
int os_task_init(struct os_task *t, char *name, os_task_func_t func, void *arg, 
                 uint8_t prio, os_time_t sanity_itvl, os_stack_t *stack_bottom, 
                 uint16_t stack_size)

Called to create a task. This adds the task object to the list of ready to run tasks.


Arguments Description
t Pointer to task
name Task name
func Task function
arg Generic argument to pass to task
prio Priority of task
sanity_itvl The interval at which the sanity task will check to see if this task is sill alive
stack_bottom Pointer to bottom of stack.
stack_size The size of the stack. NOTE: this is not in bytes! It is the number of os_stack_t elements allocated (generally 32-bits each)

Returned values

OS_OK: task initialization successful.

All other error codes indicate an internal error.


    /* Create the task */ 
    int rc;

    os_stack_t my_task_stack[MY_STACK_SIZE];

    rc = os_task_init(&my_task, "my_task", my_task_func, NULL, MY_TASK_PRIO, 
                      OS_WAIT_FOREVER, my_task_stack, MY_STACK_SIZE);
    assert(rc == OS_OK);