AndroMDA EMF UML2 Metafacades Namespace Components

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AndroMDA EMF UML2 Metafacades Namespace Properties

Certain namespace properties (the ones listed below) are used to provide masking of names. For example a name such as "Hospital Visit" given to an enumeration literal could be transformed into 'HOSPITAL_VISIT' during model processing by applying the 'upperunderscore' mask to it. When applicable, the following masks are available:
  • uppercase - upper cases the name (i.e. "Hospital Visit" would become HOSPITAL VISIT)
  • lowercase - lower cases the name (i.e. "Hospital Visit" would become hospital visit)
  • upperunderscore - upper cases the name and replaces all non-word characters with an underscore (i.e. "Hospital Visit" would become HOSPITAL_VISIT)
  • lowerunderscore - lower cases the name and replaces all non-word characters with an underscore (i.e. "Hospital Visit" would become hospital_visit)
  • underscore - replaces all non-word characters with an underscore (i.e. "Hospital Visit" would become Hospital_Visit)
  • nospace - removes all spaces (i.e. "Hospital Visit" would become HospitalVisit)
  • uppercamelcase - camel cases the word beginning with an upper cased letter (i.e. "Hospital Visit" would become HospitalVisit)
  • lowercamelcase - camel cases the word beginning with a lower cased letter (i.e. "Hospital Visit" would become hospitalVisit
  • none - no mask is applied

classifierNameMask (Back to Masking)
Optional property
Default value: none
Provides the ability to apply a mask to all classifier names.
operationNameMask (Back to Masking)
Optional property
Default value: none
Provides the ability to apply a mask to all operation names.
classifierPropertyNameMask (Back to Masking)
Optional property
Default value: none
Provides the ability to apply a mask to all classifier property names.
roleNameMask (Back to Masking)
Optional property
Default value: none
Provides the ability to apply a mask to role names (roles are actors).
enumerationNameMask (Back to Masking)
Optional property
Default value: none
Provides the ability to apply a mask to enumeration names.
entityNameMask (Back to Masking)
Optional property
Default value: none
Provides the ability to apply a mask to entity names
entityPropertyNameMask (Back to Masking)
Optional property
Default value: none
Provides the ability to apply a mask to entity property names.
parameterNameMask (Back to Masking)
Optional property
Default value: none
Provides the ability to apply a mask to all parameter names.
enumerationLiteralNameMask (Back to Masking)
Optional property
Default value: none
Provides the ability to apply a mask to all enumeration literal names.
languageMappingsUri (Back to Other)
Required property
No default value available
URI specifying the specific mappings from model types to language types. (i.e. file:${basedir}/JavaMappings.xml)
wrapperMappingsUri (Back to Other)
Required property
No default value available
URI specifying primitive type to wrapper types (i.e. int -> java.lang.Integer) (i.e. file:${basedir}/JavaWrapperMappings.xml)
pluralizeAssociationEndNames (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
Turns on/off the pluralization of association ends with multiplicities greater than one. You'll want to turn off this feature if your model is in a language other than english.
namespaceSeparator (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: .
Used to separate namespaces within the generated code. For example setting this to '.' causes fully qualified names to be defined as ''.
undefinedName (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: undefined
When a model element name is unspecified this is the name used (instead of null).
enableTemplating (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
Determines whether or not to enable templating, enabling this feature will produce fully qualified names with their template parameters. Also, class names that are implicitly templates will also have them present (eg. Person:addresses : datatype::List<Address> for class associations). Set this property to true if you want to enable this feature.
arrayNameSuffix (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: []
The suffix given to array names.
useArraysForMultiplicitiesOfTypeMany (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
Whether or not array types should denote multiplicities greater than one for associations between objects where appropriate (i.e. value objects when exposed as webservices).
maxSqlNameLength (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: 30
The maximum length that a SQL name (such as a column name or table name) may be. This is useful for databases that have a limit on the lengh that a name used in DDL may be (like Oracle). If you set this to 30 for example, then all names will be truncated after 30 characters when retrieveing the column name or table name.
schemaName (Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The name of the default schema in which all persistent entity tables are stored.
tableNamePrefix (Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The prefix to give all persistent entity table names. For example if you had an entity named 'Car' and you defined the tableNamePrefix as 'My_', then the table name for the 'Car' entity would be 'My_Car'.
columnNamePrefix (Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The prefix to give all persistent entity table column names. For example if you had an column named 'Name' and you defined the columnNamePrefix as 'My_', then the column name would be 'My_Name'.
foreignKeySuffix (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: _FK
The suffix to use when creating foreign keys for entity associations.
constraintSuffix (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: C
The suffix to use when creating constraints such as for entity associations. This is appended to the foreignKeySuffix suffix for foreign key constraint names.
enableManageableEntities (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
Whether or not to enable <<Manageable>> entities. Sometimes it is interesting to disable the related code generating for a specific cartridge; let's say for example that you only want to have the back-end code generated, not the front-end code: in this case you'ld simple set this property to false in the corresponding cartridge's (i.e. bpm4struts) namespace.
manageablePackageSuffix (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: crud
The name of the subpackage that will be used for the generation of <<Manageable>> entities.
sqlNameSeparator (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: _
Definies what is used for seperating words when SQL names are constructed, for example a model element named CompanyAddress would be translated to COMPANY_ADDRESS if the value of sqlNameSeparator was '_'.
enableMetafacadePropertyCaching (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
Used for performance reasons, caching a metafacade's properties significantly speeds up the code generation process. Can be disabled when debugging. This feature can be set on a per cartridge basis.
defaultMultiplicity (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: 1
The default multiplicity to use when nothing is defined, the possible values are 0 or 1.
preconditionNamePattern (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Precondition
The pattern used for constructing an operation's precondition name.
postconditionNamePattern (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Postcondition
The pattern used to constructing an operation's postcondition name.
sqlMappingsUri (Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The URI to the the SQL mappings file.
jdbcMappingsUri (Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The URI to the the JDBC mappings file.
manageableServiceAccessorPattern (Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The pattern used for constructing the accessor's for manageable services. Used with CRUD.
servicePackageNamePattern (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}
The name of the package in which to create the service files, {0} can be used to denote the package in which the service has been modeled.
allowDefaultIdentifiers (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
Specifies whether or not default identifiers should be created for entities that do not have them modeled.
defaultIdentifierPattern (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: id
The pattern used to construct the default identifier name of an entity, where {0} represents the name of the entity as lower camel case (i.e. if defaultIdentifierPattern had a value of {0}Id, then the resulting identifier of a an Entity named PersonName would be personNameId).
defaultIdentifierType (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: datatype::Long
The type to give default identifiers.
defaultIdentifierVisibility (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: public
The visibility to give default identifiers.
defaultEnumerationLiteralType (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: datatype::String
The type to give default enumeration literals.
relationNameSeparator (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: 2
The separator used for constructing a relation name between two associations.
manageableIdDisplayStrategy (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: auto
No documentation available
defaultResolveable (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
No documentation available
defaultPageSize (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: 20
No documentation available
defaultMaximumListSize (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: 250
No documentation available
toDoTag (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: @todo
The tag to use that prefixes all comments in generated source code that requires manual modifications. Eclipse users may want to set this to "TODO", which is the default Eclipse task tag.
typeSafeEnumsEnabled (Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
Indicates whether enumerations must be generated using a Java 5 type-safe enum or a traditional enumeration-pattern class. Note that there are 2 prerequisites for this property to work correctly: you must use a Java 5 compiler and you must use Hibernate 3 for Object-relational mapping.