About AndroMDA OCL Translation Libraries

AndroMDA (pronounced: andromeda) is an open source code generation framework that follows the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) paradigm. It takes model(s) from UML tool(s) and generates fully deployable applications and other components.

Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
AndroMDA OCL Translation Core The AndroMDA OCL translation engine, providing the OCL translation support.
AndroMDA OCL Translation-Library Test Suite AndroMDA (pronounced: andromeda) is an open source code generation framework that follows the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) paradigm. It takes model(s) from UML tool(s) and generates fully deployable applications and other components.
AndroMDA OCL Query Translation-Library Performs translation of OCL query expressions to different query languages, currently supports Enterprise Java Bean Query Language and Hibernate Query Language.
AndroMDA OCL Validation Translation-Library Translates OCL into validation code for any platform.