Package epydoc :: Package docwriter :: Module xlink :: Class ApiLinkReader
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Class ApiLinkReader

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A Docutils standalone reader allowing external documentation links.

The reader configure the url resolvers at the time read() is invoked the first time.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize the Reader instance.
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call graph 
read(self, source, parser, settings) source code
call graph 

Inherited from docutils.readers.standalone.Reader: get_transforms

Inherited from docutils.readers.Reader: new_document, parse, set_parser

Inherited from docutils.Component: supports

Class Methods [hide private]
read_configuration(self, settings, problematic=True)
Read the configuration for the configured URL resolver.
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call graph 
Class Variables [hide private]
  settings_spec = ('API Linking Options', None, (('Define a new ...
The option parser configuration.
  _conf = True

Inherited from docutils.readers.standalone.Reader: config_section, config_section_dependencies, document, supported

Inherited from docutils.readers.Reader: component_type

Inherited from docutils.SettingsSpec: relative_path_settings, settings_default_overrides, settings_defaults

Inherited from docutils.TransformSpec: default_transforms, unknown_reference_resolvers

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

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call graph 

Initialize the Reader instance.

Several instance attributes are defined with dummy initial values. Subclasses may use these attributes as they wish.

Overrides: docutils.readers.Reader.__init__
(inherited documentation)

read(self, source, parser, settings)

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call graph 

read_configuration(self, settings, problematic=True)
Class Method

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call graph 

Read the configuration for the configured URL resolver.

Register a new role for each configured API.

  • settings - the settings structure containing the options to read.
  • problematic (bool) - if True, the registered role will create problematic nodes in case of failed references. If False, a warning will be raised anyway, but the output will appear as an ordinary literal.

Class Variable Details [hide private]


The option parser configuration.
('API Linking Options',
 (('Define a new API document.  A new interpreted text role NAME will \
be added.',
   {'action': 'append', 'metavar': 'NAME'}),
  ('Use records in FILENAME to resolve objects in the API named NAME.'\