It is very likely that you will not want to have the Geronimo server process under the super user root. The following are a serie of simple steps for changing the ownership and permission for the required files in order to run Geronimo with a different user.
The following taks should be performed while logged as root or a user with enough access rights.
- create a new user (i.e. gmo) and add it to a specific user group. You could use the predefined www user group for instance.
- edited the .bashrc for the user you just created and add the PATH and JAVA_HOME variables:
export PATH
export JAVA_HOME
- change the user group to all the subdirs in <geronimo_home>
chown -R root:www <geronimo_home>
- create a deploy directory within the <geronimo_home> directory structure.
- change the access permissions to the following directories
chmod -R 774 <geronimo_home>/bin
chmod -R 774 <geronimo_home>/config-store
chmod -R 774 <geronimo_home>/deploy
chmod -R 774 <geronimo_home>/repository
chmod -R 774 <geronimo_home>/var
- login as the new user (i.e. gmo)
- cd <geronimo_home>/bin
- ./ run
You are now able to run and deploy applications with a user other than root.