Package epydoc :: Module apidoc :: Class ValueDoc
[hide private]
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Class ValueDoc

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API documentation information about a single Python value.

Instance Methods [hide private]
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__setstate__(self, state) source code
State serializer for the pickle module.
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apidoc_links(self, **filters)
Return a list of all APIDocs that are directly linked from this APIDoc (i.e., are contained or pointed to by one or more of this APIDoc's attributes.)
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Inherited from APIDoc: __cmp__, __hash__, __init__, __setattr__, __str__, is_detailed, merge_and_overwrite, pp, specialize_to

Inherited from APIDoc (private): _debug_setattr

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__

    Value Representation
Return a formatted representation of the Python object described by this ValueDoc.
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summary_pyval_repr(self, max_len=True)
Return a single-line formatted representation of the Python object described by this ValueDoc.
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Class Variables [hide private]
    Value Representation
The maximum number of lines of text that should be generated by pyval_repr().
The maximum number of characters for lines of text that should be generated by pyval_repr().
The maximum number of characters for the single-line text representation generated by summary_pyval_repr().
The minimum score that a value representation based on pyval should have in order to be used instead of parse_repr as the canonical representation for this ValueDoc's value.
Instance Variables [hide private]
DottedName canonical_name = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
A dotted name that serves as a unique identifier for this ValueDoc's value.
  toktree = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
This is currently used to extract values from __all__, etc, in the docparser module; maybe I should specialize process_assignment and extract it there? Although, for __all__, it's not clear where I'd put the value, since I just use it to set private/public/imported attribs on other vars (that might not exist yet at the time.)
    Value Representation
Python object pyval = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
A pointer to the actual Python object described by this ValueDoc.
unicode parse_repr = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
A text representation of this value, extracted from parsing its source code.
ModuleDoc defining_module = _Sentinel('UNKNOWN')
The documentation for the module that defines this value.
    Information about Imported Variables
DottedName proxy_for = True
If proxy_for is not None, then this value was imported from another file.

Inherited from APIDoc: docstring, docstring_lineno

    Information Extracted from Docstrings

Inherited from APIDoc: descr, extra_docstring_fields, metadata, other_docs, summary

    Source Information

Inherited from APIDoc: docs_extracted_by

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: APIDoc.__repr__


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State serializer for the pickle module. This is necessary because sometimes the pyval attribute contains an un-pickleable value.


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Return a formatted representation of the Python object described by this ValueDoc. This representation may include data from introspection or parsing, and is authorative as 'the best way to represent a Python value.' Any lines that go beyond REPR_LINELEN characters will be wrapped; and if the representation as a whole takes more than REPR_MAXLINES lines, then it will be truncated (with an ellipsis marker). This function will never return UNKNOWN or None.
Returns: ColorizedPyvalRepr

summary_pyval_repr(self, max_len=True)

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Return a single-line formatted representation of the Python object described by this ValueDoc. This representation may include data from introspection or parsing, and is authorative as 'the best way to summarize a Python value.' If the representation takes more then SUMMARY_REPR_LINELEN characters, then it will be truncated (with an ellipsis marker). This function will never return UNKNOWN or None.
Returns: ColorizedPyvalRepr

apidoc_links(self, **filters)

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Return a list of all APIDocs that are directly linked from this APIDoc (i.e., are contained or pointed to by one or more of this APIDoc's attributes.)

Keyword argument filters can be used to selectively exclude certain categories of attribute value. For example, using includes=False will exclude variables that were imported from other modules; and subclasses=False will exclude subclasses. The filter categories currently supported by epydoc are:
  • imports: Imported variables.
  • packages: Containing packages for modules.
  • submodules: Contained submodules for packages.
  • bases: Bases for classes.
  • subclasses: Subclasses for classes.
  • variables: All variables.
  • private: Private variables.
Overrides: APIDoc.apidoc_links
(inherited documentation)

Class Variable Details [hide private]


The maximum number of lines of text that should be generated by pyval_repr(). If the string representation does not fit in this number of lines, an ellpsis marker (...) will be placed at the end of the formatted representation.


The maximum number of characters for lines of text that should be generated by pyval_repr(). Any lines that exceed this number of characters will be line-wrappped; The \ symbol will be used to indicate that the line was wrapped.


The maximum number of characters for the single-line text representation generated by summary_pyval_repr(). If the value's representation does not fit in this number of characters, an ellipsis marker (...) will be placed at the end of the formatted representation.


The minimum score that a value representation based on pyval should have in order to be used instead of parse_repr as the canonical representation for this ValueDoc's value.

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


A dotted name that serves as a unique identifier for this ValueDoc's value. If the value can be reached using a single sequence of identifiers (given the appropriate imports), then that sequence of identifiers is used as its canonical name. If the value can be reached by multiple sequences of identifiers (i.e., if it has multiple aliases), then one of those sequences of identifiers is used. If the value cannot be reached by any sequence of identifiers (e.g., if it was used as a base class but then its variable was deleted), then its canonical name will start with '??'. If necessary, a dash followed by a number will be appended to the end of a non-reachable identifier to make its canonical name unique.

When possible, canonical names are chosen when new ValueDocs are created. However, this is sometimes not possible. If a canonical name can not be chosen when the ValueDoc is created, then one will be assigned by assign_canonical_names().


A pointer to the actual Python object described by this ValueDoc. This is used to display the value (e.g., when describing a variable.) Use pyval_repr() to generate a plaintext string representation of this value.
Python object


A text representation of this value, extracted from parsing its source code. This representation may not accurately reflect the actual value (e.g., if the value was modified after the initial assignment).


The documentation for the module that defines this value. This is used, e.g., to lookup the appropriate markup language for docstrings. For a ModuleDoc, defining_module should be self.


If proxy_for is not None, then this value was imported from another file. proxy_for is the dotted name of the variable that this value was imported from. If that variable is documented, then its value may contain more complete API documentation about this value. The proxy_for attribute is used by the source code parser to link imported values to their source values (in particular, for base classes). When possible, these proxy ValueDocs are replaced by the imported value's ValueDoc by link_imports().