Package epydoc :: Module checker :: Class DocChecker
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Class DocChecker

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Documentation completeness checker. DocChecker can be used to check that specified classes of objects are documented. To check the documentation for a group of objects, you should create a DocChecker from a DocIndex that documents those objects; and then use the check method to run specified checks on the objects' documentation.

What checks are run, and what objects they are run on, are specified by the constants defined by DocChecker. These constants are divided into three groups. The check method is used to perform a check on the documentation. Its parameter is formed by or-ing together at least one value from each specifier group:
>>> checker.check(DocChecker.MODULE | DocChecker.DESCR)
To specify multiple values from a single group, simply or their values together:
>>> checker.check(DocChecker.MODULE | DocChecker.CLASS |
...               DocChecker.FUNC )

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, docindex)
Create a new DocChecker that can be used to run checks on the documentation of the objects documented by docindex
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check(self, *check_sets)
Run the specified checks on the documentation of the objects contained by this DocChecker's DocIndex.
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_check(self, checks) source code
_name(self, doc) source code
_check_basic(self, doc)
Check the description, author, version, and see-also fields of doc.
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_check_module(self, doc)
Run checks on the module whose APIDoc is doc.
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_check_class(self, doc)
Run checks on the class whose APIDoc is doc.
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_check_property(self, doc) source code
_check_var(self, doc)
Run checks on the variable whose documentation is var and whose name is name.
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_check_func(self, doc)
Run checks on the function whose APIDoc is doc.
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warning(self, msg, doc) source code
Class Variables [hide private]
  PROPERTY = 256
  ALL = 24831
int MODULE = 1
Type specifier that indicates that the documentation of modules should be checked.
int CLASS = 2
Type specifier that indicates that the documentation of classes should be checked.
int FUNC = 4
Type specifier that indicates that the documentation of functions should be checked.
int VAR = 8
Type specifier that indicates that the documentation of module variables should be checked.
int PARAM = 64
Type specifier that indicates that the documentation of function and method parameters should be checked.
int RETURN = 128
Type specifier that indicates that the documentation of return values should be checked.
int ALL_T = 511
Type specifier that indicates that the documentation of all objects should be checked.
int CVAR
Type specifier that indicates that the documentation of class variables should be checked.
int IVAR
Type specifier that indicates that the documentation of instance variables should be checked.
int TYPE = 256
Check specifier that indicates that every variable and parameter should have a @type field.
int AUTHOR = 1024
Check specifier that indicates that every object should have an author field.
int VERSION = 2048
Check specifier that indicates that every object should have a version field.
int DESCR = 4096
Check specifier that indicates that every object should have a description.
int ALL_C = 7936
Check specifier that indicates that all checks should be run.
int PRIVATE = 16384
Specifier that indicates that private objects should be checked.
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, docindex)

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Create a new DocChecker that can be used to run checks on the documentation of the objects documented by docindex
  • docindex (Docindex) - A documentation map containing the documentation for the objects to be checked.

check(self, *check_sets)

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Run the specified checks on the documentation of the objects contained by this DocChecker's DocIndex. Any errors found are printed to standard out.
  • check_sets (int) - The checks that should be run on the documentation. This value is constructed by or-ing together the specifiers that indicate which objects should be checked, and which checks should be run. See the module description for more information. If no checks are specified, then a default set of checks will be run.
Returns: boolean
True if no problems were found.

_check_basic(self, doc)

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Check the description, author, version, and see-also fields of doc. This is used as a helper function by _check_module, _check_class, and _check_func.
  • doc (APIDoc) - The documentation that should be checked.
Returns: None

_check_module(self, doc)

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Run checks on the module whose APIDoc is doc.
  • doc (APIDoc) - The APIDoc of the module to check.
Returns: None

_check_class(self, doc)

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Run checks on the class whose APIDoc is doc.
  • doc (APIDoc) - The APIDoc of the class to check.
Returns: None

_check_var(self, doc)

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Run checks on the variable whose documentation is var and whose name is name.
  • doc (APIDoc) - The documentation for the variable to check.
Returns: None

_check_func(self, doc)

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Run checks on the function whose APIDoc is doc.
  • doc (APIDoc) - The APIDoc of the function to check.
Returns: None