Jira Report

WS-17 Array of Array generate duplicate type definition in WSDL ! Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
WS-13 Xfire services.xml is generated in the wrong folder for a war file Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
WS-10 Spurious Model Validation Error on service method with parameter of type collection Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
WS-15 Types hierarchies aren ' t handled correctly inside the wsdl. Resolved Fixed Chad Brandon
WS-14 WebService + XFire + Spring 2.x fails, because of changed namespace handling in services.xml Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
WS-9 Inheritance of ValueObjects is not supported Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
WS-5 Cannot create entity level WebServices Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
WS-4 BeanJndiUrl is wrong for EJB Cartridge Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
WS-3 New stereotype for XSD attribute type Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
WS-2 Resin Namespace or sth. like that Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
WS-1 Support RPC-Style WSDL generation Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
WS-16 Operation documentation on wrapped-wsdl.vsl should be placed inside CDATA Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
WS-12 andromda.xml webservice namespace(ejbInterfacePattern,ejbHomeInterfacePattern) Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
WS-11 Criteria objects should be serialized Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
WS-8 < < ApplicationExceptions > > should lead to SOAP Faults Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
WS-7 element name set to [type ] rather than item in ArrayOf[Type ] WSDL objects Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
WS-6 parametrize authentication method in web.xml Open Unresolved Chad Brandon