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RdKafka::Message Class Referenceabstract

Message object. More...

#include <rdkafkacpp.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual std::string errstr () const =0
 Accessor functions*. More...
virtual ErrorCode err () const =0
virtual Topictopic () const =0
virtual std::string topic_name () const =0
virtual int32_t partition () const =0
virtual void * payload () const =0
virtual size_t len () const =0
virtual const std::string * key () const =0
virtual const void * key_pointer () const =0
virtual size_t key_len () const =0
virtual int64_t offset () const =0
virtual MessageTimestamp timestamp () const =0
virtual void * msg_opaque () const =0
virtual int64_t latency () const =0

Detailed Description

Message object.

This object represents either a single consumed or produced message, or an event (err() is set).

An application must check RdKafka::Message::err() to see if the object is a proper message (error is RdKafka::ERR_NO_ERROR) or a an error event.

Member Function Documentation

virtual std::string RdKafka::Message::errstr ( ) const
pure virtual

Accessor functions*.

Not all fields are present in all types of callbacks.
The error string if object represent an error event, else an empty string.
virtual ErrorCode RdKafka::Message::err ( ) const
pure virtual
The error code if object represents an error event, else 0.
virtual Topic* RdKafka::Message::topic ( ) const
pure virtual
the RdKafka::Topic object for a message (if applicable), or NULL if a corresponding RdKafka::Topic object has not been explicitly created with RdKafka::Topic::create(). In this case use topic_name() instead.
virtual std::string RdKafka::Message::topic_name ( ) const
pure virtual
Topic name (if applicable, else empty string)
virtual int32_t RdKafka::Message::partition ( ) const
pure virtual
Partition (if applicable)
virtual void* RdKafka::Message::payload ( ) const
pure virtual
Message payload (if applicable)
virtual size_t RdKafka::Message::len ( ) const
pure virtual
Message payload length (if applicable)
virtual const std::string* RdKafka::Message::key ( ) const
pure virtual
Message key as string (if applicable)
virtual const void* RdKafka::Message::key_pointer ( ) const
pure virtual
Message key as void pointer (if applicable)
virtual size_t RdKafka::Message::key_len ( ) const
pure virtual
Message key's binary length (if applicable)
virtual int64_t RdKafka::Message::offset ( ) const
pure virtual
Message or error offset (if applicable)
virtual MessageTimestamp RdKafka::Message::timestamp ( ) const
pure virtual
Message timestamp (if applicable)
virtual void* RdKafka::Message::msg_opaque ( ) const
pure virtual
The msg_opaque as provided to RdKafka::Producer::produce()
virtual int64_t RdKafka::Message::latency ( ) const
pure virtual
the latency in microseconds for a produced message measured from the produce() call, or -1 if latency is not available.

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