JavaNCSS Metric Results

The following document contains the results of a JavaNCSS metric analysis, using JavaNCSS version 32.53.
JavaNCSS web site.


Module Packages Classes total Methods total NCSS total Javadocs Javadoc lines Single lines comment Multi lines comment
andromda-core 16 135 916 5732 1011 6572 388 529
andromda-utils 4 23 101 950 116 801 112 96
andromda-templateengine-velocity 1 1 12 140 13 77 17 25
andromda-templateengine-freemarker 1 2 10 71 11 50 8 6
andromda-repository-mdr 1 3 30 328 32 200 21 16
andromda-ocl-translation-core 3 14 76 560 90 582 28 46
andromda-configuration-mojo 1 3 18 133 20 126 9 14
andromda-bootstrap-plugin 1 4 28 243 31 281 2 3
andromda-bootstrap-install-plugin 1 2 5 117 5 66 1 15
andromda-metafacades-uml 1 13 61 1176 64 540 145 660
andromda-ocl-validation-library 1 8 269 1131 264 1211 48 37
andromda-metafacades-uml14 1 157 874 5212 865 3257 233 158
andromda-repository-emf 1 3 14 187 17 104 19 15
andromda-metafacades-emf-uml22 1 177 1956 8138 1966 7220 568 715
andromda-repository-emf-uml22 1 2 9 215 11 60 84 24
andromda-andromdapp-core 1 9 96 661 105 623 33 117
andromda-ant 1 1 1 8 2 7 0 0
andromda-ant-task 1 3 11 116 14 115 19 12
andromda-maven-plugin 1 6 22 257 26 201 14 10
andromdapp-maven-plugin 5 30 121 1608 146 1182 55 77
andromdanetapp-maven-plugin 1 1 1 22 2 11 0 4
andromda-cartridge-plugin 1 7 41 471 45 365 24 17
andromda-ocl-translation-testsuite 1 13 72 574 79 455 35 24
andromda-translation-library-plugin 1 3 17 154 19 166 2 3
Totals 48 620 4761 28204 4954 24272 1865 2623