AndroMDA UML Common Metafacades Profile

This profile contains all elements that can be applied on the model used as the MDA transformation process. These elements are specific to the AndroMDA UML Common Metafacades component.

Criteria (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
Specifies this class's attributes are to be used in criteria queries.
Entity (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
Denotes this class is to be treated as a persistable entity.
Service (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
Denotes this class represents a service that is implemented using the facade pattern.
FinderMethod (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Entity operation
Denotes this operation to perform a query on the underlying collection of entities, rather than execute business logic.
Identifier (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Entity attribute
Explicitely specifies this attribute to make up the entity's identifier (primary key)
Unique (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Entity attribute
Denotes an attribute to be unique among all possible instances of the underlying entity.
ValueObject (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
Denotes a class to be a simple class that is only holding values and providing accessors to them.
Exception (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
This class will instruct the generation of an exception class.
ApplicationException (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
This class will instruct the generation of a checked exception class.
UnexpectedException (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
This class will instruct the generation of an unchecked exception class.
Enumeration (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
This class will instruct the generation of a type-safe enumeration class.
WebService (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
Denotes a class to represent a collection of web service operations, similar behavior as a normal Service.
WebServiceOperation (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: WebService operation
Denotes an operation to be exposed as a web service.
Nullable (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Service operation parameter
Indicates a service operation argument may be left unspecified (eg. Java null).
Transient (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Attribute or AssociationEnd
Indicates the attribute or association end should not be persisted/serialized.
Manageable (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
Only makes sense when there already is an Entity stereotype. Add this one to manage this entity through all 3 tiers.
EmbeddedValue (Back to Stereotypes)
No documentation available
FrontEndException (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Transition
Modeled on a transition within a front-end process, it designates an exception occuring while processing an action.
FrontEndView (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: action state
This stereotype is modeled on an action state to denote it is representing a view on a front end (such as a JSP page).
FrontEndUseCase (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: use-case
A use-case that participates in the front-end (or presentation-tier) processes.
FrontEndApplication (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: use-case
The use-case flagged with this stereotype will be the application's starting point, you can only use this stereotype in combination with the <<FrontEndUseCase>> stereotype.
Queue (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Node
The node flagged with this stereotype represents a Queue message destination (i.e. JMS, etc).
Topic (Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Node
The node flagged with this stereotype represents a Topic message destination (i.e. JMS, etc).
documentation (Back to Tagged Values)
No documentation available
hyperlinkModel (Back to Tagged Values)
Represents a hyperlink within a model
hyperlinkTextActive (Back to Tagged Values)
Represents an external hyperlink (i.e. to an external website for example).
@andromda.persistence.schema (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Any <<Entity>> stereotyped class
The name of the persistence schema that contains the table.
Allowed values for this element:
  • A string representing the name of the database schema where the entity will be persisted
@andromda.persistence.table (Back to Tagged Values)
The name of the table corresponding to this entity in the persistent store.
@andromda.persistence.column (Back to Tagged Values)
The name of the column corresponding to this property in the persistent store.
@andromda.persistence.column.uniqueGroup (Back to Tagged Values)
The name of the unique constrain group that this unique attribute belongs
@andromda.persistence.foreignkey.constraint (Back to Tagged Values)
The name of the foreign key corresponding to this relation in the persistent store.
@andromda.persistence.immutable (Back to Tagged Values)
Denotes this entity's property can only be set at construction time.
@andromda.persistence.enumeration.member.variable (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Enumeration Attribute
Specifies whether the enumeration attribue is defined as a member variable rather than a literal. This should only be set if the attribute is NOT a literal.
Allowed values for this element:
  • true
  • false
@andromda.persistence.enumeration.literal.parameters (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Enumeration Literal
Specifies the enumeration literal parameters which are passed to the appropriate constructor when created. The parameters are comma separated.
@andromda.persistence.associationEnd.primary (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: AssociationEnd
Indicates whether or not the association end is considered "primary" used for things like indicating which side of a one-to-one association should get the foreign key.
@andromda.presentation.controller.usecase (Back to Tagged Values)
The value should correspond to the use-case holding the activity graph which has this controller as its context. This is used when deferring operations to the controller. Please note that if your CASE tool supports setting the context of an activity graph you will not need to explicitely set this tagged value. This feature has been provided to support tool such as Poseidon that have only limited UML support. If you are a MagicDraw user you will not need to use this tagged value, instead assign the controller by right clicking on it and selecting "Assign...".
@andromda.presentation.usecase.activity (Back to Tagged Values)
For tools that do not allow the placement of activity graphs inside of a use-case you can use this tagged value to point to an activity graph, this will link them and denotes that the graphs specifies this use-case.
@andromda.presentation.view.table.columns (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: A collection type parameter going into an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
The collection will be displayed in scrollable tabular format. Each column in this table will be mapped to a property of the object type contained in the collection. So you will need to make sure all objects have accessor methods for the property you list in this tagged value. Properties are separated using a comma ','. More than one value maybe be assigned to this tag, all properties will correctly be resolved.
Allowed values for this element:
  • Comma-separated list of column names
@andromda.presentation.view.table (Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: A collection type parameter going into an action state carrying the <<FrontEndView>> stereotype
A flag indicating whether or not a parameter should be considered a table. This must be set to true when you wish to display a list of simple types (such as strings) within a table.
Allowed values for this element:
  • true
  • false (default)
datatype::Object (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::Collection (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::List (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::Set (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::Date (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::Time (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::DateTime (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::boolean (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::File (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::Blob (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::Clob (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::Map (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::String (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available
datatype::void (Back to Data Types)
No documentation available