Adding a SOAP 1.2 Binding
Using wsdltosoap
To generate a SOAP 1.2 binding using wsdltosoap use the following command:
The command has the following options:
Option |
Interpretation |
-? |
Displays the online help for this utility. |
-help |
-h |
-iport-type-name |
Specifies the portType element for which a binding should be generated. |
-bbinding-name |
Specifies the name of the generated SOAP binding. |
-soap12 |
Specifies that the generated binding will use SOAP 1.2. |
-doutput-directory |
Specifies the directory to place generated WSDL file. |
-ooutput-file |
Specifies the name of the generated WSDL file. |
-nsoap-body-namespace |
Specifies the SOAP body namespace when the style is RPC. |
-style (document/rpc) |
Specifies the encoding style (document or RPC) to use in the SOAP binding. The default is document. |
-use (literal/encoded) |
Specifies the binding use (encoded or literal) to use in the SOAP binding. The default is literal. |
-v |
Displays the version number for the tool. |
-verbose |
Displays comments during the code generation process. |
-quiet |
Suppresses comments during the code generation process. |
wsdlurl |
The path and name of the WSDL file containing the portType element definition. |
The -i port-type-name and wsdlurl arguments are required. If the -style rpc argument is specified, the -n soap-body-namspace argument is also required. All other arguments are optional and may be listed in any order.
 | wsdltosoap does not support the generation of document/encoded SOAP bindings. |
If your system had an interface that took orders and offered a single operation to process the orders it would be defined in a WSDL fragment similar to the one shown in Ordering System Interface.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions name="widgetOrderForm.wsdl"
<message name="widgetOrder">
<part name="numOrdered" type="xsd:int"/>
<message name="widgetOrderBill">
<part name="price" type="xsd:float"/>
<message name="badSize">
<part name="numInventory" type="xsd:int"/>
<portType name="orderWidgets">
<operation name="placeWidgetOrder">
<input message="tns:widgetOrder" name="order"/>
<output message="tns:widgetOrderBill" name="bill"/>
<fault message="tns:badSize" name="sizeFault"/>
The SOAP binding generated for orderWidgets is shown in SOAP 1.2 Binding for orderWidgets.
<binding name="orderWidgetsBinding" type="tns:orderWidgets">
<wsoap12:binding style="document" transport="http:/>
<operation name="placeWidgetOrder">
<wsoap12:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
<input name="order">
<wsoap12:body use="literal"/>
<output name="bill">
<wsoap12:body use="literal"/>
<fault name="sizeFault">
<wsoap12:body use="literal"/>
This binding specifies that messages are sent using the document/literal message style.
Adding Headers to a SOAP 1.2 Message
SOAP message headers are defined by adding wsoap12:header elements to your SOAP 1.2 message. The wsoap12:header element is an optional child of the input, output, and fault elements of the binding. The header becomes part of the parent message. A header is defined by specifying a message and a message part. Each SOAP header can only contain one message part, but you can insert as many headers as needed.
The syntax for defining a SOAP header is shown in SOAP 1.2 Header Syntax.
<binding name="headwig">
<wsoap12:binding style="document" transport="http:/>
<operation name="weave">
<wsoap12:operation soapAction="" style="documment"/>
<input name="grain">
<wsoap12:body .../>
<wsoap12:header message="QName" part="partName"
namespace="namespaceURI" />
The wsoap12:header element's attributes are described below.
Attribute |
Description |
message |
A required attribute specifying the qualified name of the message from which the part being inserted into the header is taken. |
part |
A required attribute specifying the name of the message part inserted into the SOAP header. |
use |
Specifies if the message parts are to be encoded using encoding rules. If set to encoded the message parts are encoded using the encoding rules specified by the value of the encodingStyle attribute. If set to literal then the message parts are defined by the schema types referenced. |
encodingStyle |
Specifies the encoding rules used to construct the message. |
namespace |
Defines the namespace to be assigned to the header element serialized with use="encoded". |
Splitting messages between body and header
The message part inserted into the SOAP header can be any valid message part from the contract. It can even be a part from the parent message which is being used as the SOAP body. Because it is unlikely that you would want to send information twice in the same message, the SOAP 1.2 binding provides a means for specifying the message parts that are inserted into the SOAP body.
The wsoap12:body element has an optional attribute, parts, that takes a space delimited list of part names. When parts is defined, only the message parts listed are inserted into the body of the SOAP 1.2 message. You can then insert the remaining parts into the message's header.
 | When you define a SOAP header using parts of the parent message, CXF automatically fills in the SOAP headers for you. |
SOAP 1.2 Binding with a SOAP Header shows a modified version of the orderWidgets service shown in Ordering System Interface. This version has been modified so that each order has an xsd:base64binary value placed in the header of the request and response. The header is defined as being the keyVal part from the widgetKeymessage. In this case you would be responsible for adding the application logic to create the header because it is not part of the input or output message.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions name="widgetOrderForm.wsdl"
<schema targetNamespace="http:
<element name="keyElem" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>
<message name="widgetOrder">
<part name="numOrdered" type="xsd:int"/>
<message name="widgetOrderBill">
<part name="price" type="xsd:float"/>
<message name="badSize">
<part name="numInventory" type="xsd:int"/>
<message name="widgetKey">
<part name="keyVal" element="xsd1:keyElem"/>
<portType name="orderWidgets">
<operation name="placeWidgetOrder">
<input message="tns:widgetOrder" name="order"/>
<output message="tns:widgetOrderBill" name="bill"/>
<fault message="tns:badSize" name="sizeFault"/>
<binding name="orderWidgetsBinding" type="tns:orderWidgets">
<wsoap12:binding style="document" transport="http:/>
<operation name="placeWidgetOrder">
<wsoap12:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
<input name="order">
<wsoap12:body use="literal"/>
<wsoap12:header message="tns:widgetKey" part="keyVal"/>
<output name="bill">
<wsoap12:body use="literal"/>
<wsoap12:header message="tns:widgetKey" part="keyVal"/>
<fault name="sizeFault">
<wsoap12:body use="literal"/>
You could modify SOAP 1.2 Binding with a SOAP Header so that the header value was a part of the input and output messages as shown in SOAP 1.2 Binding for orderWidgets with a SOAP Header. In this case keyVal is a part of the input and output messages. In the wsoap12:body elements the parts attribute specifies that keyVal is not to be inserted into the body. However, it is inserted into the header.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions name="widgetOrderForm.wsdl"
<schema targetNamespace="http:
<element name="keyElem" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>
<message name="widgetOrder">
<part name="numOrdered" type="xsd:int"/>
<part name="keyVal" element="xsd1:keyElem"/>
<message name="widgetOrderBill">
<part name="price" type="xsd:float"/>
<part name="keyVal" element="xsd1:keyElem"/>
<message name="badSize">
<part name="numInventory" type="xsd:int"/>
<portType name="orderWidgets">
<operation name="placeWidgetOrder">
<input message="tns:widgetOrder" name="order"/>
<output message="tns:widgetOrderBill" name="bill"/>
<fault message="tns:badSize" name="sizeFault"/>
<binding name="orderWidgetsBinding" type="tns:orderWidgets">
<wsoap12:binding style="document" transport="http:/>
<operation name="placeWidgetOrder">
<wsoap12:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
<input name="order">
<wsoap12:body use="literal" parts="numOrdered"/>
<wsoap12:header message="tns:widgetOrder" part="keyVal"/>
<output name="bill">
<wsoap12:body use="literal" parts="bill"/>
<wsoap12:header message="tns:widgetOrderBill" part="keyVal"/>
<fault name="sizeFault">
<wsoap12:body use="literal"/>