20 modeling exceptions without generating classes Closed Not an issue Wouter Zoons
JAVA-19 Double constructor if only property is self reference in ValueObject Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
JAVA-17 Enumeration method from* should return static final object instance Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
JAVA-12 Variability of member variables is not taken into account Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-9 Provide java interface generation Resolved Fixed Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-8 < < Enumeration > > class with int attributes results in syntax errors Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
JAVA-6 Generate generic Java code Resolved Not an issue Wouter Zoons
JAVA-5 Calculated fields Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-4 Sort Collection Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-2 Support for j2me Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-1 move serializable into a namespace property Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
JAVA-31 Added a toString method to the ValueObject template Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-22 Static methods Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-16 generated application exceptions should have getter s/setters for its attributes generated Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-15 Initial values for attributes are not generated Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-14 Generated enumeration classes must specify sizes of internal collections Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
JAVA-3 generation of toString() method Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-33 Line comments for literals in TypeSafeEnumeration Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-32 Generated exceptions ignore uml abstract flag Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-26 Enumeration.vsl toString() returns index as String representation Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen
JAVA-11 serialVersionUID for serializable classes Open Unresolved Matthias Bohlen