
int os_settimeofday(struct os_timeval *utctime, struct os_timezone *timezone);


Arguments Description
utctime UTC time corresponding to the wallclock time
timezone Timezone associated with the wallclock time

Returned values

Returns 0 on success and non-zero on failure.


utctime may be NULL if only the timezone needs to be changed. This is useful when adjusting the timezone to account for daylight savings.

timezone may be NULL if only the UTC time needs to be changed. This is useful when synchronizing Mynewt's time with an external time source like NTP.

The function is a no-op if both utctime and timezone are NULL.


    int rc;
    parse_datetime(datestr, &utctime, &tz);
    rc = os_settimeofday(&utctime, &tz);
    if (rc == 0) {
        /* success */