Class JobConf

  extended by org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
      extended by org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JobConf
extends Configuration

A map/reduce job configuration.

JobConf is the primary interface for a user to describe a map-reduce job to the Hadoop framework for execution. The framework tries to faithfully execute the job as-is described by JobConf, however:

  1. Some configuration parameters might have been marked as final by administrators and hence cannot be altered.
  2. While some job parameters are straight-forward to set (e.g. setNumReduceTasks(int)), some parameters interact subtly rest of the framework and/or job-configuration and is relatively more complex for the user to control finely (e.g. setNumMapTasks(int)).

JobConf typically specifies the Mapper, combiner (if any), Partitioner, Reducer, InputFormat and OutputFormat implementations to be used etc. It also indicates the set of input files (setInputPath(Path)/addInputPath(Path)), and where the output files should be written (setOutputPath(Path)).

Optionally JobConf is used to specify other advanced facets of the job such as Comparators to be used, files to be put in the DistributedCache, whether or not intermediate and/or job outputs are to be compressed (and how), debugability via user-provided scripts ( setMapDebugScript(String)/setReduceDebugScript(String)), for doing post-processing on task logs, task's stdout, stderr, syslog. and etc.

Here is an example on how to configure a job via JobConf:

     // Create a new JobConf
     JobConf job = new JobConf(new Configuration(), MyJob.class);
     // Specify various job-specific parameters     
     job.setInputPath(new Path("in"));
     job.setOutputPath(new Path("out"));

See Also:
JobClient, ClusterStatus, Tool, DistributedCache

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
Constructor Summary
          Construct a map/reduce job configuration.
JobConf(Class exampleClass)
          Construct a map/reduce job configuration.
JobConf(Configuration conf)
          Construct a map/reduce job configuration.
JobConf(Configuration conf, Class exampleClass)
          Construct a map/reduce job configuration.
JobConf(Path config)
          Construct a map/reduce configuration.
JobConf(String config)
          Construct a map/reduce configuration.
Method Summary
 void addInputPath(Path dir)
          Add a Path to the list of inputs for the map-reduce job.
 void deleteLocalFiles()
 void deleteLocalFiles(String subdir)
 Class<? extends Reducer> getCombinerClass()
          Get the user-defined combiner class used to combine map-outputs before being sent to the reducers.
 boolean getCompressMapOutput()
          Are the outputs of the maps be compressed?
 InputFormat getInputFormat()
          Get the InputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job, defaults to TextInputFormat if not specified explicity.
 Class getInputKeyClass()
          Deprecated. Call RecordReader.createKey().
 Path[] getInputPaths()
          Get the list of input Paths for the map-reduce job.
 Class getInputValueClass()
          Deprecated. Call RecordReader.createValue().
 String getJar()
          Get the user jar for the map-reduce job.
 String getJobEndNotificationURI()
          Get the uri to be invoked in-order to send a notification after the job has completed (success/failure).
 String getJobName()
          Get the user-specified job name.
 JobPriority getJobPriority()
          Get the JobPriority for this job.
 boolean getKeepFailedTaskFiles()
          Should the temporary files for failed tasks be kept?
 String getKeepTaskFilesPattern()
          Get the regular expression that is matched against the task names to see if we need to keep the files.
 String[] getLocalDirs()
 Path getLocalPath(String pathString)
          Constructs a local file name.
 String getMapDebugScript()
          Get the map task's debug script.
 SequenceFile.CompressionType getMapOutputCompressionType()
          Get the SequenceFile.CompressionType for the map outputs.
 Class<? extends CompressionCodec> getMapOutputCompressorClass(Class<? extends CompressionCodec> defaultValue)
          Get the CompressionCodec for compressing the map outputs.
 Class<? extends WritableComparable> getMapOutputKeyClass()
          Get the key class for the map output data.
 Class<? extends Writable> getMapOutputValueClass()
          Get the value class for the map output data.
 Class<? extends Mapper> getMapperClass()
          Get the Mapper class for the job.
 Class<? extends MapRunnable> getMapRunnerClass()
          Get the MapRunnable class for the job.
 boolean getMapSpeculativeExecution()
          Should speculative execution be used for this job for map tasks? Defaults to true.
 int getMaxMapAttempts()
          Get the configured number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a map task, as specified by the property.
 int getMaxMapTaskFailuresPercent()
          Get the maximum percentage of map tasks that can fail without the job being aborted.
 int getMaxReduceAttempts()
          Get the configured number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a reduce task, as specified by the mapred.reduce.max.attempts property.
 int getMaxReduceTaskFailuresPercent()
          Get the maximum percentage of reduce tasks that can fail without the job being aborted.
 int getMaxTaskFailuresPerTracker()
          Expert: Get the maximum no.
 int getNumMapTasks()
          Get configured the number of reduce tasks for this job.
 int getNumReduceTasks()
          Get configured the number of reduce tasks for this job.
 OutputFormat getOutputFormat()
          Get the OutputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job, defaults to TextOutputFormat if not specified explicity.
 Class<? extends WritableComparable> getOutputKeyClass()
          Get the key class for the job output data.
 WritableComparator getOutputKeyComparator()
          Get the WritableComparable comparator used to compare keys.
 Path getOutputPath()
          Get the Path to the output directory for the map-reduce job.
 Class<? extends Writable> getOutputValueClass()
          Get the value class for job outputs.
 WritableComparator getOutputValueGroupingComparator()
          Get the user defined WritableComparable comparator for grouping keys of inputs to the reduce.
 Class<? extends Partitioner> getPartitionerClass()
          Get the Partitioner used to partition Mapper-outputs to be sent to the Reducers.
 boolean getProfileEnabled()
          Get whether the task profiling is enabled.
 Configuration.IntegerRanges getProfileTaskRange(boolean isMap)
          Get the range of maps or reduces to profile.
 String getReduceDebugScript()
          Get the reduce task's debug Script
 Class<? extends Reducer> getReducerClass()
          Get the Reducer class for the job.
 boolean getReduceSpeculativeExecution()
          Should speculative execution be used for this job for reduce tasks? Defaults to true.
 String getSessionId()
          Get the user-specified session identifier.
 boolean getSpeculativeExecution()
          Deprecated. Use {getMapSpeculativeExecution() or getReduceSpeculativeExecution() instead. Should speculative execution be used for this job? Defaults to true.
 Path getSystemDir()
          Get the system directory where job-specific files are to be placed.
 String getUser()
          Get the reported username for this job.
 Path getWorkingDirectory()
          Get the current working directory for the default file system.
 void setCombinerClass(Class<? extends Reducer> theClass)
          Set the user-defined combiner class used to combine map-outputs before being sent to the reducers.
 void setCompressMapOutput(boolean compress)
          Should the map outputs be compressed before transfer? Uses the SequenceFile compression.
 void setInputFormat(Class<? extends InputFormat> theClass)
          Set the InputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job.
 void setInputKeyClass(Class theClass)
          Deprecated. Not used
 void setInputPath(Path dir)
          Set the Path of the input directory for the map-reduce job.
 void setInputValueClass(Class theClass)
          Deprecated. Not used
 void setJar(String jar)
          Set the user jar for the map-reduce job.
 void setJarByClass(Class cls)
          Set the job's jar file by finding an example class location.
 void setJobEndNotificationURI(String uri)
          Set the uri to be invoked in-order to send a notification after the job has completed (success/failure).
 void setJobName(String name)
          Set the user-specified job name.
 void setJobPriority(JobPriority prio)
          Set JobPriority for this job.
 void setKeepFailedTaskFiles(boolean keep)
          Set whether the framework should keep the intermediate files for failed tasks.
 void setKeepTaskFilesPattern(String pattern)
          Set a regular expression for task names that should be kept.
 void setMapDebugScript(String mDbgScript)
          Set the debug script to run when the map tasks fail.
 void setMapOutputCompressionType(SequenceFile.CompressionType style)
          Set the SequenceFile.CompressionType for the map outputs.
 void setMapOutputCompressorClass(Class<? extends CompressionCodec> codecClass)
          Set the given class as the CompressionCodec for the map outputs.
 void setMapOutputKeyClass(Class<? extends WritableComparable> theClass)
          Set the key class for the map output data.
 void setMapOutputValueClass(Class<? extends Writable> theClass)
          Set the value class for the map output data.
 void setMapperClass(Class<? extends Mapper> theClass)
          Set the Mapper class for the job.
 void setMapRunnerClass(Class<? extends MapRunnable> theClass)
          Expert: Set the MapRunnable class for the job.
 void setMapSpeculativeExecution(boolean speculativeExecution)
          Turn speculative execution on or off for this job for map tasks.
 void setMaxMapAttempts(int n)
          Expert: Set the number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a map task.
 void setMaxMapTaskFailuresPercent(int percent)
          Expert: Set the maximum percentage of map tasks that can fail without the job being aborted.
 void setMaxReduceAttempts(int n)
          Expert: Set the number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a reduce task.
 void setMaxReduceTaskFailuresPercent(int percent)
          Set the maximum percentage of reduce tasks that can fail without the job being aborted.
 void setMaxTaskFailuresPerTracker(int noFailures)
          Set the maximum no.
 void setNumMapTasks(int n)
          Set the number of map tasks for this job.
 void setNumReduceTasks(int n)
          Set the requisite number of reduce tasks for this job.
 void setOutputFormat(Class<? extends OutputFormat> theClass)
          Set the OutputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job.
 void setOutputKeyClass(Class<? extends WritableComparable> theClass)
          Set the key class for the job output data.
 void setOutputKeyComparatorClass(Class<? extends WritableComparator> theClass)
          Set the WritableComparable comparator used to compare keys.
 void setOutputPath(Path dir)
          Set the Path of the output directory for the map-reduce job.
 void setOutputValueClass(Class<? extends Writable> theClass)
          Set the value class for job outputs.
 void setOutputValueGroupingComparator(Class theClass)
          Set the user defined WritableComparable comparator for grouping keys in the input to the reduce.
 void setPartitionerClass(Class<? extends Partitioner> theClass)
          Set the Partitioner class used to partition Mapper-outputs to be sent to the Reducers.
 void setProfileEnabled(boolean newValue)
          Set whether the system should collect profiler information for some of the tasks in this job? The information is stored in the the user log directory.
 void setProfileTaskRange(boolean isMap, String newValue)
          Set the ranges of maps or reduces to profile.
 void setReduceDebugScript(String rDbgScript)
          Set the debug script to run when the reduce tasks fail.
 void setReducerClass(Class<? extends Reducer> theClass)
          Set the Reducer class for the job.
 void setReduceSpeculativeExecution(boolean speculativeExecution)
          Turn speculative execution on or off for this job for reduce tasks.
 void setSessionId(String sessionId)
          Set the user-specified session identifier.
 void setSpeculativeExecution(boolean speculativeExecution)
          Deprecated. Use setMapSpeculativeExecution(boolean) or setReduceSpeculativeExecution(boolean) instead. Turn speculative execution on or off for this job.
 void setUser(String user)
          Set the reported username for this job.
 void setWorkingDirectory(Path dir)
          Set the current working directory for the default file system.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
addResource, addResource, addResource, entries, get, get, get, getBoolean, getClass, getClass, getClassByName, getClassLoader, getConfResourceAsInputStream, getConfResourceAsReader, getFile, getFloat, getInt, getLocalPath, getLong, getObject, getRange, getRaw, getResource, getStrings, iterator, main, set, set, setBoolean, setClass, setClassLoader, setInt, setLong, setObject, setQuietMode, toString, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JobConf()
Construct a map/reduce job configuration.


public JobConf(Class exampleClass)
Construct a map/reduce job configuration.

exampleClass - a class whose containing jar is used as the job's jar.


public JobConf(Configuration conf)
Construct a map/reduce job configuration.

conf - a Configuration whose settings will be inherited.


public JobConf(Configuration conf,
               Class exampleClass)
Construct a map/reduce job configuration.

conf - a Configuration whose settings will be inherited.
exampleClass - a class whose containing jar is used as the job's jar.


public JobConf(String config)
Construct a map/reduce configuration.

config - a Configuration-format XML job description file.


public JobConf(Path config)
Construct a map/reduce configuration.

config - a Configuration-format XML job description file.
Method Detail


public String getJar()
Get the user jar for the map-reduce job.

the user jar for the map-reduce job.


public void setJar(String jar)
Set the user jar for the map-reduce job.

jar - the user jar for the map-reduce job.


public void setJarByClass(Class cls)
Set the job's jar file by finding an example class location.

cls - the example class.


public Path getSystemDir()
Get the system directory where job-specific files are to be placed.

the system directory where job-specific files are to be placed.


public String[] getLocalDirs()
                      throws IOException


public void deleteLocalFiles()
                      throws IOException


public void deleteLocalFiles(String subdir)
                      throws IOException


public Path getLocalPath(String pathString)
                  throws IOException
Constructs a local file name. Files are distributed among configured local directories.



public void setInputPath(Path dir)
Set the Path of the input directory for the map-reduce job.

dir - the Path of the input directory for the map-reduce job.


public void addInputPath(Path dir)
Add a Path to the list of inputs for the map-reduce job.

dir - Path to be added to the list of inputs for the map-reduce job.


public Path[] getInputPaths()
Get the list of input Paths for the map-reduce job.

the list of input Paths for the map-reduce job.


public String getUser()
Get the reported username for this job.

the username


public void setUser(String user)
Set the reported username for this job.

user - the username for this job.


public void setKeepFailedTaskFiles(boolean keep)
Set whether the framework should keep the intermediate files for failed tasks.

keep - true if framework should keep the intermediate files for failed tasks, false otherwise.


public boolean getKeepFailedTaskFiles()
Should the temporary files for failed tasks be kept?

should the files be kept?


public void setKeepTaskFilesPattern(String pattern)
Set a regular expression for task names that should be kept. The regular expression ".*_m_000123_0" would keep the files for the first instance of map 123 that ran.

pattern - the java.util.regex.Pattern to match against the task names.


public String getKeepTaskFilesPattern()
Get the regular expression that is matched against the task names to see if we need to keep the files.

the pattern as a string, if it was set, othewise null.


public void setWorkingDirectory(Path dir)
Set the current working directory for the default file system.

dir - the new current working directory.


public Path getWorkingDirectory()
Get the current working directory for the default file system.

the directory name.


public Path getOutputPath()
Get the Path to the output directory for the map-reduce job.

Tasks' Side-Effect Files

Some applications need to create/write-to side-files, which differ from the actual job-outputs.

In such cases there could be issues with 2 instances of the same TIP (running simultaneously e.g. speculative tasks) trying to open/write-to the same file (path) on HDFS. Hence the application-writer will have to pick unique names per task-attempt (e.g. using the taskid, say task_200709221812_0001_m_000000_0), not just per TIP.

To get around this the Map-Reduce framework helps the application-writer out by maintaining a special ${mapred.output.dir}/_${taskid} sub-directory for each task-attempt on HDFS where the output of the task-attempt goes. On successful completion of the task-attempt the files in the ${mapred.output.dir}/_${taskid} (only) are promoted to ${mapred.output.dir}. Of course, the framework discards the sub-directory of unsuccessful task-attempts. This is completely transparent to the application.

The application-writer can take advantage of this by creating any side-files required in ${mapred.output.dir} during execution of his reduce-task i.e. via getOutputPath(), and the framework will move them out similarly - thus she doesn't have to pick unique paths per task-attempt.

Note: the value of ${mapred.output.dir} during execution of a particular task-attempt is actually ${mapred.output.dir}/_{$taskid}, not the value set by setOutputPath(Path). So, just create any side-files in the path returned by getOutputPath() from map/reduce task to take advantage of this feature.

The entire discussion holds true for maps of jobs with reducer=NONE (i.e. 0 reduces) since output of the map, in that case, goes directly to HDFS.

the Path to the output directory for the map-reduce job.


public void setOutputPath(Path dir)
Set the Path of the output directory for the map-reduce job.


dir - the Path of the output directory for the map-reduce job.


public InputFormat getInputFormat()
Get the InputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job, defaults to TextInputFormat if not specified explicity.

the InputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job.


public void setInputFormat(Class<? extends InputFormat> theClass)
Set the InputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job.

theClass - the InputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job.


public OutputFormat getOutputFormat()
Get the OutputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job, defaults to TextOutputFormat if not specified explicity.

the OutputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job.


public void setOutputFormat(Class<? extends OutputFormat> theClass)
Set the OutputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job.

theClass - the OutputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job.


public Class getInputKeyClass()
Deprecated. Call RecordReader.createKey().


public void setInputKeyClass(Class theClass)
Deprecated. Not used


public Class getInputValueClass()
Deprecated. Call RecordReader.createValue().


public void setInputValueClass(Class theClass)
Deprecated. Not used


public void setCompressMapOutput(boolean compress)
Should the map outputs be compressed before transfer? Uses the SequenceFile compression.

compress - should the map outputs be compressed?


public boolean getCompressMapOutput()
Are the outputs of the maps be compressed?

true if the outputs of the maps are to be compressed, false otherwise.


public void setMapOutputCompressionType(SequenceFile.CompressionType style)
Set the SequenceFile.CompressionType for the map outputs.

style - the SequenceFile.CompressionType to control how the map outputs are compressed.


public SequenceFile.CompressionType getMapOutputCompressionType()
Get the SequenceFile.CompressionType for the map outputs.

the SequenceFile.CompressionType for map outputs, defaulting to SequenceFile.CompressionType.RECORD.


public void setMapOutputCompressorClass(Class<? extends CompressionCodec> codecClass)
Set the given class as the CompressionCodec for the map outputs.

codecClass - the CompressionCodec class that will compress the map outputs.


public Class<? extends CompressionCodec> getMapOutputCompressorClass(Class<? extends CompressionCodec> defaultValue)
Get the CompressionCodec for compressing the map outputs.

defaultValue - the CompressionCodec to return if not set
the CompressionCodec class that should be used to compress the map outputs.
IllegalArgumentException - if the class was specified, but not found


public Class<? extends WritableComparable> getMapOutputKeyClass()
Get the key class for the map output data. If it is not set, use the (final) output key class. This allows the map output key class to be different than the final output key class.

the map output key class.


public void setMapOutputKeyClass(Class<? extends WritableComparable> theClass)
Set the key class for the map output data. This allows the user to specify the map output key class to be different than the final output value class.

theClass - the map output key class.


public Class<? extends Writable> getMapOutputValueClass()
Get the value class for the map output data. If it is not set, use the (final) output value class This allows the map output value class to be different than the final output value class.

the map output value class.


public void setMapOutputValueClass(Class<? extends Writable> theClass)
Set the value class for the map output data. This allows the user to specify the map output value class to be different than the final output value class.

theClass - the map output value class.


public Class<? extends WritableComparable> getOutputKeyClass()
Get the key class for the job output data.

the key class for the job output data.


public void setOutputKeyClass(Class<? extends WritableComparable> theClass)
Set the key class for the job output data.

theClass - the key class for the job output data.


public WritableComparator getOutputKeyComparator()
Get the WritableComparable comparator used to compare keys.

the WritableComparable comparator used to compare keys.


public void setOutputKeyComparatorClass(Class<? extends WritableComparator> theClass)
Set the WritableComparable comparator used to compare keys.

theClass - the WritableComparable comparator used to compare keys.
See Also:


public WritableComparator getOutputValueGroupingComparator()
Get the user defined WritableComparable comparator for grouping keys of inputs to the reduce.

comparator set by the user for grouping values.
See Also:
for details.


public void setOutputValueGroupingComparator(Class theClass)
Set the user defined WritableComparable comparator for grouping keys in the input to the reduce.

This comparator should be provided if the equivalence rules for keys for sorting the intermediates are different from those for grouping keys before each call to Reducer.reduce(WritableComparable, java.util.Iterator, OutputCollector, Reporter).

For key-value pairs (K1,V1) and (K2,V2), the values (V1, V2) are passed in a single call to the reduce function if K1 and K2 compare as equal.

Since setOutputKeyComparatorClass(Class) can be used to control how keys are sorted, this can be used in conjunction to simulate secondary sort on values.

Note: This is not a guarantee of the reduce sort being stable in any sense. (In any case, with the order of available map-outputs to the reduce being non-deterministic, it wouldn't make that much sense.)

theClass - the comparator class to be used for grouping keys. It should extend WritableComparator.
See Also:


public Class<? extends Writable> getOutputValueClass()
Get the value class for job outputs.

the value class for job outputs.


public void setOutputValueClass(Class<? extends Writable> theClass)
Set the value class for job outputs.

theClass - the value class for job outputs.


public Class<? extends Mapper> getMapperClass()
Get the Mapper class for the job.

the Mapper class for the job.


public void setMapperClass(Class<? extends Mapper> theClass)
Set the Mapper class for the job.

theClass - the Mapper class for the job.


public Class<? extends MapRunnable> getMapRunnerClass()
Get the MapRunnable class for the job.

the MapRunnable class for the job.


public void setMapRunnerClass(Class<? extends MapRunnable> theClass)
Expert: Set the MapRunnable class for the job. Typically used to exert greater control on Mappers.

theClass - the MapRunnable class for the job.


public Class<? extends Partitioner> getPartitionerClass()
Get the Partitioner used to partition Mapper-outputs to be sent to the Reducers.

the Partitioner used to partition map-outputs.


public void setPartitionerClass(Class<? extends Partitioner> theClass)
Set the Partitioner class used to partition Mapper-outputs to be sent to the Reducers.

theClass - the Partitioner used to partition map-outputs.


public Class<? extends Reducer> getReducerClass()
Get the Reducer class for the job.

the Reducer class for the job.


public void setReducerClass(Class<? extends Reducer> theClass)
Set the Reducer class for the job.

theClass - the Reducer class for the job.


public Class<? extends Reducer> getCombinerClass()
Get the user-defined combiner class used to combine map-outputs before being sent to the reducers. Typically the combiner is same as the the Reducer for the job i.e. getReducerClass().

the user-defined combiner class used to combine map-outputs.


public void setCombinerClass(Class<? extends Reducer> theClass)
Set the user-defined combiner class used to combine map-outputs before being sent to the reducers.

The combiner is a task-level aggregation operation which, in some cases, helps to cut down the amount of data transferred from the Mapper to the Reducer, leading to better performance.

Typically the combiner is same as the the Reducer for the job i.e. setReducerClass(Class).

theClass - the user-defined combiner class used to combine map-outputs.


public boolean getSpeculativeExecution()
Deprecated. Use {getMapSpeculativeExecution() or getReduceSpeculativeExecution() instead. Should speculative execution be used for this job? Defaults to true.

true if speculative execution be used for this job, false otherwise.


public void setSpeculativeExecution(boolean speculativeExecution)
Deprecated. Use setMapSpeculativeExecution(boolean) or setReduceSpeculativeExecution(boolean) instead. Turn speculative execution on or off for this job.

speculativeExecution - true if speculative execution should be turned on, else false.


public boolean getMapSpeculativeExecution()
Should speculative execution be used for this job for map tasks? Defaults to true.

true if speculative execution be used for this job for map tasks, false otherwise.


public void setMapSpeculativeExecution(boolean speculativeExecution)
Turn speculative execution on or off for this job for map tasks.

speculativeExecution - true if speculative execution should be turned on for map tasks, else false.


public boolean getReduceSpeculativeExecution()
Should speculative execution be used for this job for reduce tasks? Defaults to true.

true if speculative execution be used for reduce tasks for this job, false otherwise.


public void setReduceSpeculativeExecution(boolean speculativeExecution)
Turn speculative execution on or off for this job for reduce tasks.

speculativeExecution - true if speculative execution should be turned on for reduce tasks, else false.


public int getNumMapTasks()
Get configured the number of reduce tasks for this job. Defaults to 1.

the number of reduce tasks for this job.


public void setNumMapTasks(int n)
Set the number of map tasks for this job.

Note: This is only a hint to the framework. The actual number of spawned map tasks depends on the number of InputSplits generated by the job's InputFormat.getSplits(JobConf, int). A custom InputFormat is typically used to accurately control the number of map tasks for the job.

How many maps?

The number of maps is usually driven by the total size of the inputs i.e. total number of blocks of the input files.

The right level of parallelism for maps seems to be around 10-100 maps per-node, although it has been set up to 300 or so for very cpu-light map tasks. Task setup takes awhile, so it is best if the maps take at least a minute to execute.

The default behavior of file-based InputFormats is to split the input into logical InputSplits based on the total size, in bytes, of input files. However, the FileSystem blocksize of the input files is treated as an upper bound for input splits. A lower bound on the split size can be set via mapred.min.split.size.

Thus, if you expect 10TB of input data and have a blocksize of 128MB, you'll end up with 82,000 maps, unless setNumMapTasks(int) is used to set it even higher.

n - the number of map tasks for this job.
See Also:
InputFormat.getSplits(JobConf, int), FileInputFormat, FileSystem.getDefaultBlockSize(), FileStatus.getBlockSize()


public int getNumReduceTasks()
Get configured the number of reduce tasks for this job. Defaults to 1.

the number of reduce tasks for this job.


public void setNumReduceTasks(int n)
Set the requisite number of reduce tasks for this job.

How many reduces?

The right number of reduces seems to be 0.95 or 1.75 multiplied by (<no. of nodes> * mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum).

With 0.95 all of the reduces can launch immediately and start transfering map outputs as the maps finish. With 1.75 the faster nodes will finish their first round of reduces and launch a second wave of reduces doing a much better job of load balancing.

Increasing the number of reduces increases the framework overhead, but increases load balancing and lowers the cost of failures.

The scaling factors above are slightly less than whole numbers to reserve a few reduce slots in the framework for speculative-tasks, failures etc.

Reducer NONE

It is legal to set the number of reduce-tasks to zero.

In this case the output of the map-tasks directly go to distributed file-system, to the path set by setOutputPath(Path). Also, the framework doesn't sort the map-outputs before writing it out to HDFS.

n - the number of reduce tasks for this job.


public int getMaxMapAttempts()
Get the configured number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a map task, as specified by the property. If this property is not already set, the default is 4 attempts.

the max number of attempts per map task.


public void setMaxMapAttempts(int n)
Expert: Set the number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a map task.

n - the number of attempts per map task.


public int getMaxReduceAttempts()
Get the configured number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a reduce task, as specified by the mapred.reduce.max.attempts property. If this property is not already set, the default is 4 attempts.

the max number of attempts per reduce task.


public void setMaxReduceAttempts(int n)
Expert: Set the number of maximum attempts that will be made to run a reduce task.

n - the number of attempts per reduce task.


public String getJobName()
Get the user-specified job name. This is only used to identify the job to the user.

the job's name, defaulting to "".


public void setJobName(String name)
Set the user-specified job name.

name - the job's new name.


public String getSessionId()
Get the user-specified session identifier. The default is the empty string. The session identifier is used to tag metric data that is reported to some performance metrics system via the org.apache.hadoop.metrics API. The session identifier is intended, in particular, for use by Hadoop-On-Demand (HOD) which allocates a virtual Hadoop cluster dynamically and transiently. HOD will set the session identifier by modifying the hadoop-site.xml file before starting the cluster. When not running under HOD, this identifer is expected to remain set to the empty string.

the session identifier, defaulting to "".


public void setSessionId(String sessionId)
Set the user-specified session identifier.

sessionId - the new session id.


public void setMaxTaskFailuresPerTracker(int noFailures)
Set the maximum no. of failures of a given job per tasktracker. If the no. of task failures exceeds noFailures, the tasktracker is blacklisted for this job.

noFailures - maximum no. of failures of a given job per tasktracker.


public int getMaxTaskFailuresPerTracker()
Expert: Get the maximum no. of failures of a given job per tasktracker. If the no. of task failures exceeds this, the tasktracker is blacklisted for this job.

the maximum no. of failures of a given job per tasktracker.


public int getMaxMapTaskFailuresPercent()
Get the maximum percentage of map tasks that can fail without the job being aborted. Each map task is executed a minimum of getMaxMapAttempts() attempts before being declared as failed. Defaults to zero, i.e. any failed map-task results in the job being declared as JobStatus.FAILED.

the maximum percentage of map tasks that can fail without the job being aborted.


public void setMaxMapTaskFailuresPercent(int percent)
Expert: Set the maximum percentage of map tasks that can fail without the job being aborted. Each map task is executed a minimum of getMaxMapAttempts() attempts before being declared as failed.

percent - the maximum percentage of map tasks that can fail without the job being aborted.


public int getMaxReduceTaskFailuresPercent()
Get the maximum percentage of reduce tasks that can fail without the job being aborted. Each reduce task is executed a minimum of getMaxReduceAttempts() attempts before being declared as failed. Defaults to zero, i.e. any failed reduce-task results in the job being declared as JobStatus.FAILED.

the maximum percentage of reduce tasks that can fail without the job being aborted.


public void setMaxReduceTaskFailuresPercent(int percent)
Set the maximum percentage of reduce tasks that can fail without the job being aborted. Each reduce task is executed a minimum of getMaxReduceAttempts() attempts before being declared as failed.

percent - the maximum percentage of reduce tasks that can fail without the job being aborted.


public void setJobPriority(JobPriority prio)
Set JobPriority for this job.

prio - the JobPriority for this job.


public JobPriority getJobPriority()
Get the JobPriority for this job.

the JobPriority for this job.


public boolean getProfileEnabled()
Get whether the task profiling is enabled.

true if some tasks will be profiled


public void setProfileEnabled(boolean newValue)
Set whether the system should collect profiler information for some of the tasks in this job? The information is stored in the the user log directory.

newValue - true means it should be gathered


public Configuration.IntegerRanges getProfileTaskRange(boolean isMap)
Get the range of maps or reduces to profile.

isMap - is the task a map?
the task ranges


public void setProfileTaskRange(boolean isMap,
                                String newValue)
Set the ranges of maps or reduces to profile. setProfileEnabled(true) must also be called.

newValue - a set of integer ranges of the map ids


public void setMapDebugScript(String mDbgScript)
Set the debug script to run when the map tasks fail.

The debug script can aid debugging of failed map tasks. The script is given task's stdout, stderr, syslog, jobconf files as arguments.

The debug command, run on the node where the map failed, is:

$script $stdout $stderr $syslog $jobconf.

The script file is distributed through DistributedCache APIs. The script needs to be symlinked.

Here is an example on how to submit a script


mDbgScript - the script name


public String getMapDebugScript()
Get the map task's debug script.

the debug Script for the mapred job for failed map tasks.
See Also:


public void setReduceDebugScript(String rDbgScript)
Set the debug script to run when the reduce tasks fail.

The debug script can aid debugging of failed reduce tasks. The script is given task's stdout, stderr, syslog, jobconf files as arguments.

The debug command, run on the node where the map failed, is:

$script $stdout $stderr $syslog $jobconf.

The script file is distributed through DistributedCache APIs. The script file needs to be symlinked

Here is an example on how to submit a script


rDbgScript - the script name


public String getReduceDebugScript()
Get the reduce task's debug Script

the debug script for the mapred job for failed reduce tasks.
See Also:


public String getJobEndNotificationURI()
Get the uri to be invoked in-order to send a notification after the job has completed (success/failure).

the job end notification uri, null if it hasn't been set.
See Also:


public void setJobEndNotificationURI(String uri)
Set the uri to be invoked in-order to send a notification after the job has completed (success/failure).

The uri can contain 2 special parameters: $jobId and $jobStatus. Those, if present, are replaced by the job's identifier and completion-status respectively.

This is typically used by application-writers to implement chaining of Map-Reduce jobs in an asynchronous manner.

uri - the job end notification uri
See Also:
JobStatus, Job Completion and Chaining

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