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AbstractRoundRobinRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Base implementation of common round-robin logic.
AbstractRoundRobinRule(StringMatcher, Optional<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AbstractRoundRobinRule
AbstractScheduler - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
Abstract main scheduler class that ties together the main pieces of a SDK Scheduler process.
AbstractScheduler(StateStore, ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>, SchedulerConfig) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
Creates a new AbstractScheduler given a StateStore.
AbstractStep - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Provides a default implementation of commonly-used Step logic.
AbstractStep(String, Status) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
accept(SchedulerDriver, List<OfferRecommendation>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.OfferAccepter
acquireInterval - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket.Builder
acquireInterval(Duration) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket.Builder
Set the minimum interval between acquiring tokens.
add(Value, Value) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ValueUtils
addAllChildren(Collection<EvaluationOutcome>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome.Builder
addAssignedOverlayPort(long) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
addChild(EvaluationOutcome) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome.Builder
addDependency(C, C) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.DependencyStrategyHelper
addElement(C) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.DependencyStrategyHelper
addError(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
Sets the step to an ERROR state with the provided error message.
addLaunchedPod(LaunchedPod) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ClusterState
Adds the provided pod to the list of launched pods.
addPhase(Phase) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.StageBuilder
addPod(PodSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Builder
Adds the pod and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
addRecorder(OperationRecorder) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.OfferAccepter
Adds a recorder for accepted operations.
addResource(ResourceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet.Builder
Adds resource and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
addResource(Collection<ResourceSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet.Builder
Adds a collection of resources and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
addSentOffer(Protos.Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ClusterState
Adds the provided offer to the list of sent offers.
addTask(TaskSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Adds the task and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
addUri(URI) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Adds the uris and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
addVolume(String, Double, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet.Builder
AGENT_ID - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
AgentRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This rule enforces that a task be placed on a provided agent ID, or enforces that the task avoid that agent ID, depending on the factory method used.
allHaveStatus(Status, Collection<? extends Element>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanUtils
AllLaunchConstrainer - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain
A LaunchConstrainer combinator that ensures that all the given constrainers are satisfied before launching a task.
AllLaunchConstrainer(LaunchConstrainer...) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.AllLaunchConstrainer
allowDecommission(Boolean) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets whether the DefaultPodSpec.Builder.count(Integer) for this pod can ever be decreased in a config update.
allowRackChanges(ConfigValidator<ServiceSpec>, ServiceTestRunner, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ConfigValidatorUtils
allPlansComplete() - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that the scheduler's plans are all complete -- that there's no pending work.
alreadyReportedResponse() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a "208 Already reported" response.
AndRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Wrapper for one or more another rules which returns the AND/intersection of those rules.
AndRule(Collection<PlacementRule>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AndRule
AndRule(PlacementRule...) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AndRule
ANY_ROLE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The "any role" wildcard resource role.
anyHaveStatus(Status, Collection<? extends Element>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanUtils
AnyMatcher - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Implements passthrough support for string comparisons by matching any string.
API_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerErrorCode
applicationPort(int) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVipSpec.Builder
Sets the applicationPort and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
areDifferent(TaskSpec, TaskSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Determines whether two TaskSpecs are different.
areEquivalent(TaskInfo, PodInstance) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementUtils
Returns whether the provided TaskInfo, representing a previously-launched task, is in the same provided pod provided in the PodInstance.
ArtifactResource - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http
A read-only API for accessing file artifacts (e.g.
ArtifactResource(ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ArtifactResource
assetConflicts(PodInstanceRequirement, Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanUtils
Determines whether the specified asset refers to the same pod instance and tasks other assets.
AttributeRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Requires that the Offer contain an attribute whose string representation matches the provided string.
AttributeRule(StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AttributeRule
AttributeRuleFactory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This class generates AttributeRules.
AttributeStringUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Tools for converting Attributes into strings.
AttributeStringUtils.NameValue - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
A utility class which pairs an attribute name with an attribute value.
AuxLabelAccess - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Utilities for adding labels to Mesos protobufs other than Protos.TaskInfo.
avoid(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AgentRule
Requires that a task NOT be placed on the provided agent.
avoid(Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AgentRule
Requires that a task NOT be placed on any of the provided agents.
avoid(String...) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AgentRule
Requires that a task NOT be placed on any of the provided agents.
avoid(StringMatcher) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RuleFactory
Requires that a task NOT be placed on the provided string matchers.
avoid(Collection<StringMatcher>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RuleFactory
Requires that a task NOT be placed on any of the provided string matchers.
avoid(StringMatcher...) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RuleFactory
Requires that a task NOT be placed on any of the provided string matchers.
avoid(String, TaskTypeConverter) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeRule
Returns a PlacementRule which enforces avoidance of tasks which have the provided type.
avoid(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeRule
Calls #avoid(String, TaskTypeConverter) with a {@link TaskTypeLabelConverter}.
awaitOffersProcessed() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
All offers must have been presented to resourceOffers() before calling this.


BOOLEAN_LABEL_TRUE_VALUE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Value for boolean labels which indicates that the label applies.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorPersister.Builder
Returns a new CuratorPersister instance using the provided settings, using reasonable defaults where custom values were not specified.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome.Builder
build(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.TLSEvaluationStage.Builder
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement.Builder
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Creates a new Mesos scheduler instance with the provided values or their defaults, or an empty Optional if no Mesos scheduler should be registered for this run.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket.Builder
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallPlanBuilder
Returns the plan to be used for uninstalling the service.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultCommandSpec.Builder
Returns a DefaultCommandSpec built from the parameters previously set.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec.Builder
Returns a DefaultHealthCheckSpec built from the parameters previously set.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultNetworkSpec.Builder
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Returns a DefaultPodSpec built from the parameters previously set.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec.Builder
Returns a DefaultHealthCheckSpec built from the parameters previously set.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet.Builder
Returns a DefaultResourceSet built from the parameters previously set.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec.Builder
Returns a DefaultResourceSpec built from the parameters previously set.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultSecretSpec.Builder
Returns a DefaultSecretSpec built from the parameters previously set.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Builder
Returns a DefaultServiceSpec built from the parameters previously set.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Generator
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec.Builder
Returns a DefaultTaskSpec built from the parameters previously set.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec.Builder
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVipSpec.Builder
Returns a DefaultVipSpec built from the parameters previously set.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy.Builder
Returns a ReplacementFailurePolicy built from the parameters previously set.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawServiceSpec.Builder
Returns the object representation of the provided template data, with any mustache templating resolved using the provided environment map.
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.SendOffer.Builder
build() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.SendTaskStatus.Builder
Builder(EvaluationOutcome.Type, Object, Collection<OfferRecommendation>, String, Object...) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome.Builder
Builder(String, SchedulerConfig) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.TLSEvaluationStage.Builder
Creates a new builder instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec.Builder
Builder(String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.SendOffer.Builder
Creates a new offer which matches the resource requirements for the specified pod.
Builder(String, Protos.TaskState) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.SendTaskStatus.Builder
buildProcess(Protos.CommandInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.ProcessBuilderUtils
Returns a ProcessBuilder instance which has been initialized with the provided Protos.CommandInfo's command and environment.
byPodTypeAndIndex - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.GroupedTasks
Mapping of pod type => pod index => to tasks in that pod.


CA_BASE_URI - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
CachedTokenProvider - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.auth
CachedTokenProvider retrieves token from underlying provider and caches the value.
CachedTokenProvider(TokenProvider, Duration) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.auth.CachedTokenProvider
call() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckMonitor
canarySteps - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.CanaryStrategy
CanaryStrategy - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
A CanaryStrategy is a gatekeeper around another underlying strategy.
CanaryStrategy(Strategy<Step>, List<Step>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.CanaryStrategy
Creates a new Canary Strategy which will require 2 CanaryStrategy.proceed() calls from a user before following the provided postCanaryStrategy.
CanaryStrategy(Strategy<Step>, int, List<Step>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.CanaryStrategy
Creates a new Canary Strategy which will require a specified number of CanaryStrategy.proceed() calls from a user before following the provided postCanaryStrategy.
CanaryStrategy.Generator - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
This class generates Strategy objects of the appropriate type.
canLaunch(RecoveryType) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.AllLaunchConstrainer
canLaunch(RecoveryType) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.LaunchConstrainer
Determines whether the given RecoveryType can be launchHappened right now.
canLaunch(RecoveryType) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.TestingLaunchConstrainer
canLaunch(RecoveryType) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.TimedLaunchConstrainer
canLaunch(RecoveryType) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.UnconstrainedLaunchConstrainer
Capabilities - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos
This class represents a set of capabilities that may or may not be supported in a given version of DC/OS.
Capabilities(DcosVersion) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
capacity - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket.Builder
capacity(int) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket.Builder
Set the maximum number of tokens.
CertificateAuthorityClient - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients
Represents abstraction over DC/OS Certificate Authority.
CertificateAuthorityClient(DcosHttpExecutor) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.CertificateAuthorityClient
CertificateNamesGenerator - Class in
A CertificateNamesGenerator creates relevant TLS certificate names for given pod instance.
CertificateNamesGenerator(String, TaskSpec, PodInstance) - Constructor for class
chainWithRootCert(X509Certificate) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.CertificateAuthorityClient
Retrieves complete certificate chain including a root CA certificate for given certificate.
CHARSET - Static variable in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.config.Configuration
CheckHandler - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
Each CheckHandler is responsible for executing a single HealthCheck defined for a TaskInfo.
CheckHandler(ExecutorDriver, Protos.TaskInfo, LaunchedTask, CheckHandler.ProcessRunner, Protos.HealthCheck, ScheduledExecutorService, CheckStats, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckHandler
Allows providing a custom CheckHandler.ProcessRunner for testing.
CheckHandler.CheckRuntimeException - Exception in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
This class encapsulates Exceptions associated with health check execution failures.
CheckHandler.CheckValidationException - Exception in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
This class encapsulates Exceptions associated with health check validation.
CheckHandler.ProcessRunner - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
Runs the provided process and returns an exit value.
CheckMonitor - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
This class reacts to the failure of a health check by calling the stop() method of the ExecutorTask.
CheckMonitor(Protos.HealthCheck, CheckHandler, LaunchedTask, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckMonitor
CheckRuntimeException(String, CheckStats) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckHandler.CheckRuntimeException
CheckStats - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
This class encapsulates the relevant statistics associated with a single HealthCheck.
CheckStats(String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckStats
CheckValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckHandler.CheckValidationException
clear(UUID) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStore
Deletes the configuration with the provided UUID, or does nothing if no matching configuration is found.
clearAllData() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Clears the root service node, leaving just the root node behind.
clearFrameworkId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Removes any previously stored FrameworkID or does nothing if no FrameworkID was previously stored.
clearPersistenceId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
Clears a previously set disk persistence ID, or does nothing if the disk persistence ID is already unset.
clearProperty(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Clears a given property from the StateStore, or does nothing if no such property exists.
clearReservations(Collection<TaskInfo>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Returns TaskInfos will all reservations and persistence IDs removed from their Resources.
clearResourceId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
Clears a previously set resource ID, or does nothing if the resource ID is already unset.
clearTask(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Removes all data associated with a particular Task including any stored TaskInfo and/or TaskStatus.
close() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorPersister
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
Closes this storage and cleans up any local client resources.
close() - Method in class
ClusterState - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
Representation of the state of a cluster.
colocateWith(String, TaskTypeConverter) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeRule
Returns a PlacementRule which enforces colocation with tasks which have the provided type.
colocateWith(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeRule
Calls #colocateWith(String, TaskTypeConverter) with a {@link TaskTypeLabelConverter}.
com.mesosphere.sdk.config - package com.mesosphere.sdk.config
com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate - package com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
com.mesosphere.sdk.curator - package com.mesosphere.sdk.curator
com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos - package com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos
com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.auth - package com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.auth
com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients - package com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients
com.mesosphere.sdk.executor - package com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
com.mesosphere.sdk.http - package com.mesosphere.sdk.http
com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types - package com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types
com.mesosphere.sdk.offer - package com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate - package com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement - package com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement - package
com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history - package com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history
com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata - package com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
com.mesosphere.sdk.queue - package com.mesosphere.sdk.queue
com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation - package com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation
com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler - package com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission - package com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission
com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan - package com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy - package com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery - package com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery
com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain - package com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain
com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor - package com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor
com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall - package com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall
com.mesosphere.sdk.specification - package com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation - package com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation
com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml - package com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
com.mesosphere.sdk.state - package com.mesosphere.sdk.state - package
com.mesosphere.sdk.testing - package com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils - package com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils
command(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec.Builder
Sets the command and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
command(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec.Builder
Sets the command and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
COMMAND_INFO - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
CommandSpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Specification for defining a command.
commandSpec(CommandSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec.Builder
Sets the commandSpec and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
CommonIdUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
Various utility methods for manipulating data in Protos.TaskInfos.
Comparator() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.StringConfiguration.Comparator
compare(Value, Value) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ValueUtils
compareTo(DecommissionPlanFactory.PodKey) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.DecommissionPlanFactory.PodKey
Orders the pod according to the following rules: Pod types at the bottom of the ServiceSpec (lower podTypeIndex) have priority over ones at the top.
configFiles(Collection<ConfigFileSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec.Builder
Sets the configFiles and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
ConfigFileSpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Represents an optionally templated configuration file to be written before the task is started.
ConfigResource<T extends ConfigStore<?>> - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http
A read-only API for accessing active and inactive configurations from persistent storage.
ConfigResource(T) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ConfigResource
configStore - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
configStore - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
ConfigStore<T extends Configuration> - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.state
An implementation of ConfigStore which relies on the provided Persister for data persistence.
ConfigStore(ConfigurationFactory<T>, Persister) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStore
Creates a new ConfigStore which uses the provided Persister to access configuration data.
ConfigStoreException - Exception in com.mesosphere.sdk.state
Exception that indicates that there was an issue with storing values in the config store.
ConfigStoreException(PersisterException) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStoreException
ConfigStoreException(PersisterException, String) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStoreException
ConfigStoreException(StorageError.Reason, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStoreException
ConfigStoreException(StorageError.Reason, String) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStoreException
ConfigStoreException(StorageError.Reason, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStoreException
ConfigTargetStore - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.state
This interface defines the subset of ConfigStore operations which are applicable to setting and retrieving the UUID of the current target configuration.
ConfigTemplateReader(File) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.YAMLToInternalMappers.ConfigTemplateReader
Configuration - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.config
This interface defines requirements for objects which wish to be stored in the ConfigStore.
ConfigurationComparator<T extends Configuration> - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.config
This interface defines a way to compare two Configuration objects for equality.
ConfigurationFactory<T extends Configuration> - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.config
This interface defines a way for previously stored Configuration objects to be reconstructed from a byte array.
ConfigurationUpdater<C extends Configuration> - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.config
Handles the validation and update of a new configuration against a prior configuration, if any.
ConfigurationUpdater.UpdateResult - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config
configureMetricsEndpoints(ServletContextHandler, String, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
Appends endpoint servlets to the provided context which will serve codahale-style and prometheus-style metrics.
configureStatsd(SchedulerConfig) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
Configures the metrics service to emit StatsD-formatted metrics to the configured UDP host/port with the specified interval.
ConfigValidationError - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
Signals that a certain configuration value, or transition between two configurations, did not pass validation.
ConfigValidator<C extends Configuration> - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
The ConfigurationValidation interface should be implemented by any class which intends to validate a new Configuration, either on its own, or w.r.t.
ConfigValidatorUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
This class provides common utilities for testing zone validation with regard to placement rules.
ConfigValidatorUtils() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ConfigValidatorUtils
conflictsWith(PodInstanceRequirement) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement
A PodInstanceRequirement conflictsWith with another it if applies to the same pod instance and some tasks in that pod.
conflictsWith(PodInstance) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodInstance
constant(String) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.EndpointProducer
Creates and returns an EndpointProducer which only produces the provided constant value.
Constants - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
This class encapsulates constants of relevance to SDK Scheduler internals.
Constants() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
ConstantTokenProvider - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.auth
Constant Token Provider always returns single pre-configured auth token.
ConstantTokenProvider(String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.auth.ConstantTokenProvider
consumeAtomic(String, Value) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResourcePool
consumeReservableMerged(String, Value, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResourcePool
consumeReserved(String, Value, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResourcePool
CONTAINER_INFO - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
CONTAINER_PATH - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
CONTAINER_PATH_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
CONTAINER_PORT - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
continueCommand(String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
continueCommand() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
convertServiceSpec(RawServiceSpec, SchedulerConfig, TaskEnvRouter, YAMLToInternalMappers.ConfigTemplateReader) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.YAMLToInternalMappers
Converts the provided YAML RawServiceSpec into a new ServiceSpec.
CosmosRenderer - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
Reads a service's Universe packaging configuration, and uses that to generate the resulting Scheduler environment.
count(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets the count and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
cpus(Double) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet.Builder
CPUS_RESOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The name used for cpu resources.
create(String, SecretsClient.Payload) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.SecretsClient
Create a new secret.
create(ExecutorDriver, Protos.TaskInfo, LaunchedTask, Protos.HealthCheck, ScheduledExecutorService, CheckStats, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckHandler
create(ExecutorDriver, Protos.TaskInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.ProcessTask
create(StateStore) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.GroupedTasks
Returns a new instance which contains all the tasks/statuses that are currently present in the provided StateStore.
create(TaskInfo, Optional<TaskStatus>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.TaskInfoAndStatus
create() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AnyMatcher
create(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.ExactMatcher
create(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RegexMatcher
create(StateStore, Collection<Plan>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.RecoveryPlanOverriderFactory
create(Scheduler, FrameworkInfo, String, SchedulerConfig) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerDriverFactory
Creates and returns a new SchedulerDriver without a credential secret.
create(Scheduler, FrameworkInfo, String, SchedulerConfig, byte[]) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerDriverFactory
Creates and returns a new SchedulerDriver with the provided credential secret.
create(ServiceSpec, AbstractScheduler) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ClusterState
createAttribute(String, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.ExactMatcher
createAttribute(String, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RegexMatcher
createConfigStore(ServiceSpec, Collection<Class<?>>, Persister) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
createInternal(Scheduler, FrameworkInfo, String, Credential, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerDriverFactory
Broken out into a separate function to allow testing with custom SchedulerDrivers.
createInterrupted(Plan) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlanManager
Creates a new plan manager for the provided Plan, which will be set to an interrupted state.
CreateOfferRecommendation - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
This OfferRecommendation encapsulates a Mesos CREATE Operation.
CreateOfferRecommendation(Offer, Resource) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.CreateOfferRecommendation
createPhases(Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
createProceeding(Plan) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlanManager
Creates a new plan manager for the provided Plan, which will not be set to an interrupted state.
createStep(PodInstanceRequirement) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
createTask(Protos.TaskInfo, ExecutorDriver) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.DefaultExecutorTaskFactory
createTask(Protos.TaskInfo, ExecutorDriver) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.ExecutorTaskFactory
Creates ExecutorTask objects that can be launched and managed by CustomExecutor.
CuratorLocker - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.curator
Gets an exclusive lock on service-specific ZK node to ensure two schedulers aren't running simultaneously for the same service.
CuratorLocker(ServiceSpec) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorLocker
CuratorPersister - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.curator
The Curator implementation of the Persister interface provides for persistence and retrieval of data from Zookeeper.
CuratorPersister(String, CuratorFramework) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorPersister
CuratorPersister.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.curator
Builder for constructing CuratorPersister instances.
CuratorUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.curator
A set of common utilites for managing Curator/Zookeeper paths and data.
CustomExecutor - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
An Executor implementation that supports execution of long-running tasks and supporting short-lived tasks.
CustomExecutor() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CustomExecutor
CustomExecutor(ExecutorService, ExecutorTaskFactory, Runnable) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CustomExecutor


DCOS_SPACE_EXECUTORINFO_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Label used to indicate the "DC/OS Space".
DCOS_VERSION_REQUEST - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.DcosVersionClient
DcosConstants - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos
This class encapsulates constants common to DC/OS and its services.
DcosConstants() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
DcosHttpClientBuilder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos
A DcosHttpClientBuilder is a helper that simplifies common modifications of org.apache.http.client.HttpClient.
DcosHttpClientBuilder() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosHttpClientBuilder
DcosHttpExecutor - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos
Class which performs some up-front DC/OS-specific environment validation before returning an Executor instance.
DcosHttpExecutor(HttpClientBuilder) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosHttpExecutor
Validates that the provided client is valid before constructing an Executor which may be used via DcosHttpExecutor.execute(Request).
DcosVersion - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos
This class encapsulates the response from a DC/OS cluster's dcos-metadata/dcos-version.json endpoint.
DcosVersion(String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosVersion
DcosVersion(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosVersion
DcosVersion.Elements - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos
A broken-down representation of a version string's elements.
DcosVersionClient - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients
Fetches the DC/OS cluster version from the cluster itself.
DcosVersionClient(DcosHttpExecutor) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.DcosVersionClient
DECLINE_LONG - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
DECLINE_SHORT - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
declinedLastOffer() - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that the last offer sent to the scheduler was declined.
declineLong(SchedulerDriver, Collection<Protos.Offer>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.OfferUtils
declineShort(SchedulerDriver, Collection<Protos.Offer>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.OfferUtils
decodeHealthCheck(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelUtils
Decodes the provided encoded data as a HealthCheck, or throws TaskException if decoding failed.
DECOMMISSION_PLAN_NAME - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The name used for the decommission plan.
DECOMMISSIONING_STATUS - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.DecommissionPlanFactory
The status for a task whose resources should be unreserved because its resources are currently being decommissioned.
DecommissionPlanFactory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission
Handles creation of the decommission plan, used for removing nodes from a service.
DecommissionPlanFactory(ServiceSpec, StateStore, TaskKiller) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.DecommissionPlanFactory
DecommissionPlanFactory.PodKey - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission
A utility class for ordering a SortedMap of pods to be decommissioned.
DecommissionRecorder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission
Records to persistent storage the result of uninstalling/destroying resources in the process of decommissioning pods, by removing the destroyed resources from the stored TaskInfos.
DecommissionRecorder(StateStore, Collection<Step>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.DecommissionRecorder
DEFAULT_ACQUIRE_INTEVAL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket
DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket
DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_CPUS - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The amount of additional CPU to require for the default executor.
DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_DISK - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The amount of additional disk (in MB) to require for the default executor.
DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_MEMORY - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The amount of additional memory (in MB) to require for the default executor.
DEFAULT_GPU_POLICY - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
DEFAULT_INCREMENT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket
DEFAULT_INITIAL_COUNT - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket
DEFAULT_IP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
DEFAULT_RECOVERY_PHASE_NAME - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
DEFAULT_RECOVERY_PLAN_NAME - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
DEFAULT_SECRET_STORE_URI - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
DEFAULT_SERVICE_USER - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
DEFAULT_TASK_DISCOVERY_VISIBILITY - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The visibility setting to use by default in a Task's DiscoveryInfo, for both VIP and non-VIP ports.
DefaultCommandSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Default implementation of CommandSpec.
DefaultCommandSpec(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultCommandSpec
DefaultCommandSpec.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
DefaultConfigFileSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Basic implementation of ConfigFileSpec which returns the provided values.
DefaultConfigFileSpec(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultConfigFileSpec
DefaultConfigurationUpdater - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config
Handles the validation and update of a new configuration against a prior configuration, if any.
DefaultConfigurationUpdater(StateStore, ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>, ConfigurationComparator<ServiceSpec>, Collection<ConfigValidator<ServiceSpec>>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.DefaultConfigurationUpdater
DefaultConfigValidators - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
Catalog of ConfigValidators to be enabled in services by default.
DefaultDiscoverySpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Default implementation of a DiscoverySpec.
DefaultDiscoverySpec(String, Protos.DiscoveryInfo.Visibility) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultDiscoverySpec
DefaultExecutorTaskFactory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
Implements a factory for a generic custom executor.
DefaultExecutorTaskFactory() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.DefaultExecutorTaskFactory
DefaultFailureMonitor - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor
The DefaultFailureMonitor reports that tasks have Failed permanently when they are so labeled.
DefaultFailureMonitor() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor.DefaultFailureMonitor
DefaultHealthCheckSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Default implementation of HealthCheckSpec.
DefaultHealthCheckSpec(String, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec
DefaultHealthCheckSpec.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
DefaultHealthCheckSpec builder static inner class.
DefaultNetworkSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Default implementation of NetworkSpec.
DefaultNetworkSpec(String, Map<Integer, Integer>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultNetworkSpec
DefaultNetworkSpec.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
DefaultNetworkSpec builder static inner class.
DefaultPhase - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
The Default Phase implementation tracks Steps both by their UUID and by their ordering.
DefaultPhase(String, List<Step>, Strategy<Step>, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPhase
DefaultPhaseFactory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
This class generates Phases given PhaseSpecifications.
DefaultPhaseFactory(StepFactory) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPhaseFactory
DefaultPlan - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
An ordered list of Phases, composed into a Plan.
DefaultPlan(String, List<Phase>, Strategy<Phase>, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlan
DefaultPlan(String, List<Phase>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlan
DefaultPlan(String, List<Phase>, Strategy<Phase>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlan
DefaultPlanCoordinator - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Default implementation of PlanCoordinator.
DefaultPlanCoordinator(Collection<PlanManager>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlanCoordinator
DefaultPlanGenerator - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Default implementation of PlanGenerator.
DefaultPlanGenerator(ConfigTargetStore, StateStore) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPlanGenerator
DefaultPlanGenerator(StepFactory) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPlanGenerator
DefaultPlanManager - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Provides the default implementation of a PlanManager.
DefaultPlanScheduler - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Default deployment scheduler.
DefaultPlanScheduler(OfferAccepter, OfferEvaluator, StateStore, TaskKiller) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlanScheduler
DefaultPodInstance - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
This class is a default implementation of the PodInstance interface.
DefaultPodInstance(PodSpec, Integer) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPodInstance
DefaultPodSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Default implementation of PodSpec.
DefaultPodSpec(String, String, Integer, String, Collection<NetworkSpec>, Collection<RLimitSpec>, Collection<URI>, List<TaskSpec>, PlacementRule, Collection<VolumeSpec>, String, Collection<SecretSpec>, Boolean, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
DefaultPodSpec.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
DefaultPodSpec builder static inner class.
DefaultReadinessCheckSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Default implementation of ReadinessCheckSpec.
DefaultReadinessCheckSpec(String, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec
DefaultReadinessCheckSpec.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
DefaultReadinessCheckSpec builder static inner class.
DefaultReconciler - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation
Default implementation of Reconciler.
DefaultReconciler(StateStore) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation.DefaultReconciler
DefaultRecoveryPlanManager - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery
DefaultRecoveryPlanManager enables monitoring and management of recovery plan.
DefaultRecoveryPlanManager(StateStore, ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>, Set<String>, LaunchConstrainer, FailureMonitor) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
DefaultRecoveryPlanManager(StateStore, ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>, Set<String>, LaunchConstrainer, FailureMonitor, List<RecoveryPlanOverrider>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
DefaultRecoveryStep - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery
An extension of DeploymentStep meant for use with DefaultRecoveryPlanManager.
DefaultRecoveryStep(String, PodInstanceRequirement, LaunchConstrainer, StateStore) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryStep
DefaultResourceCleaner - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
The Resource Cleaner provides recommended operations for cleaning up unexpected Reserved resources and persistent volumes.
DefaultResourceCleaner(StateStore) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.DefaultResourceCleaner
Creates a new DefaultResourceCleaner which retrieves expected resource information from the provided StateStore.
DefaultResourceSet - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Default implementation of ResourceSet.
DefaultResourceSet(String, Collection<ResourceSpec>, Collection<VolumeSpec>, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet
DefaultResourceSet.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
DefaultResourceSet builder static inner class.
DefaultResourceSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
This class provides a default implementation of the ResourceSpec interface.
DefaultResourceSpec(String, Protos.Value, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec
DefaultResourceSpec.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
DefaultResourceSpec builder static inner class.
DefaultScheduler - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
This scheduler when provided with a ServiceSpec will deploy the service and recover from encountered faults when possible.
DefaultScheduler(ServiceSpec, SchedulerConfig, Collection<Object>, Collection<Plan>, StateStore, ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>, Map<String, EndpointProducer>, Optional<RecoveryPlanOverriderFactory>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.DefaultScheduler
Creates a new DefaultScheduler.
DefaultSecretSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Default implementation of SecretSpec.
DefaultSecretSpec(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultSecretSpec
DefaultSecretSpec.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
DefaultSecretSpec builder static inner class.
DefaultServiceSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Default implementation of ServiceSpec.
DefaultServiceSpec(String, String, String, String, String, List<PodSpec>, ReplacementFailurePolicy, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
DefaultServiceSpec.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
DefaultServiceSpec builder static inner class.
DefaultServiceSpec.Comparator - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Comparer which checks for equality of DefaultServiceSpecs.
DefaultServiceSpec.ConfigFactory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Factory which performs the inverse of Configuration.getBytes().
DefaultServiceSpec.ConfigFactory.GoalStateDeserializer - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Custom deserializer for goal states to accomodate transition from FINISHED to ONCE/FINISH.
DefaultServiceSpec.Generator - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Generates a ServiceSpec from a given YAML definition in the form of a RawServiceSpec.
DefaultStepFactory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
This class is a default implementation of the StepFactory interface.
DefaultStepFactory(ConfigTargetStore, StateStore) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultStepFactory
DefaultTaskFailureListener - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery
This class provides a default implementation of the TaskFailureListener interface.
DefaultTaskFailureListener(StateStore, ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultTaskFailureListener
DefaultTaskSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Default implementation of a TaskSpec.
DefaultTaskSpec(String, GoalState, Boolean, ResourceSet, CommandSpec, HealthCheckSpec, ReadinessCheckSpec, Collection<ConfigFileSpec>, DiscoverySpec, Integer, Collection<TransportEncryptionSpec>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
DefaultTaskSpec.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
DefaultTaskSpec builder static inner class.
DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Default implementation of TransportEncryptionSpec.
DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec(String, TransportEncryptionSpec.Type) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec
DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec(DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec.Builder) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec
DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
DefaultVipSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Default implementation of VipSpec.
DefaultVipSpec.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
DefaultVipSpec builder static inner class.
DefaultVolumeSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
This class provides a default implementation of the VolumeSpec interface.
DefaultVolumeSpec(double, VolumeSpec.Type, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVolumeSpec
delay(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec.Builder
Sets the delay and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
delay(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec.Builder
Sets the delay and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
DELAY_BETWEEN_DESTRUCTIVE_RECOVERIES_MIN - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy
Default time to wait between destructive task recoveries (avoid quickly making things worse).
delete(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.SecretsClient
Delete an existing secret.
DependencyStrategy<C extends Element> - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
A DependencyStrategy implements the strategy designated by the DependencyStrategyHelper with which it was constructed.
DependencyStrategy(DependencyStrategyHelper<C>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.DependencyStrategy
DependencyStrategyHelper<C extends Element> - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
The DependencyStrategyHelper exists to aid in the construction of Strategy objects which describe a set of dependencies between constituent elements.
DependencyStrategyHelper() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.DependencyStrategyHelper
DependencyStrategyHelper(Collection<C>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.DependencyStrategyHelper
dependencyStrategyHelper - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.SerialStrategy
DependencyStrategyHelper.InvalidDependencyException - Exception in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
An DependencyStrategyHelper.InvalidDependencyException is thrown when an attempt generate an invalid dependency occurs.
DEPLOY_PLAN_NAME - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The name used for the deployment plan.
DeploymentStep - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Step which implements the deployment of a pod.
DeploymentStep(String, PodInstanceRequirement, StateStore) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
Creates a new instance with the provided name, initial status, associated pod instance required by the step, and any errors to be displayed to the user.
DeploymentStep.TaskStatusPair - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
DeployPlanFactory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Given a PhaseFactory and a StrategyGenerator for the Phases, the DeployPlanFactory generates a Plan.
DeployPlanFactory(PhaseFactory) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeployPlanFactory
DeployPlanFactory(PhaseFactory, StrategyGenerator<Phase>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeployPlanFactory
DeregisterStep - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall
Step which implements the deregistering of a framework.
DeregisterStep(StateStore, SchedulerDriver) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.DeregisterStep
Creates a new instance with initial status.
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.ConfigFactory.GoalStateDeserializer
deserialize(byte[], Class<T>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.JsonSerializer
deserialize(byte[], Class<T>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.state.Serializer
DestroyEvaluationStage - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
This class destroys volumes no longer needed by a Pod.
DestroyEvaluationStage(Protos.Resource) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.DestroyEvaluationStage
DestroyOfferRecommendation - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
This OfferRecommendation encapsulates a Mesos DESTROY Operation.
DestroyOfferRecommendation(Offer, Resource) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.DestroyOfferRecommendation
disableApiServer() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
Skips the creation of the API server and marks it as "started".
disableThreading() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
Forces the Scheduler to run in a synchronous/single-threaded mode for tests.
disconnected(ExecutorDriver) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CustomExecutor
DISCONNECTED - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerErrorCode
discoverySpec(DiscoverySpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec.Builder
Sets the discoverySpec and returns a reference to this Builder so that methods can be chained together.
DiscoverySpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Specification for a task's discovery info, including Mesos-DNS name prefix.
DISK_RESOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The name used for reserved storage/disk resources.
DISPLAYED_PORT_VISIBILITY - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The visibility setting to use by default in Mesos Ports, for VIP ports.
distinctKeyCount - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AbstractRoundRobinRule
DNS_TLD - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
TLD for navstar-based DNS.
DomainCapabilityValidator - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
This validator enforces that zones and regions are only referenced by placement rules when the cluster can provide this information in org.apache.mesos.Protos.DomainInfos.
DomainCapabilityValidator() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.DomainCapabilityValidator
DRIVER_EXITED - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerErrorCode
DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation(String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap.DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation


Element - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
An Element is a generic component in a tree of elements.
elementNotFoundResponse() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a "404 Element not found" response.
emptyAgentId() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.CommonIdUtils
emptyExecutorId() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.CommonIdUtils
emptyTaskId() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.CommonIdUtils
encodeHealthCheck(HealthCheck) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelUtils
Returns an encoded representation of the provided HealthCheck, suitable for storing in a Label.
EndpointProducer - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types
Interface for an object which returns the String content of an endpoint when requested.
EndpointsResource - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http
A read-only API for accessing information about how to connect to the service.
EndpointsResource(StateStore, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointsResource
Creates a new instance which retrieves task/pod state from the provided StateStore, using the provided serviceName for endpoint paths.
EndpointUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http
Utilities relating to the creation and interpretation of endpoints between DC/OS tasks.
EndpointUtils.VipInfo - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http
Simple data container representing information about a task VIP entry.
EnvConstants - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Environment variables to be set inside launched tasks themselves These are accessible to the tasks themselves via the container environment.
environment(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement.Builder
environment(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultCommandSpec.Builder
Sets the environment and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
envKey(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultSecretSpec.Builder
Sets the envKey and returns a reference to this Builder.
EnvUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Utilities relating to environment variable manipulation.
equal(Value, Value) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ValueUtils
equals(T, T) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.config.ConfigurationComparator
Returns whether the provided configuration objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.RecoveryConfiguration
equals(StringConfiguration, StringConfiguration) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.StringConfiguration.Comparator
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.StringConfiguration
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.SecretsClient.Payload
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PhaseInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PlanInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.StepInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.TaskInfoAndStatus
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AbstractRoundRobinRule
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AgentRule
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AndRule
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AnyMatcher
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.ExactMatcher
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.IsLocalRegionRule
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRule
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.NotRule
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.OrRule
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PassthroughRule
equals(Object) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementRule
Must be explicitly implemented by all PlacementRules.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RegexMatcher
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.StringMatcherRule
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeLabelConverter
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeRule
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.DecommissionPlanFactory.PodKey
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPhase
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlan
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPodInstance
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryStep
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultCommandSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultConfigFileSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultDiscoverySpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultNetworkSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultSecretSpec
equals(ServiceSpec, ServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Comparator
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVolumeSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.NamedVIPSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PortSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.RLimitSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride.Status
EraseTaskStateStep - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission
A step which erases a specified task's state from zookeeper.
EraseTaskStateStep(StateStore, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.EraseTaskStateStep
error(ExecutorDriver, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CustomExecutor
ERROR - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerErrorCode
escapedSplit(String, char) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MarathonConstraintParser
Tokenizes the provided string using the provided split character.
essential(Boolean) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec.Builder
Sets the essential bit and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
evaluate(MesosResourcePool, PodInfoBuilder) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.DestroyEvaluationStage
evaluate(MesosResourcePool, PodInfoBuilder) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.ExecutorEvaluationStage
evaluate(MesosResourcePool, PodInfoBuilder) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.LaunchEvaluationStage
evaluate(MesosResourcePool, PodInfoBuilder) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.OfferEvaluationStage
Evaluate the given offer (in the form of a MesosResourcePool, modifying the deducting used resources from the pool, and creating the appropriate EvaluationOutcome.
evaluate(PodInstanceRequirement, List<Protos.Offer>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.OfferEvaluator
evaluate(MesosResourcePool, PodInfoBuilder) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PlacementRuleEvaluationStage
evaluate(MesosResourcePool, PodInfoBuilder) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PortEvaluationStage
evaluate(MesosResourcePool, PodInfoBuilder) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.ResourceEvaluationStage
evaluate(MesosResourcePool, PodInfoBuilder) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.TLSEvaluationStage
evaluate(MesosResourcePool, PodInfoBuilder) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.UnreserveEvaluationStage
evaluate(MesosResourcePool, PodInfoBuilder) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.VolumeEvaluationStage
evaluate(List<Offer>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceCleaner
Returns a list of operations which should be performed, given the provided list of Offers from Mesos.
evaluateSimpleResource(OfferEvaluationStage, ResourceSpec, Optional<String>, MesosResourcePool) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.OfferEvaluationUtils
EvaluationOutcome - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
The outcome of invoking an OfferEvaluationStage.
EvaluationOutcome.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
Builder for constructor EvaluationOutcome instances.
ExactMatcher - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Implements exact string matching support for string comparisons.
execute(Request) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosHttpExecutor
Runs the provided request and returns the response.
EXECUTOR_ID - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
EXECUTOR_NAME - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
ExecutorDriverFactory - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
The interface for the creation of ExecutorDrivers.
ExecutorEvaluationStage - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
This class evaluates an ensuring that the offered Executor ID matches the needed ID and setting the executor ID for a newly-launching pod.
ExecutorEvaluationStage(Optional<Protos.ExecutorID>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.ExecutorEvaluationStage
Instantiate with an expected org.apache.mesos.Protos.ExecutorID to check for in offers.
ExecutorResourceMapper - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
Handles cross-referencing a preexisting Protos.ExecutorInfo's current Protos.Resources against a set of expected VolumeSpecs for that Executor.
ExecutorResourceMapper(PodSpec, Collection<ResourceSpec>, Protos.ExecutorInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.ExecutorResourceMapper
ExecutorTask - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
All the executor tasks should implement this.
ExecutorTaskException - Exception in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
Checked exception related to ExecutorTask operations.
ExecutorTaskException() - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.ExecutorTaskException
ExecutorTaskException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.ExecutorTaskException
ExecutorTaskException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.ExecutorTaskException
ExecutorTaskException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.ExecutorTaskException
ExecutorTaskException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.ExecutorTaskException
ExecutorTaskFactory - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
ExecutorTaskFactory's implementations are responsible for creating ExecutorTask objects.
ExecutorTaskLabelReader - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Provides read access to task labels which are (only) read by the Executor.
ExecutorTaskLabelReader(TaskInfo) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.ExecutorTaskLabelReader
ExecutorTaskLabelWriter - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Provides write access to task labels which are (only) written by the Executor.
ExecutorTaskLabelWriter() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.ExecutorTaskLabelWriter
exit() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorLocker
Broken out into a separate function to allow overrides in tests.
ExitCallback() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.LaunchedTaskStore.ExitCallback
Expect - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
A type of SimulationTick that verifies the scheduler did something.
expect(ClusterState, SchedulerDriver) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that a certain event had occurred, optionally updating the provided ClusterState with a result.
EXPLANATION_FIELD - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcomeTracker


Factory() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.StringConfiguration.Factory
fail(Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome
Returns a new failing outcome object with the provided descriptive reason.
failed() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckStats
failureMonitor - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
FailureMonitor - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor
Instances of this class are used to determine when a stopped task has failed and should be restarted elsewhere.
FailureUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery
This class provides utility methods for the handling of failed Tasks.
fetch(UUID) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStore
Retrieves and deserializes the Configuration assigned to the provided UUID, or throws an exception if no config with the provided UUID was found.
fetch() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.SchemaVersionStore
Retrieves the current schema version.
fetchBooleanProperty(StateStore, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreUtils
fetchFrameworkId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Fetches the previously stored FrameworkID, or returns an empty Optional if no FrameworkId was previously stored.
fetchGoalOverrideStatus(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Retrieves the goal state override status of a particular task.
fetchPodTasks(StateStore, PodInstance) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreUtils
Returns all Protos.TaskInfos associated with the provided PodInstance, or an empty list if none were found.
fetchProperty(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Fetches the value byte array, stored against the Property key, or throws an error if no matching key is found.
fetchPropertyKeys() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Fetches the list of Property keys, or an empty list if none are found.
fetchPropertyOrEmptyArray(StateStore, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreUtils
Returns the requested property, or an empty array if the property is not present.
fetchStatus(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Fetches the TaskStatus for a particular Task, or returns an empty Optional if no matching status is found.
fetchStatuses() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Fetches all Protos.TaskStatuses from the underlying storage, or an empty list if none are found.
fetchTask(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Fetches the TaskInfo for a particular Task, or returns an empty Optional if no matching task is found.
fetchTaskNames() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Fetches all the Task names listed in the underlying storage.
fetchTasks() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Fetches and returns all Protos.TaskInfos from the underlying storage, or an empty list if none are found.
fetchTasksNeedingRecovery(StateStore, ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>, Set<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreUtils
Fetches and returns all Protos.TaskInfos for tasks needing recovery and in the list of launchable Tasks.
fetchTasksNeedingRecovery(StateStore, ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreUtils
Fetches and returns all Protos.TaskInfos for tasks needing recovery.
FILE_ENCODING - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
FILE_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
FILE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
filePath(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultSecretSpec.Builder
Sets the filePath and returns a reference to this Builder.
filter(Offer, PodInstance, Collection<TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AbstractRoundRobinRule
filter(Offer, PodInstance, Collection<TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AgentRule
filter(Offer, PodInstance, Collection<TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AndRule
filter(Offer, PodInstance, Collection<TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AttributeRule
filter(Offer, PodInstance, Collection<TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.HostnameRule
filter(Protos.Offer, PodInstance, Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.IsLocalRegionRule
filter(Offer, PodInstance, Collection<TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerAttributeRule
filter(Offer, PodInstance, Collection<TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerHostnameRule
filter(Protos.Offer, PodInstance, Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRegionRule
filter(Protos.Offer, PodInstance, Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerZoneRule
filter(Offer, PodInstance, Collection<TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.NotRule
filter(Offer, PodInstance, Collection<TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.OrRule
filter(Offer, PodInstance, Collection<TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PassthroughRule
filter(Offer, PodInstance, Collection<TaskInfo>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementRule
Returns whether the provided Offer, combined with the accompanying TaskInfos, passes or fails this placement constraint.
filter(Protos.Offer, PodInstance, Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RegionRule
filter(Offer, PodInstance, Collection<TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeRule
filter(Protos.Offer, PodInstance, Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.ZoneRule
filter(String, Collection<PodSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPlanGenerator
filterAcceptedOffers(List<Offer>, Collection<OfferID>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanUtils
filterOutAcceptedOffers(List<Protos.Offer>, Collection<Protos.OfferID>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.OfferUtils
Filters out accepted offers and returns back a list of unused offers.
filterPodTasks(String, Collection<TaskInfoAndStatus>, Set<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.RequestUtils
Returns a new list which contains only the tasks for a given pod which matched the provided task names.
forceComplete() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
forceComplete() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Forcefully marks the element as Status.COMPLETE, cancelling any work that hasn't started.
forceComplete() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.ParentElement
Force completes children.
forceCompleteCommand(String, String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
forceCompleteCommand(String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
forPhase(Phase) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PhaseInfo
forPlan(Plan) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PlanInfo
forStep(Step) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.StepInfo
FRAMEWORK_HOST_TASKENV - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvConstants
Provides the host domain for pods within the service.
FRAMEWORK_ID - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
FRAMEWORK_NAME_TASKENV - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvConstants
Provides the configured name of the framework/service.
FRAMEWORK_VIP_HOST_TASKENV - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvConstants
Provides the host domain for VIPs within the service.
frameworkMessage(ExecutorDriver, byte[]) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CustomExecutor
free(MesosResource) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResourcePool
from(RawPhase, String, Collection<PodSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPlanGenerator
fromEnv() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns a new SchedulerConfig instance which is based off the process environment.
fromExistingResource(Resource) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
fromJsonString(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.SerializationUtils
Returns the object represented by the provided JSON string created via SerializationUtils.toJsonString(Object).
fromMap(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns a new SchedulerConfig instance which is based off the provided custom environment map.
fromRangeList(List<Range>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.RangeUtils
fromRawServiceSpec(RawServiceSpec, SchedulerConfig, File) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerRunner
Builds a new instance using a RawServiceSpec representing the raw object model of a YAML service specification file.
fromSchedulerBuilder(SchedulerBuilder) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerRunner
Builds a new instance using a SchedulerBuilder instance representing the scheduler logic to be executed.
fromServiceSpec(ServiceSpec, SchedulerConfig) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerRunner
Builds a new instance using a ServiceSpec representing the serializable Java representation of a service specification.
fromSpec(ResourceSpec, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
fromSpec(VolumeSpec, Optional<String>, Optional<String>, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
fromString(String, Class<T>, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.SerializationUtils
Returns a representation of the provided value using the provided custom object mapper.
fromUnreservedValue(String, Value) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
fromYamlString(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.SerializationUtils
Returns the object represented by the provided YAML string created via SerializationUtils.toYamlString(Object).


generate(CertificateNamesGenerator) - Method in class
Returns a mapping of TLSArtifact types to generated secret content, to be stored in a SecretStore.
generate() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.CanaryStrategy.Generator
generate() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.ParallelStrategy.Generator
generate() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.RandomStrategy.Generator
generate() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.SerialStrategy.Generator
generate() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.StrategyGenerator
generate(RawPlan, String, Collection<PodSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPlanGenerator
generate(RawPlan, String, Collection<PodSpec>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PlanGenerator
generateForPhase(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.StrategyFactory
generateForSteps(String, List<Step>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.StrategyFactory
Generator(Strategy<Step>, List<Step>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.CanaryStrategy.Generator
Creates a new generator which will require 2 CanaryStrategy.proceed() calls from a user before following the provided postCanaryStrategy.
Generator(Strategy<Step>, int, List<Step>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.CanaryStrategy.Generator
Creates a new generator which will require a specified number of CanaryStrategy.proceed() calls from a user before following the provided postCanaryStrategy.
Generator() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.ParallelStrategy.Generator
Generator() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.RandomStrategy.Generator
Generator() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.SerialStrategy.Generator
get(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorPersister
get(String) - Method in class
get(String) - Method in interface
Retrieves the previously stored data at the specified path, or throws an exception if the path doesn't exist.
get(String) - Method in class
getActivePlanManagers(List<PlanManager>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanUtils
getAgentPlacementRule(List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementUtils
Returns the appropriate placement rule, given a set of agents to avoid or colocate with.
getAllData(Persister) - Static method in class
Returns all data present within the provided Persister in a flat map, omitting any stub parent entries with null data.
getAllKeys(Persister) - Static method in class
Returns a complete list of all keys present within the provided Persister in a flat list, including stub parent entries which may lack data.
getAllNames(String) - Method in class
Return a list of namespaced secret names (without namespace) for all known TLSArtifacts.
getAllowDecommission() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getAllowDecommission() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getAllowDecommission() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getAllResources(Collection<TaskInfo>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceUtils
Returns a list of all the resources associated with one or more tasks, including Executor resources.
getAllResources(Protos.TaskInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceUtils
Returns a list of all the resources associated with a task, including Executor resources.
getApiServerInitTimeout() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns the configured time to wait for the API server to come up during scheduler initialization.
getApiServerPort() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns the configured API port, or throws SchedulerConfig.ConfigException if the environment lacked the required information.
getApplicationPort() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVipSpec
getApplicationPort() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.VipSpec
getAssignedOverlayPorts() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
getAuthor() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.SecretsClient.Payload
getBootstrapURI() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
getBytes() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.config.Configuration
Returns a byte representation of this Configuration which is suitable for writing to disk.
getBytes() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.StringConfiguration
getCandidates() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlanCoordinator
Returns the set of steps across all PlanManagers which are eligible for execution.
getCandidates(Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlanManager
getCandidates(Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Plan
getCandidates() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanCoordinator
getCandidates(Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanManager
Determines the next Steps that should be considered for scheduling.
getCandidates(Collection<Step>, Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.CanaryStrategy
getCandidates(Collection<C>, Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.DependencyStrategy
getCandidates(boolean, Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.DependencyStrategyHelper
getCandidates(Collection<C>, Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.ParallelStrategy
getCandidates(Collection<C>, Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.RandomStrategy
getCandidates(Collection<C>, Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.SerialStrategy
getCandidates(Collection<C>, Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.Strategy
Returns the candidate element(s), if any, which may have work performed against them.
getCandidates(Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
getChildren(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorPersister
getChildren() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome
Returns any nested outcomes which resulted in this decision.
getChildren() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPhase
getChildren() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlan
getChildren() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.ParentElement
Gets the children of this Element.
getChildren(String) - Method in class
getChildren(String) - Method in interface
Returns the names of child nodes at the provided path.
getChildren(String) - Method in class
getClusterState() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestResult
Returns the cluster/task state resulting from the simulation.
getCmd() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawReadinessCheck
getCmd() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getCommand() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec
getCommand() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec
getCommand() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
getCommand() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReadinessCheckSpec
getCommand() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec
getComparatorInstance() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
Returns a ConfigurationComparator which may be used to compare DefaultServiceSpecs.
getConfig(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.TaskEnvRouter
Returns the config to be injected into tasks with the provided podType.
getConfigFiles() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
getConfigFiles() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec
getConfigs() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getConfigStore() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Returns the ConfigStore provided via SchedulerBuilder.setConfigStore(ConfigStore), or a reasonable default.
getConfiguration(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ConfigResource
Produces the content of the provided configuration ID, or returns an error if that ID doesn't exist or the data couldn't be read.
getConfigurationFactory(ServiceSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
Returns a DefaultServiceSpec.ConfigFactory which may be used to deserialize DefaultServiceSpecs, which has been confirmed to successfully and consistently serialize/deserialize the provided ServiceSpecification instance.
getConfigurationFactory(ServiceSpec, Collection<Class<?>>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
Returns a DefaultServiceSpec.ConfigFactory which may be used to deserialize DefaultServiceSpecs, which has been confirmed to successfully and consistently serialize/deserialize the provided ServiceSpecification instance.
getConfigurationField() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.ConfigValidationError
Returns the name of the field which had the error.
getConfigurationIds() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ConfigResource
Produces an ID listing of all stored configurations.
getConfigurationValue() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.ConfigValidationError
Returns the current value which triggered the error.
getConsecutiveFailures() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckStats
getConsecutiveSuccesses() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckStats
getConstraintDescriptor() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap.DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation
getContainerPath() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVolumeSpec
getContainerPath() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.VolumeSpec
getContainerPorts() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawNetwork
getContext(Class<?>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PrettyJsonResource
getCount() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getCount() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getCount() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getCpus() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawResourceSet
getCpus() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getCurrentTimeMillis() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation.DefaultReconciler
Time retrieval broken out into a separate function to allow overriding its behavior in tests.
getCurrentTimeMs() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.TimedLaunchConstrainer
getDcosAuthTokenProvider() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns a token provider which may be used to retrieve DC/OS JWT auth tokens, or throws an exception if the local environment doesn't provide the needed information (e.g.
getDcosSpace() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
getDcosVersion() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
getDcosVersion() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.DcosVersionClient
getDebugString() - Method in class
Returns a summary of this instance in a newline-separated string.
getDefaultRegisteredSubtypes() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.ConfigFactory
getDefaultRetry() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorUtils
Returns a reasonable default retry policy for querying ZK.
getDelay() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec
getDelay() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec
getDelay() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReadinessCheckSpec
getDelay() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawReadinessCheck
getDependencies() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.DependencyStrategyHelper
getDeploymentWasCompleted(StateStore) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreUtils
Gets whether the service has previously completed deployment.
getDeployPlan(Collection<Plan>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerUtils
getDescription() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.SecretsClient.Payload
getDescription() - Method in enum
getDescription() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.SendOffer
getDescription() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.SendTaskStatus
getDescription() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.SimulationTick
Returns a description of this step for debugging by the user.
getDest() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawConfig
getDirtyAssets() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlanManager
getDirtyAssets() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanManager
Returns a Set of assets that are dirty, i.e.
getDirtyAssets(Plan) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanUtils
getDirtyAssets() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
getDiscovery() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
getDiscovery() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec
getDiscovery() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getDisplayStatus() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
getDisplayStatus(StateStore, Status, Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
getDisplayStatus() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Step
Returns a user-facing display status of this step, which may provide additional context on the work being performed beyond the underlying progress Status returned by Element.getStatus().
getDistDir() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Returns a File object for the service's src/main/dist directory.
getDistFile(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Returns a File object for a provided filename or relative path within the service's src/main/dist directory.
getDriver(Executor) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.ExecutorDriverFactory
Gets a driver.
getDriver(Executor) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.MesosExecutorDriverFactory
getDynamicallyReservedPoolByResourceId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResourcePool
Returns the resources which were dynamically reserved.
getElements() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosVersion
getEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointsResource
Produces the content of the specified endpoint.
getEndpoint() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.EndpointProducer
Returns some endpoint content to be sent in response to an 'endpoints' lookup request.
getEndpoints() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointsResource
Produces a listing of all endpoint names.
getEnum() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.RLimitSpec
getEnv() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getEnvironment() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement
Returns the map of environment variable names to values that extend the existing environments of tasks in this pod.
getEnvironment() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.CommandSpec
getEnvironment() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultCommandSpec
Returns the merged ServiceSpec environment plus any environment variable overrides.
getEnvKey() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultSecretSpec
getEnvKey() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PortSpec
getEnvKey() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.SecretSpec
getEnvKey() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPort
getEnvKey() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawResource
getEnvKey() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawSecret
getEnvVar(Environment, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvUtils
Returns the value of the provided environment variable, or an empty Optional if no matching environment variable was found.
getErrors() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.ConfigurationUpdater.UpdateResult
Gets a list of zero or more validation errors with the current configuration.
getErrors() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PlanInfo
getErrors() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPhase
getErrors() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlan
getErrors() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
getErrors() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Returns a list of user-visible descriptive error messages associated with this Element.
getErrors(List<String>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.ParentElement
Returns all errors from this and all its children.
getErrors() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.TLSCleanupStep
getErrors() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallStep
getEvaluationOutcome() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.OfferEvaluationUtils.ReserveEvaluationOutcome
getEvaluationPipeline(PodInstanceRequirement, Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>, Map<String, Protos.TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.OfferEvaluator
getEvaluationStages() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.ExecutorResourceMapper
getEvaluationStages() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.TaskResourceMapper
getExecutableParameters() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap.DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation
getExecutableReturnValue() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap.DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation
getExecutor() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.LaunchedPod
getExecutor() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.LaunchedTask
getExecutorBuilder() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
getExecutorResourceBuilders() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
getExecutorURI() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
getExistingExecutorVolume(VolumeSpec, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
getField(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementUtils
getFile(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
getFile(StateStore, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
Retrieves the contents of a file based on file name.
getFileNames(StateStore) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
Gets the name of the files that are stored in the state store.
getFilePath() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultSecretSpec
getFilePath() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.SecretSpec
getFilePath() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawSecret
getFiles() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
getFirstElement() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosVersion.Elements
getFrameworkId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
Produces the configured ID of the framework, or returns an error if reading that data failed.
getFullInfo() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
getGenerator() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.ParallelStrategy
getGenerator() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.RandomStrategy
getGenerator() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.SerialStrategy
getGoal() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
getGoal() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec
getGoal() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getGoalOverridePath(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
getGoalOverrideStatusPath(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
getGoalState(PodInstance, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Gets the GoalState of Task.
getGoalStateDeserializer() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.ConfigFactory
getGpus() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawResourceSet
getGpus() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getGracePeriod() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec
getGracePeriod() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.HealthCheckSpec
getGracePeriod() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawHealthCheck
getGracePeriodSecs() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.RecoveryConfiguration
getHard() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.RLimitSpec
getHard() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawRLimit
getHealth() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.HealthResource
Returns the health of the service as a response code.
getHealthCheck() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
getHealthCheck() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec
getHealthCheck() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getHealthCheckStats() - Method in exception com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckHandler.CheckRuntimeException
getHostname() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelReader
Returns the hostname of the agent machine running the task.
getHostPorts() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawNetwork
getId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PhaseInfo
getId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.StepInfo
getId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
getId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPhase
getId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlan
getId() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Returns the unique identifier of this Element.
getId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet
getId() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ResourceSet
getImage() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getImage() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getImage() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getIndex() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
getIndex() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelReader
Returns the pod instance index of the task, or throws TaskException if no index data was found.
getIndex() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPodInstance
getIndex() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodInstance
The index of this pod instance.
getInfo() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.TaskInfoAndStatus
getInstance() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
getInstance() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AttributeRuleFactory
getInstance() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.HostnameRuleFactory
getInstance() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RegionRuleFactory
getInstance() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.ZoneRuleFactory
getInstance() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics.OperationsCounter
getInstanceName(PodInstance, TaskSpec) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec
getInstanceName(PodInstance, String) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec
getInterval() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec
getInterval() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec
getInterval() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReadinessCheckSpec
getInterval() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawReadinessCheck
getInvalidValue() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap.DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation
getJavaHome() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
getJavaURI() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
getKey(Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AbstractRoundRobinRule
Returns a key to round robin against from the provided Offer, or null if none was found.
getKey(TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AbstractRoundRobinRule
Returns a key to round robin against from the provided TaskInfo, or null if none was found.
getKey(Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByAttributeRule
getKey(TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByAttributeRule
getKey(Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByHostnameRule
Returns a value to round robin against from the provided Offer.
getKey(TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByHostnameRule
Returns a value to round robin against from the provided TaskInfo.
getKey(Protos.Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByRegionRule
getKey(Protos.TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByRegionRule
getKey(Protos.Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByZoneRule
getKey(Protos.TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByZoneRule
getKeys(Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AttributeRule
getKeys(Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.HostnameRule
getKeys(TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerAttributeRule
getKeys(Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerAttributeRule
getKeys(TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerHostnameRule
getKeys(Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerHostnameRule
getKeys(Protos.TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRegionRule
getKeys(Protos.Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRegionRule
getKeys(Protos.TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRule
getKeys(Protos.Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRule
getKeys(Protos.TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerZoneRule
getKeys(Protos.Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerZoneRule
getKeys(Protos.Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RegionRule
getKeys(Protos.Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.StringMatcherRule
getKeys(Protos.Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.ZoneRule
getKnownTLSArtifacts(Collection<String>) - Static method in class
Filters the provided list of secret paths to just the ones which have a matching TLSArtifact implementation.
getLabels() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultNetworkSpec
getLabels() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.NetworkSpec
getLabelsCsv() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawNetwork
getLastLaunchedPod() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ClusterState
Returns the last pod to be launched, regardless of the pod's name.
getLastLaunchedPod(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ClusterState
Returns the last pod to be launched with the specified name.
getLastLaunchedTask(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ClusterState
Returns the last task launched with the specified name.
getLastOffer() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ClusterState
Returns the last offer to have been sent.
getLaunchableTasks(Collection<Plan>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanUtils
getLeafBean() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap.DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation
getLibmesosURI() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
getMany(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorPersister
getMany(Collection<String>) - Method in class
getMany(Collection<String>) - Method in interface
Atomically reads many values from storage at once, returning a mapping of paths to values.
getMany(Collection<String>) - Method in class
getMatcher() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.StringMatcherRule
getMaxConsecutiveFailures() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec
getMaxConsecutiveFailures() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.HealthCheckSpec
getMaxConsecutiveFailures() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawHealthCheck
getMemory() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawResourceSet
getMemory() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getMesosApiVersion() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns the Mesos API version.
getMesosResource() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome
getMesosScheduler() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
Returns a Mesos API Scheduler object to be registered with Mesos, or an empty Optional if Mesos registration should not be performed.
getMesosScheduler() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallScheduler
getMessage() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.ConfigValidationError
Returns the provided error message for this error.
getMessage() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.StepInfo
getMessage() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Returns a reasonable user-visible status message.
getMessage() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Step
getMessage() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryStep
getMessage() - Method in exception com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig.ConfigException
getMessage() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap.DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation
getMessage() - Method in exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStoreException
getMessage() - Method in exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreException
getMessage() - Method in exception
getMessageTemplate() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap.DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation
getMinReplaceDelayMin() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy
getMonitor() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.LaunchedTaskStore
Returns the monitor process to be run once the executor has registered.
getMountPath(String) - Method in enum
Returns the path location where the secret should be mounted into task filesystems.
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckStats
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PhaseInfo
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.StepInfo
getName() - Method in enum
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResource
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPhase
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlan
getName() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Returns a user-visible name describing the purpose of this Element.
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.CanaryStrategy
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.DependencyStrategy
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.ParallelStrategy
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.RandomStrategy
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.SerialStrategy
getName() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.Strategy
getName() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ConfigFileSpec
Name for this config.
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultConfigFileSpec
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultNetworkSpec
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec
getName() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.NetworkSpec
getName() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodInstance
getName(String, int) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodInstance
getName(PodSpec, int) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getName() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ResourceSpec
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.RLimitSpec
getName() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ServiceSpec
getName() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec
getName() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TransportEncryptionSpec
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawResource
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawServiceSpec
getName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTransportEncryption
getNetworkNames() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PortSpec
getNetworks() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getNetworks() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getNetworks() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getOffer() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.CreateOfferRecommendation
getOffer() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.DestroyOfferRecommendation
getOffer() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcome
getOffer() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.LaunchOfferRecommendation
getOffer() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResourcePool
Returns the underlying offer which this resource pool represents.
getOffer() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.OfferRecommendation
Returns the Offer upon which the Operation returned by OfferRecommendation.getOperation() should be performed.
getOffer() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ReserveOfferRecommendation
getOffer() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.UnreserveOfferRecommendation
getOfferAttributeStrings() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelReader
Returns the string representations of any Offer Attributes which were embedded in the task.
getOfferOutcomes(boolean) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.OfferOutcomeResource
Renders the current set of offer outcomes as an HTML table.
getOfferRecommendations() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome
getOperation() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.CreateOfferRecommendation
getOperation() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.DestroyOfferRecommendation
getOperation() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.LaunchOfferRecommendation
getOperation() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.OfferRecommendation
Returns the operation which should be performed in regards to the specified Offer returned by OfferRecommendation.getOffer().
getOperation() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ReserveOfferRecommendation
getOperation() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.UnreserveOfferRecommendation
getOptional(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelReader
Returns the requested label value, or an empty Optional if the value was not found.
getOptional(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelWriter
Returns the requested label value, or an empty Optional if the value was not found.
getOrphanedResources() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.ExecutorResourceMapper
getOrphanedResources() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.TaskResourceMapper
getOrThrow(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelReader
Returns the requested label value, or throws an exception if the value was not found.
getOutcomeDetails() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcome
getPackageBuildTimeMs() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns the package build time (unix epoch milliseconds) as advertised in the scheduler environment.
getPackageName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns the package name as advertised in the scheduler environment.
getPackageVersion() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns the package version as advertised in the scheduler environment.
getParentPaths(String) - Static method in class
Returns a recursive list of all paths which are the parent of the provided path.
getPath() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawVolume
getPathsForType(TransportEncryptionSpec.Type, String) - Method in class
Returns a mapping of secret store path to mount path for all TLSArtifacts with the specified TransportEncryptionSpec.Type.
getPauseOverrideCmd() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns the command to be run when pausing a Task.
getPermanentFailureTimoutMin() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy
getPersistenceId(Resource) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceUtils
getPersistentVolumesToBeDestroyed(Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.DefaultResourceCleaner
Examines the Offer to determine which volume Resources should be destroyed.
getPersistentVolumesToBeDestroyed(Offer) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceCleaner
Examines the Offer to determine which volume Resources should be destroyed.
getPersistentVolumesToBeDestroyed(Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallResourceCleaner
Examines the Offer to determine which volume Resources have resource ID's and therefore should be destroyed.
getPersister() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Returns the underlying Persister object for direct access.
getPersister() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestResult
Returns the persister/ZK state resulting from the simulation.
getPhase(String, List<Step>, Strategy<Step>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPhaseFactory
getPhase(PodSpec, Strategy<Step>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPhaseFactory
getPhase(PodSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPhaseFactory
getPhase(PodSpec) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PhaseFactory
getPhase(PodSpec, Strategy<Step>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PhaseFactory
getPhases() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PlanInfo
getPhases() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPlan
getPlacement() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AgentRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AndRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AttributeRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.HostnameRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.IsLocalRegionRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerAttributeRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerHostnameRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRegionRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerZoneRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.NotRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.OrRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PassthroughRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementRule
Returns the PlacementFields to which this rule applies.
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RegionRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByAttributeRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByHostnameRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByRegionRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByZoneRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeRule
getPlacementFields() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.ZoneRule
getPlacementRule() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getPlacementRule() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getPlan() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.DecommissionPlanFactory
Returns a Plan for decommissioning tasks, or an empty Optional if nothing needs to be decommissioned.
getPlan() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlanManager
getPlan(String, List<Phase>, Strategy<Phase>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeployPlanFactory
getPlan(String, List<Phase>, Strategy<Phase>, List<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeployPlanFactory
getPlan(ServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeployPlanFactory
getPlan(ServiceSpec) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanFactory
getPlan() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanManager
getPlan() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
getPlanCoordinator() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.DefaultScheduler
getPlanInfo(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
Returns a full list of the Plan's contents (incl all Phases/Steps).
getPlanManagers() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlanCoordinator
getPlanManagers() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanCoordinator
getPlans() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
Returns the plans defined for this scheduler.
getPlans() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawServiceSpec
getPlans() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ClusterState
Returns the scheduler's current plans.
getPod() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPodInstance
getPod() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodInstance
The specification that defines this pod instance.
getPod() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPhase
getPodInfo(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PodResource
Produces the full information for a single pod instance.
getPodInstance() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
getPodInstance(ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>, TaskInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
getPodInstance(PodSpec, TaskInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
getPodInstance() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement
Returns the definition of the pod instance to be created.
getPodInstance(Protos.TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.PersistentLaunchRecorder
getPodInstanceName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcome
getPodInstanceRequirement() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
getPodInstanceRequirement() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Step
Return the pod instance that this Step intends to work on.
getPodInstanceRequirement() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.TLSCleanupStep
getPodInstanceRequirement() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallStep
getPodInstanceTasks(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.GroupedTasks
getPodName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.DecommissionPlanFactory.PodKey
getPodRequirements(ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>, Collection<TaskInfo>, Collection<TaskInfo>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Given a list of all tasks and failed tasks, returns a list of tasks (via returned PodInstanceRequirement.getTasksToLaunch()) that should be relaunched.
getPods() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PodResource
Produces a listing of all pod instance names.
getPods() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
getPods() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ServiceSpec
getPods() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawServiceSpec
getPodSpec(ServiceSpec, TaskInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Returns the TaskSpec in the provided DefaultServiceSpec which matches the provided TaskInfo, or null if no match could be found.
getPodStatus(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PodResource
Produces the summary status of a single pod instance.
getPodStatuses() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PodResource
Produces the summary statuses of all pod instances.
getPodsToDecommission(ServiceSpec, Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.DecommissionPlanFactory
Returns a mapping of pods to be decommissioned with affected tasks within those pods.
getPodTasks(PodInstance, StateStore) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Returns the TaskInfos associated with a PodInstance if its ever been launched.
getPort() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PortSpec
getPort() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPort
getPort() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawVip
getPortMappings() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultNetworkSpec
getPortMappings() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.NetworkSpec
getPortName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PortSpec
getPorts() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawResourceSet
getPorts() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getPrefix() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultDiscoverySpec
getPrefix() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DiscoverySpec
getPrefix() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawDiscovery
getPrefix() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawVip
getPreReservedRole() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getPreReservedRole() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec
getPreReservedRole() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getPreReservedRole() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ResourceSpec
getPreReservedRole() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getPreviousConfigurationValue() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.ConfigValidationError
Returns the previous value which failed to transition to the current value, or null if this is not a transition error.
getPreviousRole() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResource
getPrincipal() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResource
getPrincipal(Resource) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceUtils
getPrincipal() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet
getPrincipal() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec
getPrincipal() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
getPrincipal() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ResourceSpec
getPrincipal() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ServiceSpec
getPrincipal() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawScheduler
getPriorPort(PortSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.TaskPortLookup
Returns the last value used for the provided PortSpec.
getPriorPortForTask(String, PortSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
This is the only carry-over from old tasks: If a port was dynamically allocated, we want to avoid reallocating it on task relaunch.
getProcessOffersDurationTimer() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
Returns a timer context which may be used to measure the time spent processing offers.
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
Produces the TaskInfo for the provided task name, or returns an error if that name doesn't exist or the data couldn't be read.
getPropertyKeys() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
getPropertyPath() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap.DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation
getProtocol() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.NamedVIPSpec
getRawServiceSpec() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestResult
Returns the RawServiceSpec (object model of a svc.yml) which was generated by the test.
getReadinessCheck() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.ExecutorTaskLabelReader
Returns the readiness check to be run by the Executor on task startup.
getReadinessCheck() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Returns the embedded readiness check, or an empty Optional if no readiness check is configured.
getReadinessCheck() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
getReadinessCheck() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec
getReadinessCheck() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getReason() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome
Returns the reason that this response is passing or failing.
getReason() - Method in exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStoreException
Returns the machine-parseable reason for this exception.
getReason() - Method in exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreException
Returns the machine-parseable reason for this exception.
getReason() - Method in exception
Returns the machine-parseable reason for this exception.
getRecoveryDelaySecs() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.RecoveryConfiguration
getRecoveryType() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement
getRecoveryType() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryStep
getRegion() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelReader
Returns the Region in which the Task was launched.
getRegistry() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
getRelativePath() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ConfigFileSpec
Path where this file will be written, relative to the initial working directory of the task.
getRelativePath() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultConfigFileSpec
getRemainingCapacity() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.queue.OfferQueue
This method returns the remaining capacity in the queue.
getReplacementFailurePolicy() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
getReplacementFailurePolicy() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ServiceSpec
getReservableMergedPoolByRole() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResourcePool
Returns the resources which are reservable.
getReservation(Resource) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceUtils
getReservedResourceById(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResourcePool
Returns the reserved resource, if present.
getReservedResourcesToBeUnreserved(Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.DefaultResourceCleaner
Examines the Offer to determine which Resources should be unreserved.
getReservedResourcesToBeUnreserved(Offer) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceCleaner
Examines the Offer to determine which reserved Resources should be unreserved.
getReservedResourcesToBeUnreserved(Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallResourceCleaner
Examines the Offer to determine which reserved Resources have resource ID's and therefore should be unreserved.
getResource() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.DestroyOfferRecommendation
getResource() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResource
getResource() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.UninstallRecommendation
Returns the Mesos resource to be unreserved or destroyed.
getResource() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.UnreserveOfferRecommendation
getResourceId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.OfferEvaluationUtils.ReserveEvaluationOutcome
getResourceId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResource
getResourceId(Resource) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceUtils
getResourceId(Protos.Resource.ReservationInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AuxLabelAccess
getResourceIds(Collection<Resource>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceUtils
Returns a list of unique resource IDs associated with Resources.
getResources() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
Returns a list of API resources to be served by the scheduler to the local cluster.
getResources() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.DefaultScheduler
getResources() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallScheduler
getResources() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet
getResources() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ResourceSet
getResources() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ClusterState
getResourceSet() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
getResourceSet() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec
getResourceSet() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getResourceSets() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getResourceSteps() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.DecommissionPlanFactory
Returns all ResourceCleanupSteps associated with the decommission plan, or an empty list if no steps are applicable.
getRLimits() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getRLimits() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getRLimits() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getRole(PodSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.OfferEvaluationUtils
getRole() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResource
getRole(Resource) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceUtils
getRole() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet
getRole() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec
getRole() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
getRole() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ResourceSpec
getRole() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ServiceSpec
getRootBean() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap.DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation
getRootBeanClass() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap.DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation
getSANs() - Method in class
Returns additional Subject Alternative Names for service certificates.
getSANsHash() - Method in class
Creates SHA1 string representation of CertificateNamesGenerator.getSANs().
getScheduler() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawServiceSpec
getSchedulerConfig() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Returns the SchedulerConfig object which was provided via the constructor.
getSchedulerEnvironment() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestResult
Returns the map of environment variables for the Scheduler which were generated by the test.
getSecondElement() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosVersion.Elements
getSecretPath() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultSecretSpec
getSecretPath() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.SecretSpec
getSecretPath() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawSecret
getSecrets() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getSecrets() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getSecrets() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getSecretsNamespace(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
getSecretStoreName(String, String, String) - Method in enum
Returns the full name to be used for the secret in a secret store.
getSecretStorePath(TLSArtifact, String) - Method in class
Returns the appropriate namespaced secret store path for the provided TLSArtifact.
getSerializedName() - Method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride
The label which tasks in this state are given.
getSerializedName() - Method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride.Progress
The label which overrides in this state are given.
getServiceName(RawServiceSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerUtils
Returns the configured service name (aka framework name) to use for running the service.
getServicePrincipal(RawServiceSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerUtils
Returns the configured Mesos principal to use for running the service.
getServiceRole(RawServiceSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerUtils
Returns the configured Mesos role to use for running the service.
getServiceRootPath(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorUtils
Returns the root node to store all scheduler ZK data inside.
getServiceSpec() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Returns the ServiceSpec which was provided via the constructor.
getServiceSpec() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ClusterState
Returns the rendered scheduler/service configuration.
getServiceSpec() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestResult
Returns the ServiceSpec (translated Service Specification) which was generated by the test.
getSharePidNamespace() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getSharePidNamespace() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getSharePidNamespace() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getSize() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.queue.OfferQueue
This method returns the number of elements in the queue.
getSize() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawVolume
getSoft() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.RLimitSpec
getSoft() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawRLimit
getSource() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome
Returns the name of the object which produced this response.
getSourceRoot(Resource) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceUtils
getStateStore() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Returns the StateStore provided via SchedulerBuilder.setStateStore(StateStore), or a reasonable default.
getStatsdHost() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns the StatsD host.
getStatsDPollIntervalS() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns the interval in seconds between StatsD reports.
getStatsdPort() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns the StatsD port.
getStatus() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PhaseInfo
getStatus() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PlanInfo
getStatus() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.StepInfo
getStatus() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.TaskInfoAndStatus
getStatus() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
getStatus(Set<Status>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
getStatus() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep.TaskStatusPair
getStatus() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Returns the Status of this Element, used to determine if the element still has work to be completed.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.ParentElement
getStep(PodInstance, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultStepFactory
getStep(PodInstance, Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.StepFactory
getStepName(PodInstance, Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Returns a default name for a Step given a PodInstance and the tasks to be launched in it.
getSteps() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PhaseInfo
getSteps() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPhase
getStoreableTaskInfo() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.LaunchOfferRecommendation
Returns the TaskInfo to be passed to a StateStore upon launch.
getStrategy() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPhase
getStrategy() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlan
getStrategy() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.ParentElement
Gets the Strategy applied to the deployment of this Element's children.
getStrategy() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPhase
getStrategy() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPlan
getStrategyName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PhaseInfo
getStrategyName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PlanInfo
getSubject() - Method in class
Returns a Subject for service certificate.
getTarget() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ConfigResource
Produces the content of the current target configuration, or returns an error if reading that data failed.
getTargetConfig(PodInstanceRequirement, Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.OfferEvaluator
getTargetConfig() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStore
getTargetConfig() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigTargetStore
Returns the current ID of the active target configuration, or throws an exception if none is set.
getTargetConfiguration() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelReader
Returns the ID referencing a configuration in a ConfigStore associated with the task.
getTargetId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.ConfigurationUpdater.UpdateResult
Gets the resulting configuration ID which should be used by service tasks.
getTargetId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ConfigResource
Produces the ID of the current target configuration, or returns an error if reading that data failed.
getTask() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.LaunchedTask
getTaskBuilder(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
getTaskBuilders() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
getTaskConfig(String, String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestResult
Returns the specified rendered task config content, or throws IllegalArgumentException if no such config was found.
getTaskEnvironment(String, PodInstance, TaskSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
Generates a Task environment containing the configured environment values from the CommandSpec, along with a set of default environment variables that all SDK tasks get for free.
getTaskFilter() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRule
getTaskId(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ClusterState
Returns the last task id for a task of the specified name.
getTaskInfo() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep.TaskStatusPair
getTaskInfoPath(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
getTaskInstanceName() - Method in class
getTaskIPAddress(TaskStatus) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Gets the IP address associated with the task.
getTaskIPsToZones(String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
Returns the Zone information for a given pod type and an IP address.
getTaskKillGracePeriodSeconds() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
getTaskKillGracePeriodSeconds() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec
getTaskKillGracePeriodSeconds() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getTaskName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PortEvaluationStage
getTaskName(StateStore, Protos.TaskStatus) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreUtils
Verifies that the supplied TaskStatus corresponds to a single TaskInfo in the provided StateStore and returns the TaskInfo.
getTaskNames(PodInstance) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Returns all the Task names for a PodInstance.
getTaskNames(PodInstance, Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Returns all the task names for a pod, after filtering based on the passed in list of tasks to launch.
getTaskNamesToZones() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
Returns the Zone information for all of the tasks of the service.
getTaskNameToZone(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
Returns the Zone information for a given task.
getTaskPath(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
getTaskResourceBuilders() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
getTasks() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getTasks() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getTasks() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getTasks() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.LaunchedPod
getTaskSecretsNamespace() - Method in class
getTaskSpec(ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>, Protos.TaskInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
getTaskSpec(PodInstance, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
getTaskSpec(ServiceSpec, String, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
getTaskStatusFromProperty(StateStore, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreUtils
Returns an Optional from the properties in the provided state store for the specified task name.
getTaskStatusPath(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
getTasksToLaunch() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement
Returns the list of tasks to be launched within this pod.
getTaskType(TaskInfo) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeConverter
getTaskType(TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeLabelConverter
Returns the task type embedded in the provided TaskInfo's labels.
getTaskZone(TaskInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Gets the zone of a task.
getTemplate(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ArtifactResource
Produces the content of the requested configuration template, or returns an error if that template doesn't exist or the data couldn't be read.
getTemplate() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawConfig
getTemplateContent() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ConfigFileSpec
Content of the template which will be rendered and written to the above path.
getTemplateContent() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultConfigFileSpec
getTemplateUrl(String, UUID, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ArtifactResource
Returns a valid URL for accessing a config template artifact from a service task.
getTimeout() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec
getTimeout() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec
getTimeout() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReadinessCheckSpec
getTimeout() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawReadinessCheck
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcome
getToken() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.auth.CachedTokenProvider
getToken() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.auth.ConstantTokenProvider
getToken() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.auth.TokenProvider
getToken() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.ServiceAccountIAMTokenClient
getTotalFailures() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckStats
getTotalSuccesses() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckStats
getTransitioningName() - Method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride
The state which tasks which are in the process of entering this state are given.
getTransportEncryption() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
getTransportEncryption() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec
getTransportEncryption() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getType() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
getType() - Method in enum
getType() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResource
getType() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelReader
Returns the task type string, which was embedded in the task.
getType() - Method in exception com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig.ConfigException
getType() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getType() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec
getType() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVolumeSpec
getType() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getType() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TransportEncryptionSpec
getType() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.VolumeSpec
getType() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTransportEncryption
getType() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawVolume
getUnreservedAtomicPool() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResourcePool
Returns the unreserved resources which cannot be partially consumed from an Offer.
getUnreservedMergedPool() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResourcePool
getUris() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getUris() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getUris() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getUser(RawServiceSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerUtils
Returns the configured user to use for running the scheduler.
getUser() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getUser(String, List<PodSpec>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
getUser() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
getUser() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getUser() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ServiceSpec
getUser() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawScheduler
getValidatedLabels() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawNetwork
getValidators(SchedulerConfig) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.DefaultConfigValidators
getValue() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.SecretsClient.Payload
getValue() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResource
getValue(Resource) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ValueUtils
getValue() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerErrorCode
getValue() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.CommandSpec
getValue() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultCommandSpec
getValue() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec
getValue() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ResourceSpec
getValue() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawResource
getVersion() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosVersion
getVip() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPort
getVipName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointUtils.VipInfo
getVipName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVipSpec
getVipName() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.NamedVIPSpec
getVipName() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.VipSpec
getVipPort() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointUtils.VipInfo
getVipPort() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVipSpec
getVipPort() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.NamedVIPSpec
getVipPort() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.VipSpec
getVIPsFromLabels(String, Protos.Port) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AuxLabelAccess
Returns the VIP information, if any, within the provided Protos.Port.
getVisibility() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultDiscoverySpec
getVisibility() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DiscoverySpec
getVisibility() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PortSpec
getVisibility() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawDiscovery
getVolume() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getVolume() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawResourceSet
getVolume() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getVolumes() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
getVolumes() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet
getVolumes() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec
getVolumes() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ResourceSet
getVolumes() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPod
getVolumes() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawResourceSet
getVolumes() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
getWaitTimeUnit() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorLocker
Broken out into a separate function to allow overrides in tests.
getWebUrl() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
getWebUrl() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ServiceSpec
getWebUrl() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawServiceSpec
getZero(Value.Type) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ValueUtils
getZkHost(RawServiceSpec, SchedulerConfig) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerUtils
Returns the configured hostname:port to use for state storage at the scheduler.
getZone() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelReader
Returns the Zone in which the Task was launched.
getZookeeper() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawScheduler
getZookeeperConnection() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
getZookeeperConnection() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ServiceSpec
GOAL_STATE_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Identifies the goal state of this task, e.g.
goalState(GoalState) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec.Builder
Sets the goalState and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
GoalState - Enum in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
The allowed goal states for a Task.
GoalStateDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.ConfigFactory.GoalStateDeserializer
GoalStateDeserializer(Class<?>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.ConfigFactory.GoalStateDeserializer
GoalStateOverride - Enum in com.mesosphere.sdk.state
The definition of a goal state override for a task.
GoalStateOverride.Progress - Enum in com.mesosphere.sdk.state
The state of the override itself.
GoalStateOverride.Status - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.state
Describes the current state of an override.
gpus(Double) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet.Builder
gracePeriod(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec.Builder
Sets the gracePeriod and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
GroupedTasks - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types
Utility class for sorting/grouping TaskInfos and/or their associated TaskStatuses into pods.
groupRecommendationsByAgent(List<OfferRecommendation>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceCleanerScheduler
Groups recommendations by agent.


hardExit(SchedulerErrorCode) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerUtils
Immediately exits the process with the ordinal value of the provided errorCode.
HAS_DYNAMIC_PORT_ASSIGNMENT_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
HAS_VIP_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
hasErrors() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Indicates whether this Element has encountered errors.
hasFailed(Protos.TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor.DefaultFailureMonitor
hasFailed(TaskInfo) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor.FailureMonitor
Determines whether the given TaskInfohas failed forever or not.
hasFailed(Protos.TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor.NeverFailureMonitor
hasFailed(TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor.TestingFailureMonitor
hasFailed(TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor.TimedFailureMonitor
Determines whether the given task has failed, by tracking the time delta between the first observed failure and the current time.
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.RecoveryConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.StringConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.SecretsClient.Payload
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PhaseInfo
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PlanInfo
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.StepInfo
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.TaskInfoAndStatus
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AbstractRoundRobinRule
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AgentRule
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AndRule
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AnyMatcher
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.ExactMatcher
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.IsLocalRegionRule
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRule
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.NotRule
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.OrRule
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PassthroughRule
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RegexMatcher
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.StringMatcherRule
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeLabelConverter
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeRule
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.DecommissionPlanFactory.PodKey
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPhase
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlan
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPodInstance
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryStep
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultCommandSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultConfigFileSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultDiscoverySpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultNetworkSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultSecretSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVolumeSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.NamedVIPSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PortSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.RLimitSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride.Status
hasOperations(Plan) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanUtils
Indicates whether a plan has any work left to do.
hasReadinessCheckLabel() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelReader
Returns whether the task has a readiness check label.
hasResourceId() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResource
hasResourceId(Resource) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceUtils
hasStatus() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.TaskInfoAndStatus
hasTasksWithTLS(ServiceSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Returns whether any tasks within the provided ServiceSpec have transport encryption specs defined.
hasZone(Protos.Offer) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementUtils
HEALTH_CHECK_CMD - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
healthCheckSpec(HealthCheckSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec.Builder
Sets the healthCheckSpec and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
HealthCheckSpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
HealthCheck specification.
HealthResource - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http
A read-only API for checking whether the service is healthy.
HealthResource() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.HealthResource
HOST_PORT - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
HOSTNAME - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
HostnameRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This rule enforces that a task be placed on the specified hostname, or enforces that the task avoid that hostname.
HostnameRule(StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.HostnameRule
HostnameRuleFactory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This class generates HostnameRules.
htmlOkResponse(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a 200 OK response containing the provided html .
htmlResponse(String, Response.Status) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a response containing the provided html with the provided status .


IAM_AUTH_URL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
id - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
id(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet.Builder
Sets the id and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
image(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets the image and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
INACTIVE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride.Status
The override status of a task for which no overrides are applicable, and which has reached its goal state.
incrementDeclinesLong(long) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
incrementDeclinesShort(long) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
incrementInterval - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket.Builder
incrementInterval(Duration) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket.Builder
Set the interval between putting new tokens in the bucket.
incrementProcessedOffers(long) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
incrementReceivedOffers(long) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
incrementRevives() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
incrementReviveThrottles() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
initial - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket.Builder
INITIALIZATION_FAILURE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerErrorCode
initialize(SchedulerDriver) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
Performs any additional Scheduler initialization after registration has completed.
initialize(SchedulerDriver) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.DefaultScheduler
initialize(SchedulerDriver) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallScheduler
initialize(PositiveScalarProtoValue) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation.PositiveScalarProtoValueValidator
initialize(UniquePodType) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation.UniquePodTypeValidator
initialize(UniqueTaskName) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation.UniqueTaskNameValidator
initialTokenCount(int) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket.Builder
Set the initial number of tokens.
initServiceName(Persister, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorUtils
Compares the service name to the previously stored name in zookeeper, or creates a new node containing this data if it isn't already present.
interrupt() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
interrupt() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Interruptible
A call to interrupt indicates to an Interruptible that it should not continue work beyond the current point, until Interruptible.proceed() is called.
interrupt() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.ParentElement
interrupt() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.CanaryStrategy
interrupt() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.InterruptibleStrategy
interruptCommand(String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
Interrupts (Pauses) a plan or if specified a phase within a plan.
interruptCommand() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
Interruptible - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Interface for plan components which may be flagged as interrupted.
InterruptibleStrategy<C extends Element> - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
This class provides an encapsulation of common implementations for the methods associated with pausing and resuming strategies.
InterruptibleStrategy() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.InterruptibleStrategy
interval(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec.Builder
Sets the interval and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
interval(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec.Builder
Sets the interval and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
InvalidDependencyException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.DependencyStrategyHelper.InvalidDependencyException
InvalidRequirementException - Exception in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
An exception which describes an error in a provided set of Offer Requirements.
InvalidRequirementException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.InvalidRequirementException
InvalidRequirementException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.InvalidRequirementException
InvalidRequirementException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.InvalidRequirementException
InvalidRLimitException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.RLimitSpec.InvalidRLimitException
InvalidTaskSpecException - Exception in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
This class is an Exception to be used when unexpected errors are encountered in the handling of TaskSpecifications and TaskTypeSpecifications.
InvalidTaskSpecException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.InvalidTaskSpecException
invalidValue(String) - Static method in exception com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig.ConfigException
IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
isAcceptable(Protos.Offer, PodInstance, Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRule
isAcceptable(Protos.Offer, PodInstance, Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.StringMatcherRule
isAdvertised() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawPort
isAlive() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.ProcessTask
isAssetDirty() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Step
Reports whether the Asset associated with this Step is dirty.
isAssignedOverlayPort(long) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
isAtomic() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResource
isComplete() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Indicates whether this Element is complete.
isDeployPlan() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Plan
isDone() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.LaunchedTask
isEligible(Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Indicates whether this Element is capable of being started.
isEligible(Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.ParentElement
isEligible(Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Step
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.queue.OfferQueue
This method specifies whether any offers are in the queue.
isEssential() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
isEssential() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec
isEssential() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawTask
isInAny(List<Range>, long) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.RangeUtils
Returns whether the provided value is encompassed by any of the provided ranges.
isInterrupted() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
isInterrupted() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Interruptible
Indicates whether the object is interrupted or not.
isInterrupted() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.ParentElement
isInterrupted() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.CanaryStrategy
isInterrupted() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.InterruptibleStrategy
IsLocalRegionRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This rule passes if the Offer is on the local region.
IsLocalRegionRule() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.IsLocalRegionRule
isOfferAccepted(Protos.Offer, Collection<Protos.OfferID>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.OfferUtils
Determines if a certain offer is part of the accepted OfferID collection.
isPassing() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome
Returns whether this outcome was passing (true) or failing (false).
isPending() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Indicates whether this Element has been started.
isPermanentlyFailed() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelReader
Returns whether the task is marked as permanently failed.
isPermanentlyFailed(Protos.TaskInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.FailureUtils
Check if a Task has been marked as permanently failed.
isPrepared() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Indicates whether this Element is prepared.
isReadinessCheckSucceeded(TaskStatus) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelReader
Returns whether or not a readiness check succeeded.
isReconciled() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation.DefaultReconciler
isReconciled() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation.Reconciler
Returns whether reconciliation is complete.
isRecoveryNeeded(TaskStatus) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Returns whether the provided TaskStatus shows that the task needs to recover.
isregionAwarenessEnabled() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
isReplacementEnabled() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.RecoveryConfiguration
isRunning() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Indicates whether this Element is prepared, starting, or in progress.
isRunning() - Method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Status
Status is in one of the running states.
isRunningExecutor(PodInfoBuilder, Protos.Offer) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.OfferEvaluationUtils
isSamePodInstance(TaskInfo, PodInstance) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Returns whether the provided TaskInfo (representing a launched task) and PodInstance (from the ServiceSpec) are both effectively for the same pod instance.
isSamePodInstance(TaskInfo, String, int) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Returns whether the provided TaskInfo is in the provided pod type and index.
isSideChannelActive() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
Returns whether it appears that side channel auth should be used when creating the SchedulerDriver.
isStarted() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Indicates whether the Element is starting.
isStarting() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Indicates whether the Element is starting.
isStateCacheEnabled() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
isSupported(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.SchemaVersionStore
Convenience method for checking whether the current schema version falls within a supported range.
isTerminal(TaskStatus) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Returns whether the provided TaskStatus has reached a terminal state.
isTerminal(TaskState) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Returns whether the provided TaskState has reached a terminal state.
isTransient() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelReader
Returns whether the task is marked as transient.
isUninstallEnabled() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig
isUninstalling(StateStore) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreUtils
Returns the current value of the 'uninstall' property in the provided StateStore.
isValid(Protos.Value, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation.PositiveScalarProtoValueValidator
isValid(List<PodSpec>, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation.UniquePodTypeValidator
isValid(List<TaskSpec>, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation.UniqueTaskNameValidator


join(String, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AttributeStringUtils
Converts the provided name + value strings to an attribute string.
join(String, String) - Static method in class
Combines the provided path elements into a unified path, autocorrecting for any delimiters within the elements.
jsonOkResponse(JSONArray) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a 200 OK response containing the provided JSONArray.
jsonOkResponse(JSONObject) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a 200 OK response containing the provided JSONObject.
jsonOkResponse(Message) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a 200 OK response containing a JSON representation of the provided protobuf Message.
jsonResponse(JSONArray, Response.Status) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a response containing the provided JSONArray.
jsonResponse(JSONObject, Response.Status) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a 200 OK response containing the provided JSONObject.
jsonResponse(Message, Response.Status) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a 200 OK response containing a JSON representation of the provided protobuf Message.
jsonResponseBean(Object, Response.Status) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a 200 OK response containing the provided JSON String.
JsonSerializer - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.state
Implementation of Serializer for JSON input/output.
JsonSerializer() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.JsonSerializer
JsonSerializer(Charset) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.JsonSerializer


KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class
kill(Protos.TaskID) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.LaunchedTaskStore
Kills a previously added task, or does nothing if the specified task is already killed or could not be found.
killAll() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.LaunchedTaskStore
Kills any previously added tasks that are still running.
killTask(ExecutorDriver, Protos.TaskID) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CustomExecutor
killTask(TaskID) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TaskKiller
knownTasks(Persister, String...) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that the scheduler's list of tasks in the state store matches the provided set.


LabelConstants - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Names of org.apache.mesos.Protos.Labels to be included in the org.apache.mesos.Protos.TaskInfos of launched tasks.
LabelReader - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Implements common logic for read access to a task's Labels.
LabelReader(String, Labels) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelReader
Creates a new instance.
LabelUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Common utility methods for classes which access and manipulate label data.
LabelWriter - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Implements common logic for write access to a task's Labels.
LabelWriter() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelWriter
Creates a new instance which is initialized with no labels.
LabelWriter(Labels) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelWriter
Creates a new instance which is initialized with the provided labels.
LaunchConstrainer - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain
This interface provides methods which govern and react to Launch Operations.
launchConstrainer - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
LaunchedPod - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
Grouping of a set of tasks that were launched in a pod, along with their associated executor.
LaunchedPod(Protos.ExecutorInfo, Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.LaunchedPod
LaunchedTask - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
This class encapsulates an ExecutorTask and the Future returned when it was started.
LaunchedTask(ExecutorTask, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.LaunchedTask
Starts the provided ExecutorTask against the provided ExecutorService.
LaunchedTask - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
Grouping of a launched task along with its associated executor.
LaunchedTask(Protos.ExecutorInfo, Protos.TaskInfo) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.LaunchedTask
launchedTasks(String...) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that a pod was launched with exactly the provided task names.
launchedTasks(Collection<String>) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that a pod was launched with exactly the provided task names.
LaunchedTaskStore - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
Storage of tasks that are being run by this executor.
LaunchedTaskStore(Runnable) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.LaunchedTaskStore
LaunchedTaskStore(Runnable, int) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.LaunchedTaskStore
LaunchedTaskStore.ExitCallback - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
Kills the executor process.
LaunchEvaluationStage - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
This class sets pod metadata on a org.apache.mesos.Protos.TaskInfo, ensuring that this metadata is available in the task's environment and creating a LaunchOfferRecommendation.
LaunchEvaluationStage(String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.LaunchEvaluationStage
LaunchEvaluationStage(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.LaunchEvaluationStage
launchHappened(LaunchOfferRecommendation, RecoveryType) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.AllLaunchConstrainer
launchHappened(LaunchOfferRecommendation, RecoveryType) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.LaunchConstrainer
Invoked every time a task is launchHappened.
launchHappened(LaunchOfferRecommendation, RecoveryType) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.TestingLaunchConstrainer
launchHappened(LaunchOfferRecommendation, RecoveryType) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.TimedLaunchConstrainer
launchHappened(LaunchOfferRecommendation, RecoveryType) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.UnconstrainedLaunchConstrainer
LaunchOfferRecommendation - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
This OfferRecommendation encapsulates a Mesos LAUNCH Operation.
LaunchOfferRecommendation(Offer, TaskInfo, Protos.ExecutorInfo, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.LaunchOfferRecommendation
launchTask(ExecutorDriver, Protos.TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CustomExecutor
line - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.TemplateUtils.MissingValue
The line number where the missing value was encountered.
list(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.SecretsClient
List all secrets paths for given path.
list() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStore
Returns a list of all stored configuration UUIDs, or an empty list if none are found.
listPlans() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
Returns list of all configured plans.
loadConfigFromEnv(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.YAMLConfigurationLoader
LOCAL_DOMAIN_INFO - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
LOCAL_REGION - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
lock() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorLocker
Gets an exclusive lock on service-specific ZK node to ensure two schedulers aren't running simultaneously for the same service.
LOCK_PATH_NAME - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorLocker
LOCK_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerErrorCode
LOGGER - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.YAMLConfigurationLoader
logger - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
Non-static to ensure that we inherit the names of subclasses.
LOGGER - Static variable in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.ParentElement
logger - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
logOutcome(StringBuilder, EvaluationOutcome, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.OfferEvaluator
logProcessEnv() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.YAMLConfigurationLoader
LONG_DECLINE_SECONDS - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The duration in seconds to decline offers the scheduler does not need for the foreseeable future.


Main - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
The main entry point for the custom executor.
Main() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.Main
MarathonConstraintParser - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Implements support for generating PlacementRules from Marathon-style constraint strings.
MASTER_INFO - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
matches(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AnyMatcher
matches(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.ExactMatcher
matches(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RegexMatcher
matches(String) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.StringMatcher
Returns whether the provided string matches some internal criteria.
max - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRule
maxConsecutiveFailures(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec.Builder
Sets the maxConsecutiveFailures and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
MaxPerAttributeRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Ensures that the given Offer’s attributes each have no more than N instances of tasks of a given task type running on them.
MaxPerAttributeRule(int, StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerAttributeRule
Creates a new rule which will block deployment on tasks which already have N instances running against a specified attribute, with no filtering on task names (all tasks across the service are counted against the max).
MaxPerAttributeRule(int, StringMatcher, StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerAttributeRule
Creates a new rule which will block deployment on tasks which already have N instances running against a specified attribute, with the provided filtering on task names to be counted against the maximum.
MaxPerHostnameRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Ensures that no more than N instances of a task type are running on a given hostname (or hostname pattern).
MaxPerHostnameRule(int) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerHostnameRule
Creates a new rule which will block deployment on tasks which already have N instances running against a specified attribute, with no filtering on task names (all tasks across the service are counted against the max).
MaxPerHostnameRule(int, StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerHostnameRule
Creates a new rule which will block deployment on tasks which already have N instances running against a specified hostname.
MaxPerRegionRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This rules implements a placement rule for restricting the maximum number of tasks per Region.
MaxPerRegionRule(int) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRegionRule
MaxPerRegionRule(Integer, StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRegionRule
MaxPerRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This interface defines the required methods for generic application of a PlacementRule which forces a maximum per some key (e.g.
MaxPerRule(Integer, StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerRule
This rule rejects offers which exceed the maximum number of tasks on a given set of keys.
MaxPerZoneRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This rules implements a placement rule for restricting the maximum number of tasks per Zone.
MaxPerZoneRule(int) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerZoneRule
MaxPerZoneRule(int, StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerZoneRule
memory(Double) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet.Builder
MEMORY_RESOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The name used for memory resources.
MemPersister - Class in
Implementation of Persister which stores the data in local memory.
MemPersister() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance with locking enabled and without any initial data.
MemPersister(MemPersister.LockMode, Map<String, byte[]>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance with the provided options.
MemPersister.LockMode - Enum in
Whether to enable or disable thread-safe locking.
mergeRanges(List<Range>, List<Range>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.RangeUtils
Combines and flattens the provided sets of ranges into a unified set.
MESOS_LEADER_URI - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
MESOS_MASTER_URI - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
MESOS_MASTER_ZK_CONNECTION_STRING - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
MesosExecutorDriverFactory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
Implements ExecutorDriverFactory to construct MesosExecutorDrivers.
MesosExecutorDriverFactory() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.MesosExecutorDriverFactory
mesosResource(MesosResource) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome.Builder
MesosResource - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
Wrapper around a Mesos Resource, combined with a resource ID string which should be present in the Resource as a Label.
MesosResource(Resource) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResource
MesosResourcePool - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
A representation of the pool of resources available in a single Offer.
MesosResourcePool(Offer, Optional<String>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResourcePool
Creates a new pool of resources based on what's available in the provided Offer.
Metrics - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
This class encapsulates the components necessary for tracking Scheduler metrics.
Metrics() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
Metrics.OperationsCounter - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
This class records counter metrics for all Mesos Operations performed by the scheduler.
minReplaceDelayMs(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy.Builder
Sets the minReplaceDelayMin and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
MOUNT_ROOT - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
MOUNT_SOURCE_ROOT - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
mountPath - Variable in class
Destination location for a secret on the task filesystem.


name - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AttributeStringUtils.NameValue
name(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec.Builder
Sets the name and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
name(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Builder
Sets the name and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
name(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec.Builder
Sets the name and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
name(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec.Builder
name - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.TemplateUtils.MissingValue
The name of the missing value.
NAME_ID_DELIM - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.CommonIdUtils
Used in task and executor IDs to separate the task/executor name from a UUID.
NamedVIPEvaluationStage - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
This class evaluates an offer against a given PodInstanceRequirement for port resources as in PortEvaluationStage, additionally setting org.apache.mesos.Protos.DiscoveryInfo properly for DC/OS to pick up the specified named VIP mapping.
NamedVIPEvaluationStage(NamedVIPSpec, String, Optional<String>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.NamedVIPEvaluationStage
NamedVIPSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
This class represents a port mapped to a DC/OS named VIP.
NamedVIPSpec(Protos.Value, String, String, String, String, String, String, DiscoveryInfo.Visibility, String, Integer, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.NamedVIPSpec
needsRecovery(TaskSpec, TaskStatus) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Determines whether a Task needs to be recovered based on its current definition (TaskSpec) and status (TaskStatus).
networkLabels(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultNetworkSpec.Builder
Sets the network-labels, which are K/V pairs passed to the CNI plugin.
networkName(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultNetworkSpec.Builder
networks(Collection<NetworkSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets the networks and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
NetworkSpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Spec for defining a container's network membership.
networkSupportsPortMapping(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
NeverFailureMonitor - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor
A special FailureMonitor that never fails tasks.
NeverFailureMonitor() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor.NeverFailureMonitor
newBuilder(ServiceSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorPersister
Creates a new CuratorPersister.Builder instance which has been initialized with reasonable default values.
newBuilder(ServiceSpec, SchedulerConfig) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.DefaultScheduler
Creates a new SchedulerBuilder based on the provided ServiceSpec describing the service, including details such as the service name, the pods/tasks to be deployed, and the plans describing how the deployment should be organized.
newBuilder(ServiceSpec, SchedulerConfig, Persister) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.DefaultScheduler
Creates a new SchedulerBuilder based on the provided ServiceSpec describing the service, including details such as the service name, the pods/tasks to be deployed, and the plans describing how the deployment should be organized.
newBuilder(PodInstance, Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement
newBuilder(PodInstanceRequirement) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket
newBuilder(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultCommandSpec
Creates a new builder instance using the provided Map for any additional config overrides.
newBuilder(CommandSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultCommandSpec
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec
newBuilder(DefaultHealthCheckSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultNetworkSpec
newBuilder(NetworkSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultNetworkSpec
newBuilder(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
newBuilder(PodSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec
newBuilder(DefaultReadinessCheckSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec
newBuilder(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet
newBuilder(DefaultResourceSet) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec
newBuilder(ResourceSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultSecretSpec
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
newBuilder(ServiceSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
newBuilder(TaskSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVipSpec
newBuilder(DefaultVipSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVipSpec
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy
newBuilder(ReplacementFailurePolicy) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy
newBuilder(File) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawServiceSpec
newGenerator(RawServiceSpec, SchedulerConfig, File) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
Returns a new generator with the provided configuration.
newGenerator(File, SchedulerConfig) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
Used by unit tests.
newGenerator(RawServiceSpec, SchedulerConfig, Map<String, String>, File) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec
Used by unit tests.
newStatus(GoalStateOverride.Progress) - Method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride
NO_FILE_ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
notFound(String) - Static method in exception com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig.ConfigException
NotRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Wrapper for another rule which returns the NOT result: Resources which the wrapped rule removed.
NotRule(PlacementRule) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.NotRule
now() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket
NUMBER_OF_PORT_MAPPINGS - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
numberOfPortMappings() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawNetwork


offer(Protos.Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.queue.OfferQueue
This method enqueues an Offer from Mesos if there is capacity.
offer(Protos.Offer) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Send
Sends the provided offer to the scheduler.
OFFER_ATTRIBUTES_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Storage of the original Offer's attributes (in a string representation), for use in placement constraints.
OFFER_FIELD - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcomeTracker
OFFER_HOSTNAME_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Storage of the original Offer's hostname, for use in placement constraints.
OFFER_ID - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
OFFER_REGION_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Storage of the original Offer's region, for use in placement constraints.
OFFER_ZONE_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Storage of the original Offer's zone, for use in placement constraints.
OfferAccepter - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
The OfferAccepter extracts the Mesos Operations encapsulated by the OfferRecommendation and accepts Offers with those Operations.
OfferAccepter(List<OperationRecorder>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.OfferAccepter
offerBuilder(String) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Send
OfferEvaluationStage - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
Classes implementing this interface evaluate a pod against an offer and its resources for suitability to run.
OfferEvaluationUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
This class encapsulates shared offer evaluation logic for evaluation stages.
OfferEvaluationUtils.ReserveEvaluationOutcome - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
OfferEvaluator - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
The OfferEvaluator processes Protos.Offers and produces OfferRecommendations.
OfferEvaluator(StateStore, OfferOutcomeTracker, String, UUID, SchedulerConfig, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.OfferEvaluator
OfferOutcome - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history
Encapsulates the outcome of an offer evaluation in OfferEvaluator.
OfferOutcome(String, boolean, Protos.Offer, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcome
OfferOutcomeResource - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http
A read-only API for accessing the most recently processed offers.
OfferOutcomeResource(OfferOutcomeTracker) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.OfferOutcomeResource
OfferOutcomeTracker - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history
Tracks the outcome of offers as they are evaluated against a PodInstanceRequirement.
OfferOutcomeTracker() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcomeTracker
OfferOutcomeTracker(int) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcomeTracker
OfferQueue - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.queue
This class acts as a buffer of Offers from Mesos.
OfferQueue() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.queue.OfferQueue
OfferQueue(int) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.queue.OfferQueue
Creates a new queue with the provided capacity.
OfferRecommendation - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
This interface encapsulates both a recommended Mesos Operation to be performed and an Offer on which the Operation should be performed.
OfferUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
This class provides commonly used utilities for offer handling.
OfferUtils() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.OfferUtils
OMITTED_PORT_VISIBILITY - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The visibility setting to use by default in Mesos Ports, for non-VIP ports.
OperationRecorder - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
The OperationRecorder is an Interface required by the OfferAccepter.
OrRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Wrapper for one or more another rules which returns the OR/union of those rules.
OrRule(Collection<PlacementRule>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.OrRule
OrRule(PlacementRule...) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.OrRule
OUTCOME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcomeTracker
OUTCOMES_FIELD - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcomeTracker
OVERLAY_DYNAMIC_PORT_RANGE_END - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
OVERLAY_DYNAMIC_PORT_RANGE_START - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
OVERLAY_HOSTNAME - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
override(PodInstanceRequirement) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.RecoveryPlanOverrider
overrideCapabilities(Capabilities) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities


pack(TaskInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskPackingUtils
Packs the TaskInfo in preparation for sending it to the Executor.
ParallelStrategy<C extends Element> - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
A ParallelStrategy indicates that all Elements are candidates simultaneously.
ParallelStrategy() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.ParallelStrategy
ParallelStrategy.Generator<C extends Element> - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
This class generates Strategy objects of the appropriate type.
ParentElement<C extends Element> - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
A type of Element which itself is a collection of child Elements.
parse(byte[]) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.config.ConfigurationFactory
Parses the provided bytes and returns a configuration object.
parse(byte[]) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.StringConfiguration.Factory
parse(String, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MarathonConstraintParser
Creates and returns a new PlacementRule against the provided marathon-style constraint string.
parse(byte[]) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.ConfigFactory
parseJsonList(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.RequestUtils
Parses a JSON list payload in the form of a string, returning the corresponding Java list.
parseWith(String, PlacementRule, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MarathonConstraintParser
ANDs the provided marathon-style constraint string onto the provided hard-coded PlacementRule, or returns the provided PlacementRule as-is if the marathon-style constraint is null or empty.
pass(Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome
Returns a new passing outcome object with the provided descriptive reason.
pass(Object, Collection<OfferRecommendation>, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome
Returns a new passing outcome object with the provided descriptive reason.
pass() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcome
PassthroughRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
A no-op rule which allows all offers.
PassthroughRule() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PassthroughRule
PATH_DELIM - Static variable in class
The path delimiter used in all Persister implementations.
PATH_DELIM_STR - Static variable in class
String representation of PersisterUtils.PATH_DELIM.
PAUSE_COMMAND - Static variable in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride
Sleep forever when pausing.
PAUSE_READINESS_COMMAND - Static variable in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride
Plans should not assume that a paused task has fulfilled the requirement of its dependencies.
pausePod(String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PodResource
Restarts a pod in a "paused" debug mode.
Payload(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.SecretsClient.Payload
PEMUtils - Class in
A PEMUtils allows to convert X509 certificates from and to PEM format.
PERMANENT_FAILURE_DELAY_MIN - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy
Default time to wait before declaring a task as permanently failed.
permanentFailureTimoutMs(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy.Builder
Sets the permanentFailureTimoutMin and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
PERMANENTLY_FAILED_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Label for tracking in the state store whether a task failed.
PERSISTENCE_ID - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
PersistentLaunchRecorder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.state
Records the result of launched tasks to persistent storage.
PersistentLaunchRecorder(StateStore, ServiceSpec) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.PersistentLaunchRecorder
persister - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Persister - Interface in
A low-level interface for key/value storage in a tree structure.
PersisterCache - Class in
A transparent write-through cache for an underlying Persister instance.
PersisterCache(Persister) - Constructor for class
PersisterException - Exception in
Exception that indicates that there was an issue with storing or accessing values in the persister.
PersisterException(StorageError.Reason, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
PersisterException(StorageError.Reason, String) - Constructor for exception
PersisterException(StorageError.Reason, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
PersisterUtils - Class in
Utilities relating to usage of Persisters.
Phase - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Defines the interface for one Phase within a Plan.
PhaseFactory - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
A PhaseFactory transforms PodSpecs into Phases.
PhaseInfo - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types
Immutable JSON serialization object for a Phase which includes child Steps.
PLACEMENT_REFERENCED_REGION_ENV - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvConstants
An environment variable indicating whether detection of regions should be required by base technology.
PLACEMENT_REFERENCED_ZONE_ENV - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvConstants
An environment variable indicating whether detection of zones should be required by base technology.
PlacementField - Enum in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This enum differentiates between the different classes of placement keys.
PlacementRule - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Implements placement constraint logic on an offer, filtering out the Resources which are not to be used according to the filter logic.
placementRule(PlacementRule) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets the placementRule and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
PlacementRuleEvaluationStage - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
This class evaluates an offer against a given PodInstanceRequirement, ensuring that its resources meet the constraints imposed by the supplied PlacementRule.
PlacementRuleEvaluationStage(Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>, PlacementRule) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PlacementRuleEvaluationStage
placementRuleReferencesRegion(PodSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementUtils
placementRuleReferencesZone(PodSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementUtils
PlacementUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This class provides Utilities for commonly needed Placement rule scenarios.
plainOkResponse(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a 200 OK response containing the provided plaintext String.
plainResponse(String, Response.Status) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a response containing the provided plaintext String with the provided status Response.Status.
plainResponse(String, int) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.ResponseUtils
Returns a response containing the provided plaintext String with the provided statusCode.
Plan - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Defines the interface for a collection of one or more Phases, along with any errors encountered while processing those Phases.
plan - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
PlanCoordinator - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
PlanCoordinator's job is to coordinate offers among configured PlanManagers.
PlanCustomizer - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
This interface allows an opportunity for plans to be modified before execution.
PlanFactory - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
This interface defines the required elements for transforming ServiceSpecs into Plans.
PlanGenerator - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
PlanGenerator generates Plans from a given ServiceSpec.
PlanInfo - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types
Immutable JSON serialization object for a Plan which includes child Phases.
planLock - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
PlanManager - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
PlanManager is the management interface for Plans.
PlanScheduler - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Interface for Plan schedulers.
PlansResource - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http
API for management of Plan(s).
PlansResource() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
planStatus(String, Status) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
PlanUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Common utility methods for PlanManagers.
POD_INSTANCE_INDEX_TASKENV - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvConstants
Provides the Task/Pod index of the instance, starting at 0.
POD_INSTANCE_NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcomeTracker
POD_TYPE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
PodInfoBuilder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
A PodInfoBuilder encompasses a mutable group of org.apache.mesos.Protos.TaskInfo.Builders and, optionally, a org.apache.mesos.Protos.ExecutorInfo.Builder.
PodInfoBuilder(PodInstanceRequirement, String, UUID, SchedulerConfig, Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>, Protos.FrameworkID, boolean, Map<TaskSpec, GoalStateOverride>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
PodInstance - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
A PodInstance defines a particular instance of a PodSpec.
podInstanceRequirement - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
PodInstanceRequirement - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
A PodInstanceRequirement encapsulates a PodInstance and the names of tasks that should be launched in it.
PodInstanceRequirement.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
PodInstanceRequirement builder static inner class.
PodKey(String, int, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.DecommissionPlanFactory.PodKey
PodResource - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http
A read-only API for accessing information about how to connect to the service.
PodResource(StateStore, String, TaskFailureListener) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PodResource
Creates a new instance which retrieves task/pod state from the provided StateStore.
pods(List<PodSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Builder
Sets the pods and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
PodSpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Specification for a Pod.
PodSpecsCannotChangeNetworkRegime - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
Validates that pods do not move from a virtual network that does not use port mapping (and thus ignores the ports as Mesos resources) to a network (virtual or Host) that does use the ports on the host machine.
PodSpecsCannotChangeNetworkRegime() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.PodSpecsCannotChangeNetworkRegime
PodSpecsCannotShrink - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
Configuration validator which validates that a ServiceSpecification's number of PodSpecs and number of tasks within those PodSpecs never go down.
PodSpecsCannotShrink() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.PodSpecsCannotShrink
PodSpecsCannotUseUnsupportedFeatures - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
This class contains logic for validating that a ServiceSpec only requires features supported by the DC/OS cluster being run on.
PodSpecsCannotUseUnsupportedFeatures() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.PodSpecsCannotUseUnsupportedFeatures
PORT_API_VALUE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
PORT_ENV_NAME - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
PORT_VISIBILITY - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
PortEvaluationStage - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
This class evaluates an offer for a single port against a PodInstanceRequirement, finding a port dynamically in the offer where specified by the framework and modifying org.apache.mesos.Protos.TaskInfo and org.apache.mesos.Protos.ExecutorInfo where appropriate so that the port is available in their respective environments.
PortEvaluationStage(PortSpec, String, Optional<String>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PortEvaluationStage
portMappings(Map<Integer, Integer>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultNetworkSpec.Builder
Sets the host-to-container port mappings.
PORTS_RESOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The name used for reserved network port resources.
PortSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
This class represents a single port, with associated environment name.
PortSpec(Protos.Value, String, String, String, String, String, DiscoveryInfo.Visibility, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PortSpec
PositiveScalarProtoValue - Annotation Type in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation
Defines annotation for validating Scalar Protos for non-zero value.
PositiveScalarProtoValueValidator - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation
Ensure that a scalar Proto's value is > 0.
PositiveScalarProtoValueValidator() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation.PositiveScalarProtoValueValidator
PRE_RESERVED_ROLE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
PreReservationCannotChange - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
Validates that the pre-reserved-role of a Pod cannot change.
PreReservationCannotChange() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.PreReservationCannotChange
preReservedRole(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets the pre-reserved-role and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
preReservedRole - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet.Builder
preReservedRole - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec.Builder
preReservedRole(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec.Builder
PrettyJsonResource - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types
Implements pretty-printed/indented JSON output for API Resources.
PrettyJsonResource() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PrettyJsonResource
principal - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet
principal(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec.Builder
Sets the principal and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
principal(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Builder
Sets the principal and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
PRINCIPAL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
proceed() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
proceed() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Interruptible
A call to proceed indicates to an Interruptible that it should may cancel a previous Interruptible.interrupt() call and resume with any in-progress work.
proceed() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.ParentElement
proceed() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.CanaryStrategy
proceed() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.InterruptibleStrategy
PROCESS_OFFERS - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
ProcessBuilderUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Utilities relating to construction of ProcessBuilders.
PROCESSED_OFFERS - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
processOffers(SchedulerDriver, List<Protos.Offer>, Collection<Step>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
The abstract scheduler will periodically call this method with a list of available offers, which may be empty.
processOffers(SchedulerDriver, List<Protos.Offer>, Collection<Step>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.DefaultScheduler
processOffers(SchedulerDriver, List<Protos.Offer>, Collection<Step>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallScheduler
ProcessRunner() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckHandler.ProcessRunner
processStatusUpdate(Protos.TaskStatus) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
Handles a task status update which was received from Mesos.
processStatusUpdate(Protos.TaskStatus) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.DefaultScheduler
processStatusUpdate(Protos.TaskStatus) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallScheduler
ProcessTask - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
Generic process task, that can be spawned using CustomExecutor.
ProcessTask(ExecutorDriver, Protos.TaskInfo, ProcessBuilder) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.ProcessTask
progress - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride.Status
The current state for transitioning to the in question.
PropertyDeserializer - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types
Interface which handles deserializing StateStore Property data for viewing by users.
put(Protos.TaskID, LaunchedTask) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.LaunchedTaskStore
Adds a launched task.
put(String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelWriter
Sets the provided label value, overwriting any previous value.
put(K, V) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap
putFile(InputStream, FormDataContentDisposition) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
Endpoint for uploading arbitrary files of size up to 1024 Bytes.


RandomStrategy<C extends Element> - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
RandomStrategy extends Strategy, by providing a random Stepselection strategy.
RandomStrategy() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.RandomStrategy
RandomStrategy.Generator<C extends Element> - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
This class generates Strategy objects of the appropriate type.
rangesEqual(List<Range>, List<Range>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.RangeUtils
Returns whether the provided sets of ranges are equivalent when any overlaps are flattened.
RangeUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
A utility class for commonly needed algorithms for Mesos frameworks.
RawConfig - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML Configuration section.
RawDiscovery - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML discovery info.
RawHealthCheck - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML Health check.
RawNetwork - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML network.
RawPhase - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML phase.
RawPlan - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML plan.
RawPod - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML pod.
RawPort - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML port.
RawReadinessCheck - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML Readiness check.
RawReadinessCheck(String, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawReadinessCheck
RawResource - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML resource.
RawResourceSet - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML ResourceSet.
RawRLimit - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML individual rlimit specification.
RawRLimit(Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawRLimit
RawScheduler - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw Scheduler configuration.
RawSecret - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML secret.
RawServiceSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Root of the parsed YAML object model.
RawServiceSpec.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Handles rendering of RawServiceSpecs based on the Scheduler's environment variables.
RawTask - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML task.
RawTransportEncryption - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML transport encryption.
RawVip - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML vip.
RawVolume - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Raw YAML volume.
read(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.YAMLToInternalMappers.ConfigTemplateReader
READINESS_CHECK_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Label against which the readiness check (if present) is stored.
READINESS_CHECK_PASSED_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Label used to find the result of a readiness check in a TaskStatus label.
readinessCheckSpec(ReadinessCheckSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec.Builder
Sets the readinessChecksSpec and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
ReadinessCheckSpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
ReadinessCheck specification.
RECEIVED_OFFERS - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
reconcile(SchedulerDriver) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation.DefaultReconciler
This function is expected to be called repeatedly.
reconcile(SchedulerDriver) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation.Reconciler
Triggers any needed reconciliation against the provided driver.
reconciledExplicitly(Persister) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that an explicit task reconciliation for the task statuses in the provided persister was invoked.
reconciledImplicitly() - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that an implicit task reconciliation was invoked.
Reconciler - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation
Interface for a task Reconciler, which synchronizes the Framework's task state with what Mesos reports (with Mesos treated as source of truth).
record(OfferRecommendation) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.OperationRecorder
record(OfferRecommendation) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.DecommissionRecorder
record(OfferRecommendation) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics.OperationsCounter
record(Protos.TaskStatus) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
Records the provided taskStatus received from Mesos.
record(OfferRecommendation) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallRecorder
record(OfferRecommendation) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.PersistentLaunchRecorder
RecoveryConfiguration - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config
Represents the recovery configuration in JSON.
RecoveryConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.RecoveryConfiguration
RecoveryConfiguration(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.RecoveryConfiguration
RecoveryPlanOverrider - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery
This interface allows for the specification of custom recovery logic when presented with a stopped pod encapsulated by the PodInstanceRequirement.
RecoveryPlanOverriderFactory - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery
Implementations of this interface allow the overriding of behavior in the DefaultRecoveryPlanManager with a custom implementation that addresses applicaiton specific failure recovery mechanisms.
recoveryStepStatus(String, String, Status) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that the indicated recovery phase.step has the expected status.
recoveryType(RecoveryType) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement.Builder
RecoveryType - Enum in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery
This indicates the type of recovery taking place.
recursiveDelete(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorPersister
recursiveDelete(String) - Method in class
recursiveDelete(String) - Method in interface
Recursively deletes the data at the specified path, or throws an exception if no data existed at that location.
recursiveDelete(String) - Method in class
recursiveDeleteMany(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorPersister
recursiveDeleteMany(Collection<String>) - Method in class
recursiveDeleteMany(Collection<String>) - Method in interface
Atomically deletes many values from storage at once, with each path entry being treated as a call to Persister.recursiveDelete(String) for those paths.
recursiveDeleteMany(Collection<String>) - Method in class
refresh() - Method in class
Refreshes the cache with the underlying persister's data.
refreshCache() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
Refreshes the state store cache to reflect current data on ZK.
RegexMatcher - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Implements fuzzy regular expression support for string comparisons.
REGION_TASKENV - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvConstants
Provides the region in which the task has been launched.
RegionRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This rule enforces that a task be placed on the specified region, or enforces that the task avoid that region.
RegionRule(StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RegionRule
RegionRuleFactory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This class generates RegionRules.
register() - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Send
registerDefaultModules(ObjectMapper) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.SerializationUtils
Returns a new ObjectMapper with default modules against the provided factory.
registered(ExecutorDriver, Protos.ExecutorInfo, Protos.FrameworkInfo, Protos.SlaveInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CustomExecutor
REGISTRATION_FAILURE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerErrorCode
rejectRackDisablement(ConfigValidator<ServiceSpec>, ServiceTestRunner, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ConfigValidatorUtils
rejectRackEnablement(ConfigValidator<ServiceSpec>, ServiceTestRunner, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ConfigValidatorUtils
remaining() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation.DefaultReconciler
Returns the list of remaining unreconciled tasks for validation in tests.
REMOTE_DOMAIN_INFO - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
REMOTE_REGION - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
remove(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelWriter
Removes the provided label value, or does nothing if it was already not present.
remove(Protos.OfferID) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.queue.OfferQueue
This method removes an offer from the queue based on its OfferID.
removeSlashes(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointUtils
"/group1/group2/group3/group4/group5/kafka" => "group1group2group3group4group5kafka".
renderMustache(String, String, Map<String, String>, List<TemplateUtils.MissingValue>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.TemplateUtils
Renders a given Mustache template using the provided value map, returning any template parameters which weren't present in the map.
renderMustacheThrowIfMissing(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.TemplateUtils
Renders a given Mustache template using the provided value map, throwing an exception if any template parameters weren't found in the map.
renderSchedulerEnvironment(Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.CosmosRenderer
Renders the Scheduler's environment for a given service with the provided options.
repairTaskIDs(StateStore) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreUtils
TaskInfo and TaskStatus objects referring to the same Task name are not written atomically.
replaceDotsWithDashes(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointUtils
"hello.kafka" => "hello-kafka".
replacementFailurePolicy(ReplacementFailurePolicy) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Builder
Sets the replacementFailurePolicy and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
ReplacementFailurePolicy - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Destructive Replacement Failure Policy configuration.
ReplacementFailurePolicy(Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy
ReplacementFailurePolicy.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
ReplacementFailurePolicy builder static inner class.
replacePod(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PodResource
Replaces a pod instance with a new instance on a different agent.
replacePod(String) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Send
Initiates the replacement of a pod through a call to PodResource.replacePod(String).
RequestUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http
Utilities for handling HTTP requests from clients.
require(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AgentRule
Requires that a task be placed on the provided agent.
require(Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AgentRule
Requires that a task be placed on one of the provided agents.
require(String...) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AgentRule
Requires that a task be placed on one of the provided agents.
require(StringMatcher) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AttributeRuleFactory
require(StringMatcher) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.HostnameRuleFactory
require(RuleFactory, Collection<StringMatcher>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementUtils
Requires that a task be placed on one of the provided string matchers.
require(StringMatcher) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RegionRuleFactory
require(StringMatcher) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RuleFactory
Requires that a task be placed on the provided string matcher.
require(Collection<StringMatcher>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RuleFactory
Requires that a task be placed on one of the provided string matchers.
require(StringMatcher...) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RuleFactory
Requires that a task be placed on one of the provided string matchers.
require(StringMatcher) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.ZoneRuleFactory
reregistered(ExecutorDriver, Protos.SlaveInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CustomExecutor
ReserveEvaluationOutcome(EvaluationOutcome, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.OfferEvaluationUtils.ReserveEvaluationOutcome
ReserveOfferRecommendation - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
This OfferRecommendation encapsulates a Mesos RESERVE Operation.
ReserveOfferRecommendation(Offer, Resource) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ReserveOfferRecommendation
RESOURCE_ID - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
RESOURCE_ID_RESERVATION_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Label used to uniquely map tasks to reserved resources.
RESOURCE_SET_ID - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
ResourceBuilder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
Constructs Mesos Resource protobufs.
ResourceCleaner - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
The Resource Cleaner provides recommended operations for cleaning up unexpected Reserved resources and persistent volumes.
ResourceCleanerScheduler - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
This scheduler performs UNRESERVE and DESTROY operations on resources which are identified as unexpected by the ResourceCleaner.
ResourceCleanerScheduler(ResourceCleaner, OfferAccepter) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceCleanerScheduler
ResourceCleanupStep - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall
Step which implements the uninstalling of a particular reserved resource.
ResourceCleanupStep(String, Status) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.ResourceCleanupStep
Creates a new instance with the provided resourceId and initial status.
ResourceEvaluationStage - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
This class evaluates an offer against a given PodInstanceRequirement, ensuring that it contains a sufficient amount or value of the supplied Resource, and creating a ReserveOfferRecommendation or UnreserveOfferRecommendation where necessary.
ResourceEvaluationStage(ResourceSpec, Optional<String>, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.ResourceEvaluationStage
Creates a new instance for basic resource evaluation.
resourceOffers(SchedulerDriver, List<Offer>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceCleanerScheduler
resourceOffers(SchedulerDriver, List<Offer>, Collection<? extends Step>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlanScheduler
resourceOffers(SchedulerDriver, List<Offer>, Collection<? extends Step>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanScheduler
Processes the provided Offers using the provided SchedulerDriver against the provided Step.
resourceSet(ResourceSet) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec.Builder
Sets the resourceSet and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
ResourceSet - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Represents a named group of resources.
ResourceSpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
A ResourceSpec encapsulates a Mesos Resource that may be used by a Task and therefore specified in a TaskSpecification.
ResourceUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
This class encapsulates common methods for scanning collections of Resources.
ResourceUtils() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceUtils
ResponseUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http
Utilities for building RPC responses.
restart() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
restart() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Forcefully restarts the element by putting it into a Status.PENDING state.
restart() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.ParentElement
Restarts children.
restartCommand(String, String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
restartCommand(String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
restartPod(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PodResource
Restarts a pod instance in-place.
resumePod(String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PodResource
Restarts a pod in a normal state following a prior "pause" command.
revive(Collection<Step>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.ReviveManager
Instead of just suppressing offers when all work is complete, we set refuse seconds of 2 weeks (a.k.a.
REVIVE_THROTTLES - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
ReviveManager - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
This class determines whether offers should be revived based on changes to the work being processed by the scheduler.
ReviveManager(SchedulerDriver) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.ReviveManager
ReviveManager(SchedulerDriver, TokenBucket) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.ReviveManager
REVIVES - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.Metrics
rlimits(Collection<RLimitSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets the rlimits and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
RLimitSpec - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Representation of an individual rlimit, consisting of a name and optional soft/hard limits.
RLimitSpec(String, Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.RLimitSpec
RLimitSpec.InvalidRLimitException - Exception in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
An exception for errors pertaining to RLimitSpec.
role - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet
role(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec.Builder
Sets the role and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
role(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Builder
Sets the role and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
ROLE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
RoundRobinByAttributeRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Implements logic for Marathon's GROUP_BY operator for attribute values.
RoundRobinByAttributeRule(String, Optional<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByAttributeRule
RoundRobinByAttributeRule(String, Optional<Integer>, StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByAttributeRule
RoundRobinByHostnameRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Implements logic for Marathon's GROUP_BY operator for hostnames.
RoundRobinByHostnameRule(Optional<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByHostnameRule
RoundRobinByHostnameRule(Optional<Integer>, StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByHostnameRule
RoundRobinByRegionRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
RoundRobinByRegionRule(Integer) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByRegionRule
RoundRobinByRegionRule(Optional<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByRegionRule
RoundRobinByRegionRule(Optional<Integer>, StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByRegionRule
RoundRobinByZoneRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
RoundRobinByZoneRule(Integer) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByZoneRule
RoundRobinByZoneRule(Optional<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByZoneRule
RoundRobinByZoneRule(Optional<Integer>, StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByZoneRule
RuleFactory - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This interface defines the requirements for a factory which generates PlacementRules.
run(ProcessBuilder, double) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckHandler.ProcessRunner
run() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.LaunchedTaskStore.ExitCallback
run() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.ProcessTask
run() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerRunner
Runs the scheduler.
run() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Exercises the service's packaging and resulting Service Specification YAML file without running any simulation afterwards.
run(Collection<SimulationTick>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Exercises the service's packaging and resulting Service Specification YAML file, then runs the provided simulation ticks, if any are provided.


SCHEDULER_ALREADY_UNINSTALLING - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerErrorCode
SCHEDULER_API_HOSTNAME_TASKENV - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvConstants
Provides the hostname of the Scheduler's own API.
SchedulerApiServer - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
The SchedulerApiServer runs the Jetty Server that exposes the Scheduler's API.
SchedulerApiServer(SchedulerConfig, Collection<Object>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerApiServer
SchedulerBuilder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
Creates a new DefaultScheduler.
SchedulerBuilder(ServiceSpec, SchedulerConfig) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
SchedulerBuilder(ServiceSpec, SchedulerConfig, Persister) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
schedulerConfig - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
SchedulerConfig - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
This class encapsulates global Scheduler settings retrieved from the environment.
SchedulerConfig.ConfigException - Exception in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
Exception which is thrown when failing to retrieve or parse a given flag value.
SchedulerConfig.ConfigException.Type - Enum in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
A machine-accessible error type.
SchedulerDriverFactory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
Factory class for creating MesosSchedulerDrivers.
SchedulerDriverFactory() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerDriverFactory
SchedulerErrorCode - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
This enum provides exit codes for Schedulers.
SchedulerRunner - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
Class which sets up and executes the correct AbstractScheduler instance.
SchedulerUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
This class provides utilities common to the construction and operation of Mesos Schedulers.
SchedulerUtils() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerUtils
SchemaVersionStore - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.state
Used by StateStore and ConfigStore implementations to retrieve and validate the Schema Version against whatever version is supported by those respective stores.
SchemaVersionStore(Persister) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.SchemaVersionStore
Creates a new version store against the provided Framework Name, as would be provided to ConfigStore or StateStore.
SECRET_STORE_NAME_DELIMITER - Static variable in enum
secretPath(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultSecretSpec.Builder
Sets the secretPath and returns a reference to this Builder.
secrets(Collection<SecretSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets the secrets and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
SecretsClient - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients
Client for communicating with DC/OS secret service API.
SecretsClient(DcosHttpExecutor) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.SecretsClient
SecretsClient.Payload - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients
The model for data sent to a secrets service when creating or updating a secret.
SecretSpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
A SecretSpec defines the features of a Secret.
secretStorePath - Variable in class
Source location for a secret in the secret store.
selectDeployPlan(Collection<Plan>, boolean) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Replaces the deploy plan with an update plan, in the case that an update deployment is being performed AND that a custom update plan has been specified.
Send - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
A type of SimulationTick that performs an operation against the scheduler.
send(ClusterState, SchedulerDriver, Scheduler) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Send
Performs an action against the provided scheduler, optionally updating the provided cluster state to reflect the action.
send(ClusterState, SchedulerDriver, Scheduler) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.SendOffer
send(ClusterState, SchedulerDriver, Scheduler) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.SendTaskStatus
SendOffer - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
A Send for sending a Protos.Offer which matches a specified pod's requirements to a scheduler under test.
SendOffer.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
Builder for SendOffer.
sendStatus(ExecutorDriver, TaskState, TaskID, SlaveID, ExecutorID, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.TaskStatusUtils
sendStatus(ExecutorDriver, TaskState, TaskID, SlaveID, ExecutorID, String, boolean, Labels, byte[]) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.TaskStatusUtils
Sends a TaskStatus to the provided driver which contains the provided information.
SendTaskStatus - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
A Send for sending a Protos.TaskStatus to a scheduler under test.
SendTaskStatus.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
Builder for SendTaskStatus.
SerializationUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config
Contains static object serialization utilities for JSON and YAML.
serialize(T) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.JsonSerializer
serialize(T) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.state.Serializer
Serializer - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.state
Interface for serializing and deserializing objects to byte arrays using some serialization format.
SerialStrategy<C extends Element> - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
A SerialStrategy requires that all Elements are completed in order.
SerialStrategy() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.SerialStrategy
SerialStrategy.Generator<C extends Element> - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
This class generates Strategy objects of the appropriate type.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
SERVICE_USER - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
ServiceAccountIAMTokenClient - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients
Provides a token retrieved by `login` operation against IAM service with given service account.
ServiceAccountIAMTokenClient(DcosHttpExecutor, String, Algorithm) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.ServiceAccountIAMTokenClient
ServiceNameCannotContainDoubleUnderscores - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
Sample configuration validator which validates that a ServiceSpecification's number of PodSpecs and number of tasks within those PodSpecs never go down.
ServiceNameCannotContainDoubleUnderscores() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.ServiceNameCannotContainDoubleUnderscores
serviceRequestsGpuResources(ServiceSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.PodSpecsCannotUseUnsupportedFeatures
ServiceSpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Defines a Service's configuration.
ServiceTestResult - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
An object which contains the generated results from rendering a Service via ServiceTestRunner.
ServiceTestResult(ServiceSpec, RawServiceSpec, Map<String, String>, Collection<ServiceTestResult.TaskConfig>, Persister, ClusterState) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestResult
ServiceTestResult.TaskConfig - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
An internal-only object for the result of generating a config file.
ServiceTestRunner - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
Exercises the service's packaging and Service Specification YAML file by building a Scheduler object against it, then optionally running a series of SimulationTicks against the result.
ServiceTestRunner() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Creates a new instance against the default svc.yml Service Specification YAML file.
ServiceTestRunner(String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Creates a new instance against the provided Service Specification YAML filename within the service's src/main/dist directory.
ServiceTestRunner(File) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Creates a new instance against the provided Service Specification YAML path.
set(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorPersister
set(String, byte[]) - Method in class
set(String, byte[]) - Method in interface
Writes a single value to storage at the specified path, replacing any existing data at the path or creating the path if it doesn't exist yet.
set(String, byte[]) - Method in class
setAllPodsEnv(String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.TaskEnvRouter
Adds a custom environment value to be included in all pods.
setAllPodsEnv(String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Generator
Assigns an environment variable to be included in all service tasks.
setBuildTemplateParams(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Equivalent of ServiceTestRunner.setBuildTemplateParams(String...) for a Map instead of string pairs.
setBuildTemplateParams(String...) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Configures the test with custom template parameters to be applied against the Universe packaging, as would be provided via TEMPLATE_X envvars when building the service.
setCanLaunch(boolean) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.TestingLaunchConstrainer
setConfigStore(ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Specifies a custom ConfigStore.
setConfigTemplateDir(File) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Configures the test with a custom configuration template location.
setConfigTemplateReader(YAMLToInternalMappers.ConfigTemplateReader) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Generator
Assigns a custom YAMLToInternalMappers.ConfigTemplateReader implementation for reading config file templates.
setCredentials(String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorPersister.Builder
Assigns credentials to be used when contacting ZK.
setCustomConfigValidators(Collection<ConfigValidator<ServiceSpec>>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Specifies a custom list of configuration validators to be run when updating to a new target configuration, or otherwise uses the default validators returned by DefaultConfigValidators.getValidators(SchedulerConfig).
setCustomEndpoint(String, EndpointProducer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointsResource
Adds the provided custom endpoint key/value entry to this instance.
setCustomResources(Collection<Object>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Specifies custom endpoint resources which should be exposed through the scheduler's API server, in addition to the defaults.
setCustomValidators(ConfigValidator<ServiceSpec>...) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
setDcosSpace(Protos.ExecutorInfo.Builder, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AuxLabelAccess
setDefaultConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosHttpClientBuilder
Assigns a request connection timeout to be used by requests.
setDeploymentWasCompleted(StateStore) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreUtils
Sets whether the service has previously completed deployment.
setEnableReplacement(boolean) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.RecoveryConfiguration
setEndpointProducer(String, EndpointProducer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Specifies a custom EndpointProducer to be added to the /endpoints API.
setEnv(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.RawServiceSpec.Builder
Overrides use of the scheduler's environment variables with the provided custom map.
setExecutorBuilder(Protos.ExecutorInfo.Builder) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
setExecutorVolume(VolumeSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
setFailedList(TaskInfo...) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor.TestingFailureMonitor
setGoalState(GoalState) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Sets a label on a TaskInfo indicating the Task's GoalState, e.g.
setGracePeriodSecs(int) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.RecoveryConfiguration
setHealthyPlanManagers(Collection<PlanManager>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.HealthResource
Assigns the list of plans to be checked for completion when deciding whether the service is healthy.
setHostname(Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Stores the agent hostname from the provided Offer.
setHostname(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.SendOffer.Builder
Assigns a custom hostname to be used in the offer.
setIndex(int) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Assigns the pod instance index to the provided task.
setLocalDomain(Protos.DomainInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.IsLocalRegionRule
setMany(Map<String, byte[]>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorPersister
setMany(Map<String, byte[]>) - Method in class
setMany(Map<String, byte[]>) - Method in interface
Atomically writes many values to storage at once.
setMany(Map<String, byte[]>) - Method in class
setMesosResource(MesosResource) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
setMinReplaceDelayMin(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy
setMountVolume(String, Optional<String>, Optional<String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
Assigns information relating to MOUNT disk volumes for this resource.
setNetworkLabels(Protos.NetworkInfo.Builder, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AuxLabelAccess
setOfferAttributes(Offer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Stores the Attributes from the provided Offer.
setOfferQueueSize(int) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
Overrides the Scheduler's offer queue size.
setOptions(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Equivalent of ServiceTestRunner.setOptions(String...) for a Map instead of string pairs.
setOptions(String...) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Configures the test with custom options as would be provided via an options.json file.
setPermanentFailureTimoutMin(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ReplacementFailurePolicy
setPermanentlyFailed() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Ensures that the task is identified as permanently failed.
setPermanentlyFailed(StateStore, PodInstance) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.FailureUtils
Marks all tasks associated with this pod as failed.
setPhases(List<Phase>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.StageBuilder
setPlan(Plan) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
setPlanCustomizer(PlanCustomizer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
setPlanManagers(Collection<PlanManager>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
Assigns the list of plans to be managed via this endpoint.
setPlansFrom(RawServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Sets the Plans from the provided RawServiceSpec to this instance, using a DefaultPlanGenerator to handle conversion.
setPodEnv(String, String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.TaskEnvRouter
Adds a custom environment variable to be only included in the specified pod type.
setPodEnv(String, String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Generator
Assigns an environment variable to be included in tasks for the specified pod type.
setPodEnv(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Equivalent of ServiceTestRunner.setPodEnv(String, String...) for a Map instead of string pairs.
setPodEnv(String, String...) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Configures the test with additional environment variables in the specified Pod, beyond those which would be included by the Scheduler or by Mesos.
setPodIndexToReoffer(int) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.SendOffer.Builder
Specifies that the previously reserved resources from a previously launched pod should be used in this offer, instead of new unreserved resources.
setPrincipal(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
setProtos(PodInfoBuilder, Protos.Resource) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.NamedVIPEvaluationStage
setProtos(PodInfoBuilder, Protos.Resource, Optional<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.OfferEvaluationUtils
setProtos(PodInfoBuilder, Protos.Resource) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PortEvaluationStage
Overridden in VIP evaluation.
setReadinessCheck(HealthCheck) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Stores an encoded version of the HealthCheck as a readiness check.
setReadinessCheckEnvvar(String, String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Updates the stored readiness check, if any, to have the provided environment variable.
setReadinessCheckExitCode(int) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.SendTaskStatus.Builder
setReadinessCheckPassed() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.ExecutorTaskLabelWriter
Indicates to the Scheduler that an Executor's readiness check has passed.
setRecoveryDelaySecs(int) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.RecoveryConfiguration
setRecoveryManagerFactory(RecoveryPlanOverriderFactory) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Assigns a RecoveryPlanOverriderFactory to be used for generating the recovery plan manager.
setRecoveryManagerFactory(RecoveryPlanOverriderFactory) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Allows the specification of custom recovery logic just as in SchedulerBuilder.setRecoveryManagerFactory(RecoveryPlanOverriderFactory).
setRegion(Protos.DomainInfo.FaultDomain.RegionInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Stores the org.apache.mesos.Protos.DomainInfo.FaultDomain.RegionInfo.
setResourceId(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
Assigns a unique resource ID for this resource, which is used to uniquely identify it in later offer evaluation runs.
setResourceId(Protos.Resource.ReservationInfo.Builder, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AuxLabelAccess
setRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorPersister.Builder
Assigns a custom retry policy for the ZK server.
setRole(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
setRootVolume(String, Optional<String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
Assigns information relating to ROOT disk volumes for this resource.
setSchedulerEnv(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Equivalent of ServiceTestRunner.setSchedulerEnv(String...) for a Map instead of string pairs.
setSchedulerEnv(String...) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Configures the test with additional environment variables in the Scheduler beyond those which would be included by the service's marathon.json.mustache.
setState(ServiceTestResult) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Configures the test with the provided state from a prior run.
setStateStore(StateStore) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Specifies a custom StateStore.
setStatus(Status) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
Updates the status setting and logs the outcome.
setTargetConfig(UUID) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStore
setTargetConfig(UUID) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigTargetStore
Stores the ID of the active target configuration, replacing any current value.
setTargetConfiguration(UUID) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Sets a Label indicating the target configuration.
setTaskId(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.SendTaskStatus.Builder
setTaskKiller(TaskKiller) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PodResource
Configures the TaskKiller instance to be invoked when restart/replace operations are invoked.
setTokenProvider(TokenProvider) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosHttpClientBuilder
Assigns a token provider which will produce HTTP auth tokens to be included in requests.
setTransient() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Ensures that the task is identified as a transient task.
setTransportEncryption(Collection<TransportEncryptionSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec.Builder
Sets the transportEncryption and returns a reference to this Builder so that methods can be chained together.
setType(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Stores the provided task type string.
setUninstalling(StateStore) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreUtils
Sets an 'uninstall' property in the provided StateStore to true.
setUseCustomExecutor() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestRunner
Simulates DC/OS 1.9 behavior of using a custom executor instead of the default executor.
setValue(Value) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
Sets the value for this resource.
setVIPLabels(Protos.Port.Builder, NamedVIPSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AuxLabelAccess
Updates the provided Protos.Port to contain the provided VIP information.
setZone(Protos.DomainInfo.FaultDomain.ZoneInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Stores the org.apache.mesos.Protos.DomainInfo.FaultDomain.ZoneInfo.
sharePidNamespace(Boolean) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets whether tasks in this pod share a pid namespace and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
SHORT_DECLINE_SECONDS - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The duration in seconds to decline offers the scheduler does not need for a short time.
shouldLaunch() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.LaunchOfferRecommendation
shutdown(ExecutorDriver) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CustomExecutor
sign(byte[]) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.CertificateAuthorityClient
Create a new certificate from CSR by contacting certificate authority.
SimulationTick - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.testing
A step in a cluster simulation.
split(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AttributeStringUtils
Returns the name and value from the provided attribute string.
splitConstraints(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MarathonConstraintParser
Splits the provided marathon constraint statement into elements.
StageBuilder - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Interface for objects that build Plans.
start() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckHandler
start() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation.DefaultReconciler
start() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation.Reconciler
Starts reconciliation against the provided tasks, which should represent what the Scheduler currently knows about task status.
start() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
Starts any internal threads to be used by the service.
start() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.EraseTaskStateStep
start() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.TriggerDecommissionStep
start() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
start() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Step
Starts the Step, whose Status should be Status.PENDING.
start() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryStep
start(LifeCycle.Listener) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerApiServer
Launches the API server on a separate thread.
start() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.DeregisterStep
start() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.ResourceCleanupStep
start() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.TaskKillStep
start() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.TLSCleanupStep
startPlan(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
Idempotently starts a plan.
StateResource - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http
An API for reading task and frameworkId state from persistent storage, and resetting the state store cache if one is being used.
StateResource(StateStore) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
Creates a new StateResource which cannot deserialize Properties.
StateResource(StateStore, PropertyDeserializer) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
Creates a new StateResource which can deserialize Properties.
stateStore - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
stateStore - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
stateStore - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
StateStore - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.state
A StateStore stores the state of a service, including tasks' TaskInfo and TaskStatus objects.
StateStore(Persister) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Creates a new StateStore which uses the provided Persister to access state data.
StateStoreException - Exception in com.mesosphere.sdk.state
Exception that indicates that there was an issue with storing or accessing values in the state store.
StateStoreException(PersisterException) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreException
StateStoreException(PersisterException, String) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreException
StateStoreException(StorageError.Reason, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreException
StateStoreException(StorageError.Reason, String) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreException
StateStoreException(StorageError.Reason, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreException
StateStoreUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.state
Utilities for implementations and users of StateStore.
Status - Enum in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Status of an Element.
statusExecutor - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.AbstractScheduler
Executor for handling TaskStatus updates in Scheduler#statusUpdate(SchedulerDriver, Protos.TaskStatus).
statusUpdate(Protos.TaskStatus) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TaskCleaner
Step - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
Defines the interface for a Step of a Phase.
StepFactory - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan
An implementation of this interface should provide Steps based on TaskSpecs.
StepInfo - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types
Immutable JSON serialization object for a Step.
stepStatus(String, String, String, Status) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that the indicated plan.phase.step has the expected status.
stop() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.ExecutorTask
stop() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.LaunchedTask
stop() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.ProcessTask
stopPlan(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.PlansResource
Idempotently stops a plan.
StorageError - Class in
Container for types related to ConfigStoreExceptions and StateStoreExceptions.
StorageError.Reason - Enum in
Machine-parseable indicator of the cause for a storage-related exception.
store(T) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.ConfigStore
Serializes the provided Configuration using its Configuration.getBytes() function, writes it to storage, and returns the UUID which it was stored against.
store(int) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.SchemaVersionStore
Updates the schema version to the provided value.
storeFile(StateStore, String, InputStream, FormDataContentDisposition) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
Stores the file in the state store.
storeFrameworkId(Protos.FrameworkID) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Stores the FrameworkID for a framework so on Scheduler restart re-registration may occur.
storeGoalOverrideStatus(String, GoalStateOverride.Status) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Stores the goal state override status of a particular Task.
storeProperty(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Stores an arbitrary key/value pair.
storeStatus(String, Protos.TaskStatus) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Stores the TaskStatus of a particular Task.
storeTasks(Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStore
Stores TaskInfo objects representing tasks which are desired by the framework.
storeTaskStatusAsProperty(StateStore, String, Protos.TaskStatus) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.StateStoreUtils
Stores a TaskStatus as a Property in the provided state store.
Strategy<C extends Element> - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
A strategy indicates which child Elements are ready to be processed.
StrategyFactory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
Factory for generating Strategy objects for Phases and steps.
StrategyFactory() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy.StrategyFactory
StrategyGenerator<C extends Element> - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.strategy
A StrategyGenerator generates Strategy objects of the appropriate type.
StringConfiguration - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config
This class implements the Configuration interface for configurations stored as Strings.
StringConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.StringConfiguration
StringConfiguration.Comparator - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config
Compares two StringConfigurations for equality.
StringConfiguration.Factory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config
Factory which performs the inverse of StringConfiguration.getBytes().
StringMatcher - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Implements a check against a provided string, determining whether it matches some criteria.
StringMatcherRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This interface defines the required methods for generic application of a PlacementRule which depends on the presence of some key (e.g.
StringMatcherRule(String, StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.StringMatcherRule
StringPropertyDeserializer - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types
Implementation of PropertyDeserializer which converts UTF-8 JSON byte arrays to Strings.
StringPropertyDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.StringPropertyDeserializer
StringPropertyDeserializer(Charset) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.StringPropertyDeserializer
subtract(Value, Value) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ValueUtils
subtractRanges(List<Range>, List<Range>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.RangeUtils
Removes the range intervals listed in subtrahend from minuend.
succeeded() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckStats
SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerErrorCode
supportsCNINetworking() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
supportsDefaultExecutor() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
supportsDomains() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
supportsEnvBasedSecretsDirectiveLabel() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
supportsEnvBasedSecretsProtobuf() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
supportsFileBasedSecrets() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
supportsGpuResource() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
supportsNamedVips() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
supportsPreReservedResources() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
supportsRegionAwareness() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
supportsRLimits() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities
supportsV1APIByDefault() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities


takeAll(Duration) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.queue.OfferQueue
Calling this method will wait for Offers for the provided duration.
takeAll() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.queue.OfferQueue
Calling this method will wait for Offers for a static duration of OfferQueue.DEFAULT_CAPACITY.
target - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride.Status
The target override state for this task.
TARGET_CONFIGURATION_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Identifies the target configuration UUID used by a given task.
TASK_CMD - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
TASK_DNS_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
TASK_ID - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
TASK_INDEX - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
TASK_INDEX_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Label against which the Task/Pod index (starting at 0) is stored.
TASK_INFO - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
TASK_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD_SECONDS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
TASK_NAME_TASKENV - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvConstants
Provides the name of the pod/task within the service.
TASK_STATUS - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
TASK_TYPE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
TASK_TYPE_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Label against which the Task/Pod Type is stored.
TASKCFG_GLOBAL_ENV_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.TaskEnvRouter
TaskCleaner - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
This class kills unexpected Tasks which are not in a terminal state.
TaskCleaner(StateStore, TaskKiller, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TaskCleaner
TaskConfig(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestResult.TaskConfig
TaskEnvCannotChange - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
Customizable configuration validator which requires that a specified task environment variable cannot be changed after initial deployment.
TaskEnvCannotChange(String, String, String, TaskEnvCannotChange.Rule...) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.TaskEnvCannotChange
Creates a new validator restricting changes to an environment value.
TaskEnvCannotChange.Rule - Enum in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
Variances to how enforcement should be performed.
TaskEnvRouter - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config
Default implementation of a TaskEnvRouter which handles forwarding environment variables from two sources: Scheduler's system environment: searches for environment variables that start with "TASKCFG_<TASKTYPE>_" and/or "TASKCFG_ALL_", and returns appropriate Maps for task types based on that environment.
TaskEnvRouter() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.TaskEnvRouter
Creates a new config router which uses the current system environment for its configuration.
TaskEnvRouter(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.TaskEnvRouter
Creates a new config router which uses the provided environment variables, which should have TASKCFG_* prefixes.
TaskException - Exception in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
This class encapsulates Exceptions associated with Tasks.
TaskException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskException
TaskException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskException
TaskException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskException
TaskFailureListener - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery
Exposes simple task-oriented API for components that need to interact with the framework as a whole.
taskFilter - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AbstractRoundRobinRule
taskHasZone(TaskInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Determines if a task is launched in any zones.
taskIdKilled(String) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
TaskInfoAndStatus - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types
Basic container which holds a TaskInfo and optionally a corresponding TaskStatus if any is available.
TaskKiller - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
This class is a default implementation of the TaskKiller interface.
TaskKiller(SchedulerDriver) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TaskKiller
taskKillGracePeriodSeconds(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec.Builder
Sets the taskKillGracePeriodSeconds and returns a reference to this Builder so that methods can be chained together.
TaskKillStep - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall
Step which issues a kill command for a given task.
TaskKillStep(Protos.TaskID, TaskKiller) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.TaskKillStep
TaskLabelReader - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Provides read access to task labels which are (only) read by the Scheduler.
TaskLabelReader(TaskInfo) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelReader
TaskLabelReader(TaskInfo.Builder) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelReader
TaskLabelWriter - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Provides write access to task labels which are (only) written by the Scheduler.
TaskLabelWriter(TaskInfo) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
TaskLabelWriter(TaskInfo.Builder) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
taskNameKilled(String) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that the specified task was killed.
taskNameNotKilled(String) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that the specified task was not killed.
TaskPackingUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata
Mesos requirements do not allow a TaskInfo to simultaneously have a Command and Executor.
TaskPortLookup - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
Searches TaskInfos for evidence of prior port assignments.
TaskPortLookup(Protos.TaskInfo) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.TaskPortLookup
TaskResourceMapper - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
Handles cross-referencing a preexisting Protos.TaskInfo's current Protos.Resources against a set of expected ResourceSpecs for that task.
TaskResourceMapper(TaskSpec, Protos.TaskInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.TaskResourceMapper
TaskResourceMapper.ResourceLabels - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
Pairs a ResourceSpec definition with an existing task's labels associated with that resource.
tasks(List<TaskSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets the tasks and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
tasksFailed(Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultTaskFailureListener
tasksFailed(Collection<Protos.TaskInfo>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.TaskFailureListener
Handles task failure notifications.
TaskSpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Specification for a Task.
taskStatus(String, Protos.TaskState) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Send
TaskStatusPair(Protos.TaskInfo, Status) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep.TaskStatusPair
TaskStatusUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.executor
Utility methods relating to sending TaskStatus messages from the Executor back to the Scheduler.
TaskTypeConverter - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Given a TaskInfo, returns a type string for that task.
TaskTypeLabelConverter - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
Implementation of TaskTypeConverter which expects a Label which provides the task type.
TaskTypeLabelConverter() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeLabelConverter
TaskTypeRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This rule ensures that the given Offer is colocated with (or never colocated with) the specified task 'type', whose retrieval from the TaskInfo is defined by the developer's implementation of a TaskTypeConverter.
TaskUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
Various utility methods for manipulating data in TaskInfos.
TaskVolumesCannotChange - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
Validates that each TaskSpecification's volumes have not been modified.
TaskVolumesCannotChange() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.TaskVolumesCannotChange
TemplateUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Utility methods relating to rendering mustache templates.
TemplateUtils.MissingValue - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Some information about a Mustache template parameter which wasn't found in the provided environment map.
TestConstants - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils
This class encapsulates constants for tests.
TestConstants() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
TestingFailureMonitor - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor
Simple API to enable testing of failure conditions in frameworks.
TestingFailureMonitor(TaskInfo...) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor.TestingFailureMonitor
TestingLaunchConstrainer - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain
LaunchConstrainer that makes it easy to enable/disable launches for testing.
TestingLaunchConstrainer() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.TestingLaunchConstrainer
TimedFailureMonitor - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor
Implements a FailureMonitor with a time-based policy.
TimedFailureMonitor(Duration, StateStore, ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.monitor.TimedFailureMonitor
Creates a new FailureMonitor that waits for at least a specified duration before deciding that the task has failed.
TimedLaunchConstrainer - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain
Implements a LaunchConstrainer that requires a minimum number of seconds to elapse between launches, for rate-limiting purposes.
TimedLaunchConstrainer(Duration) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.TimedLaunchConstrainer
Create a new constrainer with the given required minimum delay between permanent (destructive) recovery operations.
timeout(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec.Builder
Sets the timeout and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
timeout(Integer) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec.Builder
Sets the timeout and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
TIMESTAMP_FIELD - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcomeTracker
TLSArtifact - Enum in
The definition of a pregenerated TLS or Keystore secret.
TLSArtifactPaths - Class in
Utility for creating paths for TLSArtifact objects within a specified per-task context.
TLSArtifactPaths(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
TLSArtifactPaths.Entry - Class in
Utility class for pairing paths related to a secret.
TLSArtifactsGenerator - Class in
Handles the creation of secrets to be stored against a given namespace.
TLSArtifactsGenerator(CertificateAuthorityClient) - Constructor for class
TLSArtifactsGenerator(CertificateAuthorityClient, KeyPairGenerator) - Constructor for class
TLSArtifactsUpdater - Class in
Automatically populates a secret service with missing TLS certificate content.
TLSArtifactsUpdater(String, SecretsClient, CertificateAuthorityClient) - Constructor for class
TLSArtifactsUpdater(String, SecretsClient, TLSArtifactsGenerator) - Constructor for class
TLSCleanupStep - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall
A TLSCleanupStep removes all provisioned TLSArtifacts from secrets service in a given namespace.
TLSCleanupStep(SecretsClient, String) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.TLSCleanupStep
Creates a new instance with initial status.
TLSEvaluationStage - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
A TLSEvaluationStage is responsible for provisioning X.509 certificates, converting them to PEM and KeyStore formats and injecting them to the container as a secret.
TLSEvaluationStage(String, String, String, TLSArtifactsUpdater) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.TLSEvaluationStage
TLSEvaluationStage.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
Class for building TLSEvaluationStage instances for individual tasks that need it.
TLSRequiresServiceAccount - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
A TLSRequiresServiceAccount checks whether the configuration contains provisioning of TLS artifacts and whether the provided SchedulerConfig contains a service account.
TLSRequiresServiceAccount(SchedulerConfig) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.TLSRequiresServiceAccount
toAutoIpDomain(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointUtils
Returns the correct DNS domain for tasks within the service.
toAutoIpEndpoint(String, String, int) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointUtils
Returns the correct DNS hostname:port endpoint for the provided task and port running within the service.
toAutoIpHostname(String, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointUtils
Returns the correct DNS hostname for the provided task running within the service.
toBuilder() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket
toEndpoint(String, int) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointUtils
Concatenates the provided hostname/port in "hostname:port" format.
toEnvName(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvUtils
Converts the provided string to a conventional environment variable name, consisting of numbers, uppercase letters, and underscores.
toExactMatchers(String...) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementUtils
Converts the provided keys into ExactMatchers.
toExactMatchers(Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementUtils
Converts the provided keys into ExactMatchers.
toExecutorId(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.CommonIdUtils
Converts the Framework defined Executor name into a unique Protos.ExecutorID.
toExecutorName(Protos.ExecutorID) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.CommonIdUtils
Converts the unique Protos.ExecutorID into a Framework defined executor name.
toHtml() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcomeTracker
toJson() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcomeTracker
toJsonString() - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.config.Configuration
Returns a JSON representation of this Configuration which is suitable for displaying to the user.
toJsonString(T) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.SerializationUtils
Returns a JSON representation of the provided value.
toJsonString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.StringConfiguration
toJsonString(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PropertyDeserializer
Returns a valid JSON representation for the data in value for display to an end user.
toJsonString(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.StringPropertyDeserializer
toJsonStringOrEmpty(T) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.SerializationUtils
Returns a JSON representation of the provided value, or an empty string if conversion fails.
TokenBucket - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
This class implements a token bucket to limit the rate at which actions may be taken.
TokenBucket(int, int, Duration, Duration) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket
A TokenBucket acts as a rate limiting helper.
TokenBucket.Builder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler
This class is a builder for TokenBuckets.
TokenProvider - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.auth
TokenProvider describes an interface that provides valid DC/OS auth token.
toMap(Environment) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvUtils
Returns a Map representation of the provided Environment.
toMap(Labels) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelUtils
Returns a Map representation of the provided Labels.
TOMBSTONE_MARKER - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The string prepended to reserved resources to indicate that they are uninstalled.
toPEM(PKCS10CertificationRequest) - Static method in class
toProto(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvUtils
Returns a Protobuf representation of the provided environment Map.
toProto() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.ExecutorTaskLabelWriter
Returns a protobuf representation of all contained label entries.
toProto(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelUtils
Returns a Protobuf representation of the provided Map.
toProto() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelWriter
Returns a Protobuf representation of all contained label entries.
toProto() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskLabelWriter
Returns a protobuf representation of all contained label entries.
toSchedulerApiVipHostname(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointUtils
Returns the correct L4LB VIP hostname for accessing the Scheduler API given the provided service name.
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.RecoveryConfiguration
toString(T, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.SerializationUtils
Returns a representation of the provided value using the provided custom object mapper.
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.TaskEnvRouter
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.ConfigValidationError
Returns a complete user-facing string representation providing the error and its source.
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.SecretsClient.Payload
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosVersion.Elements
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.executor.CheckStats
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PhaseInfo
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.PlanInfo
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.StepInfo
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.TaskInfoAndStatus
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.CreateOfferRecommendation
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.DestroyOfferRecommendation
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.EvaluationOutcome
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AgentRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AndRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.AnyMatcher
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.ExactMatcher
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.IsLocalRegionRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerAttributeRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.MaxPerHostnameRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.NotRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.OrRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PassthroughRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RegexMatcher
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByAttributeRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByHostnameRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByRegionRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.RoundRobinByZoneRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.StringMatcherRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeLabelConverter
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.TaskTypeRule
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.PodInfoBuilder
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.TaskResourceMapper.ResourceLabels
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.LaunchOfferRecommendation
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.MesosResource
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ReserveOfferRecommendation
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ResourceBuilder
toString(List<Attribute>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AttributeStringUtils
Converts the provided list of zero or more attributes into a string suitable for comparison.
toString(Attribute) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AttributeStringUtils
Converts the provided attribute's name + value into a string which follows the format defined by Mesos.
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.UnreserveOfferRecommendation
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.DecommissionPlanFactory.PodKey
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.AbstractStep
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPhase
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlan
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep.TaskStatusPair
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PodInstanceRequirement
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryStep
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultConfigFileSpec
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultDiscoverySpec
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultHealthCheckSpec
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultNetworkSpec
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultReadinessCheckSpec
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultSecretSpec
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTaskSpec
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVolumeSpec
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.NamedVIPSpec
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PortSpec
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.TemplateUtils.MissingValue
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride.Status
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.LaunchedPod
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.LaunchedTask
toString() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ServiceTestResult.TaskConfig
toStringList(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AttributeStringUtils
toTaskId(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.CommonIdUtils
Converts the Framework defined task name into a unique TaskID.
toTaskName(TaskID) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.CommonIdUtils
Converts the unique TaskID into a Framework defined task name.
toVipDomain(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointUtils
Returns the correct DNS domain for VIPs within the service.
toVipEndpoint(String, EndpointUtils.VipInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointUtils
Returns the correct L4LB VIP endpoint for the provided task and port running within the provided service.
toVipHostname(String, EndpointUtils.VipInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointUtils
Returns the correct L4LB VIP hostname for the provided task running within the provided service.
toYamlString(T) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.SerializationUtils
Returns a YAML representation of the provided value.
toYamlStringOrEmpty(T) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.SerializationUtils
Returns a JSON representation of the provided value, or an empty string if conversion fails.
track(OfferOutcome) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcomeTracker
track(OfferOutcome...) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.history.OfferOutcomeTracker
TRANSIENT_FLAG_LABEL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Identifies a 'task' which isn't actually launched, but is instead created to fill reserved resources.
transitionError(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.ConfigValidationError
Returns a new validation error which indicates that a configuration field has an invalid transition from its previous value to the current value.
translateStatus(Status) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride.Status
TransportEncryptionSpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Spec for defining a TLS encryption support.
TransportEncryptionSpec.Type - Enum in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
The allowed formats of TLS certificate format.
TriggerDecommissionStep - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission
Step which marks a task as being decommissioned and kills it.
TriggerDecommissionStep(StateStore, TaskKiller, Protos.TaskInfo) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.decommission.TriggerDecommissionStep
tryAcquire() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.TokenBucket
This method returns true if a rate-limited action should be executed, and false if the action should not occur.
type(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets the type and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
type(TransportEncryptionSpec.Type) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultTransportEncryptionSpec.Builder


UnconstrainedLaunchConstrainer - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain
Implementation of LaunchConstrainer that always allows launches.
UnconstrainedLaunchConstrainer() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.constrain.UnconstrainedLaunchConstrainer
UninstallPlanBuilder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall
Handles creation of the uninstall plan, returning information about the plan contents back to the caller.
UninstallPlanBuilder(ServiceSpec, StateStore, ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>, SchedulerConfig, SchedulerDriver, Optional<SecretsClient>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallPlanBuilder
UninstallRecommendation - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
This interface encapsulates a Mesos resource which is to be unreserved or destroyed.
UninstallRecorder - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall
Records to persistent storage the result of uninstalling/destroying resources in the process of installing the service by marking them with a tombstone id, then notifying the uninstall plan of the changes.
UninstallRecorder(StateStore, Collection<ResourceCleanupStep>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallRecorder
UninstallResourceCleaner - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall
The Uninstall Resource Cleaner provides recommended operations for cleaning up all Reserved resources and persistent volumes.
UninstallResourceCleaner() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallResourceCleaner
UninstallScheduler - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall
This scheduler uninstalls the framework and releases all of its resources.
UninstallScheduler(ServiceSpec, StateStore, ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>, SchedulerConfig) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallScheduler
Creates a new UninstallScheduler based on the provided API port and initialization timeout, and a StateStore.
UninstallScheduler(ServiceSpec, StateStore, ConfigStore<ServiceSpec>, SchedulerConfig, Optional<SecretsClient>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallScheduler
UninstallStep - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall
Common parent for all uninstall steps.
UninstallStep(String, Status) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallStep
UniquePodType - Annotation Type in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation
Defines UniquePodType annotation.
UniquePodTypeValidator - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation
Defines validator for UniquePodType annotation.
UniquePodTypeValidator() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation.UniquePodTypeValidator
UniqueTaskName - Annotation Type in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation
Defines UniqueTaskName annotation.
UniqueTaskNameValidator - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation
Defines validator for UniqueTaskName annotation.
UniqueTaskNameValidator() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation.UniqueTaskNameValidator
unknownPod - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.types.GroupedTasks
List of tasks for which the pod instance couldn't be determined.
unlock() - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.curator.CuratorLocker
Releases the lock previously obtained via CuratorLocker.lock().
unpack(TaskInfo) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.TaskPackingUtils
This method reverses the work done in TaskPackingUtils.pack(TaskInfo) such that the original TaskInfo is regenerated.
unreservedTasks(String...) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that the resources for the provided task names have been unreserved.
unreservedTasks(Collection<String>) - Static method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.Expect
Verifies that the resources for the provided task names have been unreserved.
UnreserveEvaluationStage - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
This class unreserves resources no longer needed by a Pod and makes them available for consumption again in the MesosResourcePool.
UnreserveEvaluationStage(Protos.Resource) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.UnreserveEvaluationStage
UnreserveOfferRecommendation - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
This OfferRecommendation encapsulates a Mesos UNRESERVE Operation.
UnreserveOfferRecommendation(Offer, Resource) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.UnreserveOfferRecommendation
unwrap(Class<U>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap.DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation
update(String, SecretsClient.Payload) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.clients.SecretsClient
Update a secret.
update(TLSArtifactPaths, CertificateNamesGenerator, String) - Method in class
Checks if any TLS artifact secrets are missing, and writes them to the secret store if they are.
update(Protos.TaskStatus) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation.DefaultReconciler
update(TaskStatus) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.reconciliation.Reconciler
Used to update the Reconciler with current task status.
update(Protos.TaskStatus) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DefaultPlanManager
update(Protos.TaskStatus) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
Synchronized to ensure consistency between this and DeploymentStep.updateOfferStatus(Collection).
update(TaskStatus) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Provides the Element with a recent TaskStatus update which was received from Mesos.
update(Protos.TaskStatus) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.ParentElement
Updates children.
update(TaskStatus) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanManager
Notifies constituent elements of TaskStatus updates.
update(Protos.TaskStatus) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
Updates the recovery plan if necessary.
update(Protos.TaskStatus) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.TLSCleanupStep
update(Protos.TaskStatus) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallStep
UPDATE_PLAN_NAME - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
The name used in specifications for the update plan.
updateConfiguration(C) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.config.ConfigurationUpdater
Validates the provided candidateConfig, and updates the target configuration if the validation passes.
updateConfiguration(ServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.DefaultConfigurationUpdater
updateInitialStatus(Status) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
Sets an initial status (other than PENDING) for the step.
updateOfferStatus(Collection<OfferRecommendation>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
Synchronized to ensure consistency between this and DeploymentStep.update(Protos.TaskStatus).
updateOfferStatus(Collection<OfferRecommendation>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Step
Notifies the Step whether the PodInstanceRequirement previously returned by Step.start() has been successfully accepted/fulfilled.
updateOfferStatus(Collection<OfferRecommendation>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryStep
updateOfferStatus(Collection<OfferRecommendation>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.ResourceCleanupStep
updateOfferStatus(Collection<OfferRecommendation>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.TLSCleanupStep
updateOfferStatus(Collection<OfferRecommendation>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.uninstall.UninstallStep
updateParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.DeploymentStep
updateParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Element
Provides the Element with a set of named string parameters that it can either use on start or provide to children, if it has any.
updateParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.ParentElement
updatePlan(Plan) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.PlanCustomizer
updatePlan(Collection<PodInstanceRequirement>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.DefaultRecoveryPlanManager
updatePodPlacement(PodSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerBuilder
Update pods with appropriate placement constraints to enforce user REGION intent.
UpdateResult(UUID, Collection<ConfigValidationError>) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.ConfigurationUpdater.UpdateResult
updateTaskResourcesWithinResourceSet(PodInstance, Protos.TaskInfo) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.state.PersistentLaunchRecorder
This method keeps the resources associated with tasks in the state store up to date, when a task which shares their resource-set is launched.
UPLOAD_TOO_BIG_ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.StateResource
uris(Collection<URI>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets the uris and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
user(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets the user and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
user(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Builder
Sets the user and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
UserCannotChange - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate
Configuration validator which validates that a ServiceSpec's user cannot change between deployments.
UserCannotChange() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.UserCannotChange


validate(Optional<C>, C) - Method in interface com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.ConfigValidator
Returns List of ConfigurationValidationErrors for the newly supplied Configuration object.
validate(Optional<ServiceSpec>, ServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.DomainCapabilityValidator
validate(Optional<ServiceSpec>, ServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.PodSpecsCannotChangeNetworkRegime
validate(Optional<ServiceSpec>, ServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.PodSpecsCannotShrink
validate(Optional<ServiceSpec>, ServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.PodSpecsCannotUseUnsupportedFeatures
validate(Optional<ServiceSpec>, ServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.PreReservationCannotChange
validate(Optional<ServiceSpec>, ServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.ServiceNameCannotContainDoubleUnderscores
validate(Optional<ServiceSpec>, ServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.TaskEnvCannotChange
validate(Optional<ServiceSpec>, ServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.TaskVolumesCannotChange
validate(Optional<ServiceSpec>, ServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.TLSRequiresServiceAccount
validate(Optional<ServiceSpec>, ServiceSpec) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.UserCannotChange
validate(T) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation.ValidationUtils
validate(Optional<ServiceSpec>, ServiceSpec, String...) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation.ZoneValidator
validateMissingValues(String, Map<String, String>, Collection<TemplateUtils.MissingValue>) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.TemplateUtils
Throws a descriptive exception if missingValues is non-empty.
ValidationUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation
Various utilities for spec validation.
value - Variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AttributeStringUtils.NameValue
value(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultCommandSpec.Builder
Sets the value and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
value(Protos.Value) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSpec.Builder
Sets the value and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
valueError(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.ConfigValidationError
Returns a new validation error which indicates that a configuration field has an invalid value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.TaskEnvCannotChange.Rule
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementField
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.RecoveryType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig.ConfigException.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.GoalState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TransportEncryptionSpec.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.VolumeSpec.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride.Progress
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate.TaskEnvCannotChange.Rule
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.PlacementField
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.plan.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.recovery.RecoveryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerConfig.ConfigException.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.GoalState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TransportEncryptionSpec.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.VolumeSpec.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride.Progress
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mesosphere.sdk.state.GoalStateOverride
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueString(Attribute) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.AttributeStringUtils
Converts the provided attribute's value into a string which follows the format defined by Mesos: attributes : attribute ( ";" attribute )* attribute : text ":" ( scalar | range | text ) text : [a-zA-Z0-9_/.-] scalar : floatValue floatValue : ( intValue ( "." intValue )? ) | ...
ValueUtils - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer
Utilities for manipulating Value protobufs.
ValueUtils() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.ValueUtils
VIP_BRIDGE_FLAG_VALUE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
VIP_HOST_TLD - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants
TLD to be used for VIP-based hostnames.
VIP_LABEL_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Prefix to use for VIP labels.
VIP_NAME - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
VIP_OVERLAY_FLAG_KEY - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
Label key/value to describe the type of networking to use.
VIP_OVERLAY_FLAG_VALUE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.LabelConstants
VIP_PORT - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
VIP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
VipInfo(String, int) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.http.EndpointUtils.VipInfo
vipName(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVipSpec.Builder
Sets the vipName and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
vipPort(int) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultVipSpec.Builder
Sets the vipPort and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
VipSpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Specification object for software defined VIPs.
VolumeEvaluationStage - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate
This class evaluates an offer against a given PodInstanceRequirement, ensuring that it contains an appropriately-sized volume, and creating any necessary instances of ReserveOfferRecommendation and CreateOfferRecommendation as necessary.
VolumeEvaluationStage(VolumeSpec, String, Optional<String>, Optional<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.VolumeEvaluationStage
volumes(Collection<VolumeSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultPodSpec.Builder
Sets the volumes and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
volumes(Collection<VolumeSpec>) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultResourceSet.Builder
Sets the volumes and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
volumesEqual(TaskSpec, TaskSpec) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.TaskUtils
Utility method for checking if volumes changed between the two provided TaskSpecs.
VolumeSpec - Interface in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
A VolumeSpec defines the features of a Volume.
VolumeSpec.Type - Enum in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification
Types of Volumes.


warnIfUnsupportedNetwork(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants
webUrl(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Builder
Sets the advertised web UI URL for the service and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.
withEnvVar(Environment, String, String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvUtils
Adds or updates the provided environment variable entry in the provided command builder.
withEscapedSlashes(String) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.scheduler.SchedulerUtils
Removes any slashes from the provided framework name and replaces them with double underscores.
withUpdatedConfig(ClusterState, ServiceSpec, AbstractScheduler) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testing.ClusterState
withValue(PortSpec, Protos.Value) - Static method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PortSpec
Returns a copy of the provided PortSpec which has been updated to have the provided value.
WriteOnceLinkedHashMap<K,V> - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
An extension of LinkedHashMap that supports writing a (key, value) pair only once.
WriteOnceLinkedHashMap() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.WriteOnceLinkedHashMap
WriteOnceLinkedHashMap.DuplicateKeyConstraintViolation - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml


YAMLConfigurationLoader - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.config
Utility class that helps load YAML configuration into a POJO, while ensuring that environment variables can override pre-configured configuration values.
YAMLConfigurationLoader() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.config.YAMLConfigurationLoader
YAMLToInternalMappers - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Adapter utilities for mapping Raw YAML objects to internal objects.
YAMLToInternalMappers() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml.YAMLToInternalMappers
YAMLToInternalMappers.ConfigTemplateReader - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.yaml
Implementation for reading files from disk.


ZONE - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.testutils.TestConstants
ZONE_TASKENV - Static variable in class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.taskdata.EnvConstants
Provides the zone in which the task has been launched.
ZoneRule - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This rule enforces that a task be placed on the specified zone, or enforces that the task avoid that zone.
ZoneRule(StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement.ZoneRule
ZoneRuleFactory - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.evaluate.placement
This class generates ZoneRules.
ZoneValidator - Class in com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation
This class validates that referencing Zones in placement constraints can only support the following transitions.
ZoneValidator() - Constructor for class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.validation.ZoneValidator
zookeeperConnection(String) - Method in class com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.DefaultServiceSpec.Builder
Sets the zookeeperConnection and returns a reference to this Builder so that the methods can be chained together.