HTTP API Reference
/ |
/_active_tasks |
/_all_dbs |
/_cluster_setup |
/_db_updates |
/_membership |
/_node/{node-name}/_config |
/_node/{node-name}/_config/{section} |
/_node/{node-name}/_config/{section}/{key} |
/_replicate |
/_restart |
/_scheduler/docs |
/_scheduler/docs/{replicator_db} |
/_scheduler/docs/{replicator_db}/{docid} |
/_scheduler/jobs |
/_session |
/_stats |
/_utils |
/_utils/ |
/_uuids |
/favicon.ico |
/{db} |
/{db}/_all_docs |
/{db}/_bulk_docs |
/{db}/_changes |
/{db}/_compact |
/{db}/_compact/{ddoc} |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc} |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_info |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_list/{func}/{other-ddoc}/{view} |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_list/{func}/{view} |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_rewrite/{path} |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_show/{func} |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_show/{func}/{docid} |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_update/{func} |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_update/{func}/{docid} |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_view/{view} |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/{attname} |
/{db}/_ensure_full_commit |
/{db}/_explain |
/{db}/_find |
/{db}/_index |
/{db}/_index/{designdoc}/json/{name} |
/{db}/_local/{docid} |
/{db}/_missing_revs |
/{db}/_purge |
/{db}/_revs_diff |
/{db}/_revs_limit |
/{db}/_security |
/{db}/_view_cleanup |
/{db}/{docid} |
/ | ||
GET / | Returns the welcome message and version information | |
/_active_tasks | ||
GET /_active_tasks | Obtains a list of the tasks running in the server | |
/_all_dbs | ||
GET /_all_dbs | Returns a list of all the databases | |
/_cluster_setup | ||
GET /_cluster_setup | Return the status of the cluster setup wizard | |
POST /_cluster_setup | Sets up a node as a single node or as part of a cluster. | |
/_db_updates | ||
GET /_db_updates | Return the server changes of databases | |
/_membership | ||
GET /_membership | Returns a list of nodes | |
/_node/{node-name}/_config | ||
GET /_node/{node-name}/_config | Obtains a list of the entire server configuration | |
/_node/{node-name}/_config/{section} | ||
GET /_node/{node-name}/_config/{section} | Returns all the configuration values for the specified section | |
/_node/{node-name}/_config/{section}/{key} | ||
GET /_node/{node-name}/_config/{section}/{key} | Returns a specific section/configuration value | |
PUT /_node/{node-name}/_config/{section}/{key} | Sets the specified configuration value | |
DELETE /_node/{node-name}/_config/{section}/{key} | Removes the current setting | |
/_replicate | ||
POST /_replicate | Starts or cancels the replication | |
/_restart | ||
POST /_restart | Restarts the server | |
/_scheduler/docs | ||
GET /_scheduler/docs | Retrieve information about replication documents from the ``_replicator`` database. | |
/_scheduler/docs/{replicator_db} | ||
GET /_scheduler/docs/{replicator_db} | Retrieve information about replication documents from a specific replicator database. | |
/_scheduler/docs/{replicator_db}/{docid} | ||
GET /_scheduler/docs/{replicator_db}/{docid} | Retrieve information about a particular replication document | |
/_scheduler/jobs | ||
GET /_scheduler/jobs | Retrieve information about replication jobs | |
/_session | ||
GET /_session | Returns Cookie-based login user information | |
POST /_session | Authenticates user by Cookie-based user login | |
DELETE /_session | Logout Cookie-based user | |
/_stats | ||
GET /_stats | Returns server statistics | |
/_utils | ||
GET /_utils | Redirects to /_utils/ | |
/_utils/ | ||
GET /_utils/ | CouchDB administration interface (Fauxton) | |
/_uuids | ||
GET /_uuids | Generates a list of UUIDs from the server | |
/favicon.ico | ||
GET /favicon.ico | Returns the site icon | |
/{db} | ||
HEAD /{db} | Checks the database existence | |
GET /{db} | Returns the database information | |
POST /{db} | Creates a new document with generated ID if _id is not specified | |
PUT /{db} | Creates a new database | |
DELETE /{db} | Deletes an existing database | |
/{db}/_all_docs | ||
GET /{db}/_all_docs | Returns a built-in view of all documents in this database | |
POST /{db}/_all_docs | Returns certain rows from the built-in view of all documents | |
/{db}/_bulk_docs | ||
POST /{db}/_bulk_docs | Inserts or updates multiple documents in to the database in a single request | |
/{db}/_changes | ||
GET /{db}/_changes | Returns changes for the given database | |
POST /{db}/_changes | Returns changes for the given database for certain document IDs | |
/{db}/_compact | ||
POST /{db}/_compact | Starts a compaction for the database | |
/{db}/_compact/{ddoc} | ||
POST /{db}/_compact/{ddoc} | Starts a compaction for all the views in the selected design document | |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc} | ||
HEAD /{db}/_design/{ddoc} | Returns bare information in the HTTP Headers for the design document | |
GET /{db}/_design/{ddoc} | Returns the design document | |
PUT /{db}/_design/{ddoc} | Creates a new design document or new version of an existing one | |
DELETE /{db}/_design/{ddoc} | Deletes the design document | |
COPY /{db}/_design/{ddoc} | Copies the design document | |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_info | ||
GET /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_info | Returns view index information for the specified design document | |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_list/{func}/{other-ddoc}/{view} | ||
GET /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_list/{func}/{other-ddoc}/{view} | Executes a list function against the view from other design document | |
POST /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_list/{func}/{other-ddoc}/{view} | Same as GET method for the related endpoint | |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_list/{func}/{view} | ||
GET /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_list/{func}/{view} | Executes a list function against the view from the same design document | |
POST /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_list/{func}/{view} | Same as GET method for the related endpoint | |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_rewrite/{path} | ||
ANY /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_rewrite/{path} | Rewrites HTTP request for the specified path by using stored array of routing rules or JavaScript function | |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_show/{func} | ||
GET /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_show/{func} | Executes a show function against null document | |
POST /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_show/{func} | Same as GET method for the related endpoint | |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_show/{func}/{docid} | ||
GET /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_show/{func}/{docid} | Executes a show function against the specified document | |
POST /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_show/{func}/{docid} | Same as GET method for the related endpoint | |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_update/{func} | ||
POST /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_update/{func} | Executes an update function against the null document | |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_update/{func}/{docid} | ||
PUT /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_update/{func}/{docid} | Executes an update function against the specified document | |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_view/{view} | ||
GET /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_view/{view} | Returns results for the specified stored view | |
POST /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_view/{view} | Returns results for the specified queries | |
/{db}/_design/{ddoc}/{attname} | ||
HEAD /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/{attname} | Returns bare information in the HTTP Headers for the attachment | |
GET /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/{attname} | Gets the attachment of a design document | |
PUT /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/{attname} | Adds an attachment of a design document | |
DELETE /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/{attname} | Deletes an attachment of a design document | |
/{db}/_ensure_full_commit | ||
POST /{db}/_ensure_full_commit | Makes sure all uncommitted changes are written and synchronized to the disk | |
/{db}/_explain | ||
POST /{db}/_explain | Identify which index is being used by a particular query. | |
/{db}/_find | ||
POST /{db}/_find | Find documents within a given database | |
/{db}/_index | ||
GET /{db}/_index | List all indexes. | |
POST /{db}/_index | Create a new index. | |
/{db}/_index/{designdoc}/json/{name} | ||
DELETE /{db}/_index/{designdoc}/json/{name} | Delete an index | |
/{db}/_local/{docid} | ||
GET /{db}/_local/{docid} | Returns the latest revision of the local document | |
PUT /{db}/_local/{docid} | Inserts a new version of the local document | |
DELETE /{db}/_local/{docid} | Deletes the local document | |
COPY /{db}/_local/{docid} | Copies the local document within the same database | |
/{db}/_missing_revs | ||
POST /{db}/_missing_revs | By given list of document revisions returns the document revisions that do not exist in the database | |
/{db}/_purge | ||
POST /{db}/_purge | Purges some historical documents entirely from database history | |
/{db}/_revs_diff | ||
POST /{db}/_revs_diff | By given list of document revisions returns differences between the given revisions and ones that are in the database | |
/{db}/_revs_limit | ||
GET /{db}/_revs_limit | Returns the limit of historical revisions to store for a single document in the database | |
PUT /{db}/_revs_limit | Sets the limit of historical revisions to store for a single document in the database | |
/{db}/_security | ||
GET /{db}/_security | Returns the special security object for the database | |
PUT /{db}/_security | Sets the special security object for the database | |
/{db}/_view_cleanup | ||
POST /{db}/_view_cleanup | Removes view files that are not used by any design document | |
/{db}/{docid} | ||
HEAD /{db}/{docid} | Returns bare information in the HTTP Headers for the document | |
GET /{db}/{docid} | Returns the document | |
PUT /{db}/{docid} | Creates a new document or new version of an existing document | |
DELETE /{db}/{docid} | Deletes the document | |
COPY /{db}/{docid} | Copies the document within the same database | |
/{db}/{docid}/{attname} | ||
HEAD /{db}/{docid}/{attname} | Returns bare information in the HTTP Headers for the attachment | |
GET /{db}/{docid}/{attname} | Gets the attachment of a document | |
PUT /{db}/{docid}/{attname} | Adds an attachment of a document | |
DELETE /{db}/{docid}/{attname} | Deletes an attachment of a document |