
typedef int (*fcb_walk_cb)(struct fcb_entry *loc, void *arg);

int fcb_walk(struct fcb *fcb, struct flash_area *area, fcb_walk_cb cb,
    void *cb_arg);

Walks over all log entries in FCB. Callback function cb gets called for every entry. If cb wants to stop the walk, it should return a non-zero value.

If specific flash_area is specified, only entries within that sector are walked over.

Entry data can be read within the callback using flash_area_read(), using loc->fe_area, loc->fe_data_off, and loc->fe_data_len as arguments.


Arguments Description
fcb Points to FCB where data is written to.
area Optional. Pointer to specific entry in fcb's array of sectors.
cb Callback function which gets called for every valid entry fcb_walk encounters.
cb_arg Optional. Parameter which gets passed to callback function.

Returned values

Returns 0 on success; nonzero on failure.

