Apache Struts 2 Documentation > Home > Guides > Contributors Guide > Obtaining an IDEA license
Added by Ted Husted, last edited by Ted Husted on Mar 23, 2007  (view change)

How do ASF Committers obtain an IDEA license?

From: [email protected]
Subject: http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/opensource/asf.html

To request your free IntelliJ IDEA license, simply send an e-mail request
from your e-mail account at apache.org to Ilya Dumov
[email protected].

You'll receive a reply at your apache.org address with a link to a web
page where you can confirm your details. After your confirmation, you'll
receive your license key by e-mail within 2 business days.

That's it! We look forward to your participation in our Open Source
initiative and thank you for your interest in IntelliJ IDEA.

How do I get a apache.org email account to get the IDEA License?

The Apache Software Foundation is an organization, and not a free web host, like SourceForge or GoogleCode. An ASF account is earned by making sustained and welcome contributions to a project. For more, see

The reason JetBrains (among others) give committers licenses is because we have earned them by helping to create open source products, many of which JetBrains uses internally.