In older CXF version the JMS transport is configured by defining a JMSConduit or JMSDestination. Starting with CXF 2.0.9 and 2.1.3 the JMS transport includes an easier configuration option that is more conformant to the spring dependency injection. Additionally the new configuration has much more options. For example it is not necessary anymore to use JNDI to resolve the connection factory. Instead it can be defined in the spring config.

The following example configs use the p-namespace from spring 2.5 but the old spring bean style is also possible.

Inside a features element the JMSConfigFeature can be defined.

 <jaxws:client id="CustomerService"
	endpointName="customer:CustomerServiceEndpoint" address="jms://"
		<bean xmlns=""

In the above example it references a bean "jmsConfig" where the whole configuration for the JMS transport can be done.

A jaxws Endpoint can be defined in the same way:

		<bean class="org.apache.cxf.transport.jms.JMSConfigFeature"
			p:jmsConfig-ref="jmsConfig" />

The JMSConfiguration bean needs at least a reference to a conncection factory and a target destination.

 <bean id="jmsConfig" class="org.apache.cxf.transport.jms.JMSConfiguration"

If your ConnectionFactory does not cache connections you should wrap it in a spring SingleConnectionFactory. This is necessary because the JMS Transport creates a new connection for each message and the SingleConnectionFactory is needed to cache this connection.

 <bean id="jmsConnectionFactory" class="org.springframework.jms.connection.SingleConnectionFactory">
	<property name="targetConnectionFactory">
		<bean class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory">
			<property name="brokerURL" value="tcp://localhost:61616" />

JMSConfiguration options:

Name Default
connectionFactory (mandatory field) Reference to a bean that defines a jms ConnectionFactory. Remember to wrap the connectionFactory like described above when not using a pooling ConnectionFactory
wrapInSingleConnectionFactory true Will wrap the connectionFactory with a Spring SingleConnectionFactory, which can improve the performance of the jms transport
reconnectOnException false If wrapping the connectionFactory with a Spring SingleConnectionFactory and reconnectOnException is true, will create a new connection if there is an exception thrown, otherwise will not try to reconnect if the there is an exception thrown.
JNDI name or provider specific name of a destination. Example for ActiveMQ:

destinationResolver DynamicDestinationResolver Reference to a Spring DestinationResolver. This allows to define how destination names are resolved to jms Destinations. By default a DynamicDestinationResolver is used. It resolves destinations using the jms providers features. If you reference a JndiDestinationResolver you can resolve the destination names using JNDI.
none Reference to a spring transaction manager. This allows to take part in JTA Transactions with your webservice.
taskExecutor SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor Reference to a spring TaskExecutor. This is used in listeners to decide how to handle incoming messages. Default is a spring SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor.
useJms11 > CXF 2.1.3: false true means JMS 1.1 features are used
false means only JMS 1.0.2 features are used
messageIdEnabled true  
messageTimestampEnabled true  
cacheLevel -1 Specify the level of caching that the JMS listener container is allowed to apply.
Please check out the java doc of the org.springframework.jms.listenerDefaultMessageListenerContainer for more information
pubSubNoLocal false true do not receive your own messages when using topics
receiveTimeout 0 How many milliseconds to wait for response messages. 0 means wait indefinitely
explicitQosEnabled false true means that QoS parameters are set for each message.
deliveryMode 1 NON_PERSISTENT = 1 messages will only be kept in memory

PERSISTENT = 2    messages will be persisted to disk
priority 4
Priority for the messages. See your JMS provider doc for details
timeToLive 0 After this time the message will be discarded by the jms provider
sessionTransacted false true means JMS transactions are used
concurrentConsumers 1 minimum number of concurrent consumers for listener
maxConcurrentConsumers 1 maximum number of concurrent consumers for listener
maxConcurrentTasks 10 Maximum number of threads that handle the received requests (available from cxf 2.1.4 upwards)

jms selector to filter incoming messages (allows to share a queue)

false means use queues
true means use topics