The Open For Business Project
SourceForge Logo   
Docs & Books
Feature Voting Site

Training Materials
 - Open Source for Business Seminar: [Outline] [Slides]
 - OFBiz Basic Technical Course: [Outline] [Slides]
 - OFBiz Advanced Framework Course: [Outline] [Slides]

Training Schedule
Dallas, TX - May
 - 2003/05/14 Open Source for Business Seminar
 - 2003/05/15 Basic Application Use
 - 2003/05/16 Deployment & Configuration
 - 2003/05/19 Basic Technical Course
 - 2003/05/21 Advanced Framework Course
Indianapolis, IN - May/Jun
 - 2003/05/28 Open Source for Business Seminar
 - 2003/05/29 Basic Application Use
 - 2003/05/30 Deployment & Configuration
 - 2003/06/02 Basic Technical Course
 - 2003/06/04 Advanced Framework Course
Boston, MA - Jun
 - 2003/06/18 Open Source for Business Seminar
 - 2003/06/19 Basic Application Use
 - 2003/06/20 Deployment & Configuration
 - 2003/06/23 Basic Technical Course
 - 2003/06/25 Advanced Framework Course
Portland, OR - Jul
 - 2003/07/07 (O'Reilly Open Source Conference)
 - 2003/07/17 Open Source for Business Seminar
 - 2003/07/18 Basic Application Use
 - 2003/07/19 Deployment & Configuration
 - 2003/07/22 Basic Technical Course
 - 2003/07/24 Advanced Framework Course


The purpose of this area of the OFBiz site is to provide a list of services directly related to the project and references to those who are providing services based on the Open For Business Project. These services may include hosting, training, installation, support, custom development, design, analysis and other related services.

OFBiz Conference and Training Videos

The Open For Business Users Conference on the 25th and 26th of April, 2003 was great. Due to popular demand we made a video recording of the various sessions and it is available on 2 CDs. This includes business and technical introductions to various aspects of OFBiz and is good for getting started or learning more about the project.

We ended up covering quite a bit of the material in the OFBiz basic technical training course and we answered a lot of good questions so this material is a great jump start for those getting started with OFBiz. We also spent some time discussing the business aspects and the past and future of the project in the keynote. To top things off we had some good introductions from various attendees about what they are doing with OFBiz.

The cost for the 2 CDs is 39.95 USD, basicly what a decent technical book would cost. This money will go DIRECTLY to supporting OFBiz, well, except for shipping and stuff of course. Buy it now by clicking below...

OFBiz Feature Voting Site

We are excited to introduce a new level of opportunity for community involvement in the progress of OFBiz: the OFBiz Feature Voting Site. This tool will help to fund the continuation of the project and at the same time provide a mechanism for focusing and utilizing community feedback and priorities.

The site is built using components from OFBiz including the eCommerce and Work Effort applications. As votes are purchased for specific tasks those tasks and the tasks that they depend on will rise to the top of the priority list. As tasks from this list are worked on and completed status updates and comments will be attached to them to that everyone can see how things are progressing, and approximately when specific features will be implemented.

We will create new tasks from requests submitted in the request area of the voting site. This provides a way for you to get your own needs into the system as tasks in addition to being able to prioritize existing tasks.

Please check back soon for a status update on the voting site. It should be up early this year (2003).

Seminars and Training

Seminars and Training Courses are being offered by Andy Zeneski and David E. Jones (through their consulting firm Zeneski Jones & Associates) to spread knowledge of OFBiz and related topics. Revenue from the training will help to fund the open source project and improve the training materials and documentation. The training materials are available for free as part of the open source project, and are linked to in the training area to the left on this page. If you are interested in participating in these courses or seminars, please contact us at [email protected].

In addition to organized training and seminars that are priced per participant we are also offering on-site training which can be customized if desired to your needs. This would be priced as a flat fee plus expenses per instructor rather than per attendee. Keep in mind that you are free to sell seats in the class to help reduce your cost if you choose this option. Once again if you are interested please contact us at [email protected].

We also plan to offer online automated training offered as an ASP service. This will most likely be produced and operated by a partner that will provide the service and support and question answers as part of the price. Check back soon for more information on this.

On-Site Mentoring

Sometimes group training classes are not the most efficient or effective way to learn and do not provide as much one-on-one attention in spite of our efforts to do this as much as possible. For those who want help with analysis and design and then one-on-one assistance for team members as implementation begins we are offering an on-site mentoring service. The cost would be a flat rate plus expenses per "mentor" and personal attention would vary according to the number of team members taking advantage of the service.

Premium Email Support

Zeneski Jones & Associates is pleased to announce a premium email support offering to OFBiz users. This is a pay per use or monthly/quarterly fee based service. Premium support will guarantee faster turn around times for support on any existing OFBiz feature or component. While many Service Providers will offer support to their clients this support is aimed at Service Providers and others who need direct access to the OFBiz Team. Please contact us at [email protected] to sign up.

Please note, this service does not include feature requests or enhancements. These should be directed to the Request area of the OFBiz Feature Voting site.

Service Providers

The OFB Group has been formed to handle the quality control and maintenance tasks associated with keeping a list of Open For Business services providers. The OFB Group itself does not offer services and does not have technical control over the Open For Business Project. Its only purpose is to certify affiliated services organizations. To be listed here please send an email request to [email protected].

Feedback about these service providers from their customers and clients is very important for maintaining a high quality list and for differentiating between the various organizations. Please send feedback and rating information to [email protected].

Solution Provider
- requires valid email address to join
- $100 per year administration fee
+ listing on services page provider section

Advanced Solution Provider
- requires valid email address to join
- requires at least one member of staff attend approved OFBiz training
- $150 per year administration fee
+ listing on services page advanced provider section
+ receive referrals from OFBGroup

Premium Solution Provider
- requires valid email address to join
- requires at least one member of staff attend approved OFBiz training
- requires company submit references for three clients per calendar year
- $200 per year administration fee
+ listing on services page premium provider section
+ listing on homepage - great exposure & helps search engine rankings
+ receive priority referrals from OFBGroup

Hosting Provider
- requires valid email address to join
- requires company submit references for five clients to join
- $100 per year administration fee
+ listing on services page hosting provider section
+ receive referrals from OFBGroup

Premium Hosting Provider
- requires valid email address to join
- requires company submit references for twenty clients.
- $200 per year administration fee
+ listing on services page advanced hosting provider section
+ listing on homepage - great exposure & helps search engine rankings
+ receive priority referrals from OFBGroup
Premium Solution Providers

Advanced Solution Providers

Solution Providers

Premium Hosting Providers

Hosting Providers