Package epydoc :: Module gui
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Source Code for Module epydoc.gui

   1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
   2  # 
   3  # objdoc: epydoc command-line interface 
   4  # Edward Loper 
   5  # 
   6  # Created [03/15/02 10:31 PM] 
   7  # $Id: 646 2004-03-19 19:01:37Z edloper $ 
   8  # 
  10  """ 
  11  Graphical interface to epydoc.  This interface might be useful for 
  12  systems where it's inconvenient to use the command-line interface 
  13  (such as Windows).  It supports many (but not all) of the features 
  14  that are supported by the command-line interface.  It also supports 
  15  loading and saving of X{project files}, which store a set of related 
  16  modules, and the options that should be used to generate the 
  17  documentation for those modules. 
  19  Usage:: 
  20      epydocgui [OPTIONS] [FILE.prj | MODULES...] 
  22      FILE.prj                  An epydoc GUI project file. 
  23      MODULES...                A list of Python modules to document. 
  24      -V, --version             Print the version of epydoc. 
  25      -h, -?, --help, --usage   Display this usage message 
  26      --debug                   Do not suppress error messages 
  28  @todo: Use ini-style project files, rather than pickles (using the 
  29  same format as the CLI). 
  30  """ 
  31  __docformat__ = 'epytext en' 
  33  import sys, os.path, re, glob 
  34  from Tkinter import * 
  35  from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename 
  36  from thread import start_new_thread, exit_thread 
  37  from pickle import dump, load 
  39  # askdirectory is only defined in python 2.2+; fall back on 
  40  # asksaveasfilename if it's not available. 
  41  try: from tkFileDialog import askdirectory 
  42  except: askdirectory = None 
  44  # Include support for Zope, if it's available. 
  45  try: import ZODB 
  46  except: pass 
  48  ##///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
  49  ## CONSTANTS 
  50  ##///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
  52  DEBUG = 0 
  54  # Colors for tkinter display 
  55  BG_COLOR='#e0e0e0' 
  56  ACTIVEBG_COLOR='#e0e0e0' 
  57  TEXT_COLOR='black' 
  59  SELECT_COLOR = '#208070' 
  60  MESSAGE_COLOR = '#000060' 
  61  ERROR_COLOR = '#600000' 
  62  GUIERROR_COLOR = '#600000' 
  63  WARNING_COLOR = '#604000' 
  64  HEADER_COLOR = '#000000' 
  66  # Convenience dictionaries for specifying widget colors 
  67  COLOR_CONFIG = {'background':BG_COLOR, 'highlightcolor': BG_COLOR, 
  68                  'foreground':TEXT_COLOR, 'highlightbackground': BG_COLOR} 
  69  ENTRY_CONFIG = {'background':BG_COLOR, 'highlightcolor': BG_COLOR, 
  70                  'foreground':TEXT_COLOR, 'highlightbackground': BG_COLOR, 
  71                  'selectbackground': ENTRYSELECT_COLOR, 
  72                  'selectforeground': TEXT_COLOR} 
  73  SB_CONFIG = {'troughcolor':BG_COLOR, 'activebackground':BG_COLOR, 
  74               'background':BG_COLOR, 'highlightbackground':BG_COLOR} 
  75  LISTBOX_CONFIG = {'highlightcolor': BG_COLOR, 'highlightbackground': BG_COLOR, 
  76                    'foreground':TEXT_COLOR, 'selectforeground': TEXT_COLOR, 
  77                    'selectbackground': ACTIVEBG_COLOR, 'background':BG_COLOR} 
  78  BUTTON_CONFIG = {'background':BG_COLOR, 'highlightthickness':0, 'padx':4,  
  79                   'highlightbackground': BG_COLOR, 'foreground':TEXT_COLOR, 
  80                   'highlightcolor': BG_COLOR, 'activeforeground': TEXT_COLOR, 
  81                   'activebackground': ACTIVEBG_COLOR, 'pady':0} 
  82  CBUTTON_CONFIG = {'background':BG_COLOR, 'highlightthickness':0, 'padx':4,  
  83                    'highlightbackground': BG_COLOR, 'foreground':TEXT_COLOR, 
  84                    'highlightcolor': BG_COLOR, 'activeforeground': TEXT_COLOR, 
  85                    'activebackground': ACTIVEBG_COLOR, 'pady':0, 
  86                    'selectcolor': SELECT_COLOR} 
  88  SHOWMSG_CONFIG['foreground'] = MESSAGE_COLOR 
  90  SHOWWRN_CONFIG['foreground'] = WARNING_COLOR 
  92  SHOWERR_CONFIG['foreground'] = ERROR_COLOR 
  94  # Colors for the progress bar 
  96  PROGRESS_WIDTH = 200 
  97  PROGRESS_BG='#305060' 
  98  PROGRESS_COLOR1 = '#30c070' 
  99  PROGRESS_COLOR2 = '#60ffa0' 
 100  PROGRESS_COLOR3 = '#106030' 
 102  # On tkinter canvases, where's the zero coordinate? 
 103  if sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'): 
 104      DX = 3; DY = 3 
 105      DH = 0; DW = 7 
 106  else: 
 107      DX = 1; DY = 1 
 108      DH = 1; DW = 3 
 110  # How much of the progress is in each subtask? 
 111  IMPORT_PROGRESS = 0.1 
 112  BUILD_PROGRESS  = 0.2 
 115  ##///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
 117  ##///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
 119  UP_GIF = '''\ 
 122  5xEAOw== 
 123  ''' 
 124  DOWN_GIF = '''\ 
 127  7JffJQIAOw== 
 128  ''' 
 129  LEFT_GIF='''\ 
 132  Ow== 
 133  ''' 
 134  RIGHT_GIF='''\ 
 136  GIGgyzIYgaCrIigTgaALIigyEQiqKLoTgaAoujuDgKJLVAgqIoJEBQAIIkKEhaArRFgIukqFoMsJ 
 137  ADs= 
 138  ''' 
 140  ##///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
 141  ## MessageIO 
 142  ##///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
 144  from epydoc import log 
 145  from epydoc.util import wordwrap 
146 -class GUILogger(log.Logger):
147 _STAGES = [40, 7, 1, 3, 30, 1, 2, 100] 148
149 - def __init__(self, progress, cancel):
150 self._progress = progress 151 self._cancel = cancel 152 self.clear()
154 - def clear(self):
155 self._messages = [] 156 self._n = 0 157 self._stage = 0 158 self._message_blocks = []
160 - def log(self, level, message):
161 message = wordwrap(str(message)).rstrip() + '\n' 162 if self._message_blocks: 163 self._message_blocks[-1][-1].append( (level, message) ) 164 else: 165 self._messages.append( (level, message) )
167 - def start_block(self, header):
168 self._message_blocks.append( (header, []) )
170 - def end_block(self):
171 header, messages = self._message_blocks.pop() 172 if messages: 173 self._messages.append( ('uline', ' '*75+'\n') ) 174 self.log('header', header) 175 self._messages += messages 176 self._messages.append( ('uline', ' '*75+'\n') )
178 - def start_progress(self, header=None):
179 self.log(log.INFO, header) 180 self._stage += 1
182 - def end_progress(self):
183 pass
185 - def progress(self, percent, message=''):
186 if self._cancel[0]: exit_thread() 187 i = self._stage - 1 188 p = ((sum(self._STAGES[:i]) + percent*self._STAGES[i]) / 189 float(sum(self._STAGES))) 190 self._progress[0] = p
192 - def read(self):
193 if self._n >= len(self._messages): 194 return None, None 195 else: 196 self._n += 1 197 return self._messages[self._n-1]
198 199 ##///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 200 ## THREADED DOCUMENTER 201 ##///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 202
203 -def document(options, cancel, done):
204 """ 205 Create the documentation for C{modules}, using the options 206 specified by C{options}. C{document} is designed to be started in 207 its own thread by L{EpydocGUI._go}. 208 209 @param options: The options to use for generating documentation. 210 This includes keyword options that can be given to 211 L{docwriter.html.HTMLWriter}, as well as the option C{target}, which 212 controls where the output is written to. 213 @type options: C{dictionary} 214 """ 215 from epydoc.docwriter.html import HTMLWriter 216 from epydoc.docbuilder import build_doc_index 217 import epydoc.docstringparser 218 219 # Set the default docformat. 220 docformat = options.get('docformat', 'epytext') 221 epydoc.docstringparser.DEFAULT_DOCFORMAT = docformat 222 223 try: 224 parse = options['introspect_or_parse'] in ('parse', 'both') 225 introspect = options['introspect_or_parse'] in ('introspect', 'both') 226 docindex = build_doc_index(options['modules'], parse, introspect) 227 html_writer = HTMLWriter(docindex, **options) 228 log.start_progress('Writing HTML docs to %r' % options['target']) 229 html_writer.write(options['target']) 230 log.end_progress() 231 232 # We're done. 233 log.warning('Finished!') 234 done[0] = 'done' 235 236 except SystemExit: 237 # Cancel. 238 log.error('Cancelled!') 239 done[0] ='cancel' 240 raise 241 except Exception, e: 242 # We failed. 243 log.error('Internal error: %s' % e) 244 done[0] ='cancel' 245 raise 246 except: 247 # We failed. 248 log.error('Internal error!') 249 done[0] ='cancel' 250 raise
251 252 ##///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 253 ## GUI 254 ##///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 255
256 -class EpydocGUI:
257 """ 258 A graphical user interace to epydoc. 259 """
260 - def __init__(self):
261 self._afterid = 0 262 self._progress = [None] 263 self._cancel = [0] 264 self._filename = None 265 self._init_dir = None 266 267 # Store a copy of sys.modules, so that we can restore it 268 # later. This is useful for making sure that we reload 269 # everything when we re-build its documentation. This will 270 # *not* reload the modules that are present when the EpydocGUI 271 # is created, but that should only contain some builtins, some 272 # epydoc modules, Tkinter, pickle, and thread.. 273 self._old_modules = sys.modules.keys() 274 275 # Create the main window. 276 self._root = Tk() 277 self._root['background']=BG_COLOR 278 self._root.bind('<Control-q>', self.destroy) 279 self._root.bind('<Alt-q>', self.destroy) 280 self._root.bind('<Alt-x>', self.destroy) 281 self._root.bind('<Control-x>', self.destroy) 282 #self._root.bind('<Control-d>', self.destroy) 283 self._root.title('Epydoc') 284 self._rootframe = Frame(self._root, background=BG_COLOR, 285 border=2, relief='raised') 286 self._rootframe.pack(expand=1, fill='both', padx=2, pady=2) 287 288 # Set up the basic frames. Do not pack the options frame or 289 # the messages frame; the GUI has buttons to expand them. 290 leftframe = Frame(self._rootframe, background=BG_COLOR) 291 leftframe.pack(expand=1, fill='both', side='left') 292 optsframe = Frame(self._rootframe, background=BG_COLOR) 293 mainframe = Frame(leftframe, background=BG_COLOR) 294 mainframe.pack(expand=1, fill='both', side='top') 295 ctrlframe = Frame(mainframe, background=BG_COLOR) 296 ctrlframe.pack(side="bottom", fill='x', expand=0) 297 msgsframe = Frame(leftframe, background=BG_COLOR) 298 299 self._optsframe = optsframe 300 self._msgsframe = msgsframe 301 302 # Initialize all the frames, etc. 303 self._init_menubar() 304 self._init_progress_bar(mainframe) 305 self._init_module_list(mainframe) 306 self._init_options(optsframe, ctrlframe) 307 self._init_messages(msgsframe, ctrlframe) 308 self._init_bindings() 309 310 # Set up logging 311 self._logger = GUILogger(self._progress, self._cancel) 312 log.register_logger(self._logger) 313 314 # Open the messages pane by default. 315 self._messages_toggle()
316 317 ## For testing options: 318 #self._options_toggle() 319
320 - def _init_menubar(self):
321 menubar = Menu(self._root, borderwidth=2, 322 background=BG_COLOR, 323 activebackground=BG_COLOR) 324 filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) 325 filemenu.add_command(label='New Project', underline=0, 326 command=self._new, 327 accelerator='Ctrl-n') 328 filemenu.add_command(label='Open Project', underline=0, 329 command=self._open, 330 accelerator='Ctrl-o') 331 filemenu.add_command(label='Save Project', underline=0, 332 command=self._save, 333 accelerator='Ctrl-s') 334 filemenu.add_command(label='Save As..', underline=5, 335 command=self._saveas, 336 accelerator='Ctrl-a') 337 filemenu.add_separator() 338 filemenu.add_command(label='Exit', underline=1, 339 command=self.destroy, 340 accelerator='Ctrl-x') 341 menubar.add_cascade(label='File', underline=0, menu=filemenu) 342 gomenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) 343 gomenu.add_command(label='Run Epydoc', command=self._open, 344 underline=0, accelerator='Alt-g') 345 menubar.add_cascade(label='Run', menu=gomenu, underline=0) 346 self._root.config(menu=menubar)
348 - def _init_module_list(self, mainframe):
349 mframe1 = Frame(mainframe, relief='groove', border=2, 350 background=BG_COLOR) 351 mframe1.pack(side="top", fill='both', expand=1, padx=4, pady=3) 352 l = Label(mframe1, text="Modules to document:", 353 justify='left', **COLOR_CONFIG) 354 l.pack(side='top', fill='none', anchor='nw', expand=0) 355 mframe2 = Frame(mframe1, background=BG_COLOR) 356 mframe2.pack(side="top", fill='both', expand=1) 357 mframe3 = Frame(mframe1, background=BG_COLOR) 358 mframe3.pack(side="bottom", fill='x', expand=0) 359 self._module_list = Listbox(mframe2, width=80, height=10, 360 selectmode='multiple', 361 **LISTBOX_CONFIG) 362 self._module_list.pack(side="left", fill='both', expand=1) 363 sb = Scrollbar(mframe2, orient='vertical',**SB_CONFIG) 364 sb['command']=self._module_list.yview 365 sb.pack(side='right', fill='y') 366 self._module_list.config(yscrollcommand=sb.set) 367 Label(mframe3, text="Add:", **COLOR_CONFIG).pack(side='left') 368 self._module_entry = Entry(mframe3, **ENTRY_CONFIG) 369 self._module_entry.pack(side='left', fill='x', expand=1) 370 self._module_entry.bind('<Return>', self._entry_module) 371 self._module_delete = Button(mframe3, text="Remove", 372 command=self._delete_module, 373 **BUTTON_CONFIG) 374 self._module_delete.pack(side='right', expand=0, padx=2) 375 self._module_browse = Button(mframe3, text="Browse", 376 command=self._browse_module, 377 **BUTTON_CONFIG) 378 self._module_browse.pack(side='right', expand=0, padx=2)
380 - def _init_progress_bar(self, mainframe):
381 pframe1 = Frame(mainframe, background=BG_COLOR) 382 pframe1.pack(side="bottom", fill='x', expand=0) 383 self._go_button = Button(pframe1, width=4, text='Start', 384 underline=0, command=self._go, 385 **BUTTON_CONFIG) 386 self._go_button.pack(side='left', padx=4) 387 pframe2 = Frame(pframe1, relief='groove', border=2, 388 background=BG_COLOR) 389 pframe2.pack(side="top", fill='x', expand=1, padx=4, pady=3) 390 Label(pframe2, text='Progress:', **COLOR_CONFIG).pack(side='left') 391 H = self._H = PROGRESS_HEIGHT 392 W = self._W = PROGRESS_WIDTH 393 c = self._canvas = Canvas(pframe2, height=H+DH, width=W+DW, 394 background=PROGRESS_BG, border=0, 395 selectborderwidth=0, relief='sunken', 396 insertwidth=0, insertborderwidth=0, 397 highlightbackground=BG_COLOR) 398 self._canvas.pack(side='left', fill='x', expand=1, padx=4) 399 self._r2 = c.create_rectangle(0,0,0,0, outline=PROGRESS_COLOR2) 400 self._r3 = c.create_rectangle(0,0,0,0, outline=PROGRESS_COLOR3) 401 self._r1 = c.create_rectangle(0,0,0,0, fill=PROGRESS_COLOR1, 402 outline='') 403 self._canvas.bind('<Configure>', self._configure)
405 - def _init_messages(self, msgsframe, ctrlframe):
406 self._downImage = PhotoImage(master=self._root, data=DOWN_GIF) 407 self._upImage = PhotoImage(master=self._root, data=UP_GIF) 408 409 # Set up the messages control frame 410 b1 = Button(ctrlframe, text="Messages", justify='center', 411 command=self._messages_toggle, underline=0, 412 highlightthickness=0, activebackground=BG_COLOR, 413 border=0, relief='flat', padx=2, pady=0, **COLOR_CONFIG) 414 b2 = Button(ctrlframe, image=self._downImage, relief='flat', 415 border=0, command=self._messages_toggle, 416 activebackground=BG_COLOR, **COLOR_CONFIG) 417 self._message_button = b2 418 self._messages_visible = 0 419 b2.pack(side="left") 420 b1.pack(side="left") 421 422 f = Frame(msgsframe, background=BG_COLOR) 423 f.pack(side='top', expand=1, fill='both') 424 messages = Text(f, width=80, height=10, **ENTRY_CONFIG) 425 messages['state'] = 'disabled' 426 messages.pack(fill='both', expand=1, side='left') 427 self._messages = messages 428 429 # Add a scrollbar 430 sb = Scrollbar(f, orient='vertical', **SB_CONFIG) 431 sb.pack(fill='y', side='right') 432 sb['command'] = messages.yview 433 messages['yscrollcommand'] = sb.set 434 435 # Set up some colorization tags 436 messages.tag_config('error', foreground=ERROR_COLOR) 437 messages.tag_config('warning', foreground=WARNING_COLOR) 438 messages.tag_config('guierror', foreground=GUIERROR_COLOR) 439 messages.tag_config('message', foreground=MESSAGE_COLOR) 440 messages.tag_config('header', foreground=HEADER_COLOR) 441 messages.tag_config('uline', underline=1) 442 443 # Keep track of tag state.. 444 self._in_header = 0 445 self._last_tag = 'error' 446 447 # Add some buttons 448 buttons = Frame(msgsframe, background=BG_COLOR) 449 buttons.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') 450 self._show_errors = IntVar(self._root) 451 self._show_errors.set(1) 452 self._show_warnings = IntVar(self._root) 453 self._show_warnings.set(1) 454 self._show_messages = IntVar(self._root) 455 self._show_messages.set(0) 456 Checkbutton(buttons, text='Show Messages', var=self._show_messages, 457 command=self._update_msg_tags, 458 **SHOWMSG_CONFIG).pack(side='left') 459 Checkbutton(buttons, text='Show Warnings', var=self._show_warnings, 460 command=self._update_msg_tags, 461 **SHOWWRN_CONFIG).pack(side='left') 462 Checkbutton(buttons, text='Show Errors', var=self._show_errors, 463 command=self._update_msg_tags, 464 **SHOWERR_CONFIG).pack(side='left') 465 self._update_msg_tags()
467 - def _update_msg_tags(self, *e):
468 elide_errors = not self._show_errors.get() 469 elide_warnings = not self._show_warnings.get() 470 elide_messages = not self._show_messages.get() 471 elide_headers = elide_errors and elide_warnings 472 self._messages.tag_config('error', elide=elide_errors) 473 self._messages.tag_config('guierror', elide=elide_errors) 474 self._messages.tag_config('warning', elide=elide_warnings) 475 self._messages.tag_config('message', elide=elide_messages) 476 self._messages.tag_config('header', elide=elide_headers)
478 - def _init_options(self, optsframe, ctrlframe):
479 self._leftImage=PhotoImage(master=self._root, data=LEFT_GIF) 480 self._rightImage=PhotoImage(master=self._root, data=RIGHT_GIF) 481 482 # Set up the options control frame 483 b1 = Button(ctrlframe, text="Options", justify='center', 484 border=0, relief='flat', 485 command=self._options_toggle, padx=2, 486 underline=0, pady=0, highlightthickness=0, 487 activebackground=BG_COLOR, **COLOR_CONFIG) 488 b2 = Button(ctrlframe, image=self._rightImage, relief='flat', 489 border=0, command=self._options_toggle, 490 activebackground=BG_COLOR, **COLOR_CONFIG) 491 self._option_button = b2 492 self._options_visible = 0 493 b2.pack(side="right") 494 b1.pack(side="right") 495 496 oframe2 = Frame(optsframe, relief='groove', border=2, 497 background=BG_COLOR) 498 oframe2.pack(side="right", fill='both', 499 expand=0, padx=4, pady=3, ipadx=4) 500 501 Label(oframe2, text="Project Options", font='helvetica -16', 502 **COLOR_CONFIG).pack(anchor='w') 503 oframe3 = Frame(oframe2, background=BG_COLOR) 504 oframe3.pack(fill='x') 505 oframe4 = Frame(oframe2, background=BG_COLOR) 506 oframe4.pack(fill='x') 507 oframe7 = Frame(oframe2, background=BG_COLOR) 508 oframe7.pack(fill='x') 509 div = Frame(oframe2, background=BG_COLOR, border=1, relief='sunk') 510 div.pack(ipady=1, fill='x', padx=4, pady=2) 511 512 Label(oframe2, text="Help File", font='helvetica -16', 513 **COLOR_CONFIG).pack(anchor='w') 514 oframe5 = Frame(oframe2, background=BG_COLOR) 515 oframe5.pack(fill='x') 516 div = Frame(oframe2, background=BG_COLOR, border=1, relief='sunk') 517 div.pack(ipady=1, fill='x', padx=4, pady=2) 518 519 Label(oframe2, text="CSS Stylesheet", font='helvetica -16', 520 **COLOR_CONFIG).pack(anchor='w') 521 oframe6 = Frame(oframe2, background=BG_COLOR) 522 oframe6.pack(fill='x') 523 524 #==================== oframe3 ==================== 525 # -n NAME, --name NAME 526 row = 0 527 l = Label(oframe3, text="Project Name:", **COLOR_CONFIG) 528 l.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') 529 self._name_entry = Entry(oframe3, **ENTRY_CONFIG) 530 self._name_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew', columnspan=3) 531 532 # -u URL, --url URL 533 row += 1 534 l = Label(oframe3, text="Project URL:", **COLOR_CONFIG) 535 l.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') 536 self._url_entry = Entry(oframe3, **ENTRY_CONFIG) 537 self._url_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew', columnspan=3) 538 539 # -o DIR, --output DIR 540 row += 1 541 l = Label(oframe3, text="Output Directory:", **COLOR_CONFIG) 542 l.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') 543 self._out_entry = Entry(oframe3, **ENTRY_CONFIG) 544 self._out_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew', columnspan=2) 545 self._out_browse = Button(oframe3, text="Browse", 546 command=self._browse_out, 547 **BUTTON_CONFIG) 548 self._out_browse.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky='ew', padx=2) 549 550 #==================== oframe4 ==================== 551 # --no-frames 552 row = 0 553 self._frames_var = IntVar(self._root) 554 self._frames_var.set(1) 555 l = Label(oframe4, text="Generate a frame-based table of contents", 556 **COLOR_CONFIG) 557 l.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 558 cb = Checkbutton(oframe4, var=self._frames_var, **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 559 cb.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') 560 561 # --no-private 562 row += 1 563 self._private_var = IntVar(self._root) 564 self._private_var.set(1) 565 l = Label(oframe4, text="Generate documentation for private objects", 566 **COLOR_CONFIG) 567 l.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 568 cb = Checkbutton(oframe4, var=self._private_var, **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 569 cb.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') 570 571 # --show-imports 572 row += 1 573 self._imports_var = IntVar(self._root) 574 self._imports_var.set(0) 575 l = Label(oframe4, text="List imported classes and functions", 576 **COLOR_CONFIG) 577 l.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 578 cb = Checkbutton(oframe4, var=self._imports_var, **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 579 cb.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') 580 581 #==================== oframe7 ==================== 582 # --docformat 583 row += 1 584 l = Label(oframe7, text="Default Docformat:", **COLOR_CONFIG) 585 l.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') 586 df_var = self._docformat_var = StringVar(self._root) 587 self._docformat_var.set('epytext') 588 b = Radiobutton(oframe7, var=df_var, text='Epytext', 589 value='epytext', **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 590 b.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 591 b = Radiobutton(oframe7, var=df_var, text='ReStructuredText', 592 value='restructuredtext', **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 593 b.grid(row=row, column=2, columnspan=2, sticky='w') 594 row += 1 595 b = Radiobutton(oframe7, var=df_var, text='Plaintext', 596 value='plaintext', **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 597 b.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 598 b = Radiobutton(oframe7, var=df_var, text='Javadoc', 599 value='javadoc', **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 600 b.grid(row=row, column=2, columnspan=2, sticky='w') 601 row += 1 602 603 # Separater 604 Frame(oframe7, background=BG_COLOR).grid(row=row, column=1, pady=3) 605 row += 1 606 607 # --inheritance 608 l = Label(oframe7, text="Inheritance Style:", **COLOR_CONFIG) 609 l.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') 610 inh_var = self._inheritance_var = StringVar(self._root) 611 self._inheritance_var.set('grouped') 612 b = Radiobutton(oframe7, var=inh_var, text='Grouped', 613 value='grouped', **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 614 b.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 615 b = Radiobutton(oframe7, var=inh_var, text='Listed', 616 value='listed', **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 617 b.grid(row=row, column=2, sticky='w') 618 b = Radiobutton(oframe7, var=inh_var, text='Included', 619 value='included', **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 620 b.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky='w') 621 row += 1 622 623 # Separater 624 Frame(oframe7, background=BG_COLOR).grid(row=row, column=1, pady=3) 625 row += 1 626 627 # --parse-only, --introspect-only 628 l = Label(oframe7, text="Get docs from:", **COLOR_CONFIG) 629 l.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') 630 iop_var = self._introspect_or_parse_var = StringVar(self._root) 631 self._introspect_or_parse_var.set('both') 632 b = Radiobutton(oframe7, var=iop_var, text='Parsing', 633 value='parse', **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 634 b.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 635 b = Radiobutton(oframe7, var=iop_var, text='Introspecting', 636 value='introspect', **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 637 b.grid(row=row, column=2, sticky='w') 638 b = Radiobutton(oframe7, var=iop_var, text='Both', 639 value='both', **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 640 b.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky='w') 641 row += 1 642 643 #==================== oframe5 ==================== 644 # --help-file FILE 645 row = 0 646 self._help_var = StringVar(self._root) 647 self._help_var.set('default') 648 b = Radiobutton(oframe5, var=self._help_var, 649 text='Default', 650 value='default', **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 651 b.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 652 row += 1 653 b = Radiobutton(oframe5, var=self._help_var, 654 text='Select File', 655 value='-other-', **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 656 b.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 657 self._help_entry = Entry(oframe5, **ENTRY_CONFIG) 658 self._help_entry.grid(row=row, column=2, sticky='ew') 659 self._help_browse = Button(oframe5, text='Browse', 660 command=self._browse_help, 661 **BUTTON_CONFIG) 662 self._help_browse.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky='ew', padx=2) 663 664 from epydoc.docwriter.html_css import STYLESHEETS 665 items = STYLESHEETS.items() 666 def _css_sort(css1, css2): 667 if css1[0] == 'default': return -1 668 elif css2[0] == 'default': return 1 669 else: return cmp(css1[0], css2[0])
670 items.sort(_css_sort) 671 672 #==================== oframe6 ==================== 673 # -c CSS, --css CSS 674 # --private-css CSS 675 row = 0 676 #l = Label(oframe6, text="Public", **COLOR_CONFIG) 677 #l.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') 678 #l = Label(oframe6, text="Private", **COLOR_CONFIG) 679 #l.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 680 row += 1 681 css_var = self._css_var = StringVar(self._root) 682 css_var.set('default') 683 #private_css_var = self._private_css_var = StringVar(self._root) 684 #private_css_var.set('default') 685 for (name, (sheet, descr)) in items: 686 b = Radiobutton(oframe6, var=css_var, value=name, **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 687 b.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') 688 #b = Radiobutton(oframe6, var=private_css_var, value=name, 689 # text=name, **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 690 #b.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 691 l = Label(oframe6, text=descr, **COLOR_CONFIG) 692 l.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 693 row += 1 694 b = Radiobutton(oframe6, var=css_var, value='-other-', 695 **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 696 b.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='e') 697 #b = Radiobutton(oframe6, text='Select File', var=private_css_var, 698 # value='-other-', **CBUTTON_CONFIG) 699 #b.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 700 #l = Label(oframe6, text='Select File', **COLOR_CONFIG) 701 #l.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='w') 702 self._css_entry = Entry(oframe6, **ENTRY_CONFIG) 703 self._css_entry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew') 704 self._css_browse = Button(oframe6, text="Browse", 705 command=self._browse_css, 706 **BUTTON_CONFIG) 707 self._css_browse.grid(row=row, column=2, sticky='ew', padx=2)
709 - def _init_bindings(self):
710 self._root.bind('<Delete>', self._delete_module) 711 self._root.bind('<Alt-o>', self._options_toggle) 712 self._root.bind('<Alt-m>', self._messages_toggle) 713 self._root.bind('<F5>', self._go) 714 self._root.bind('<Alt-s>', self._go) 715 716 self._root.bind('<Control-n>', self._new) 717 self._root.bind('<Control-o>', self._open) 718 self._root.bind('<Control-s>', self._save) 719 self._root.bind('<Control-a>', self._saveas)
721 - def _options_toggle(self, *e):
722 if self._options_visible: 723 self._optsframe.forget() 724 self._option_button['image'] = self._rightImage 725 self._options_visible = 0 726 else: 727 self._optsframe.pack(fill='both', side='right') 728 self._option_button['image'] = self._leftImage 729 self._options_visible = 1
731 - def _messages_toggle(self, *e):
732 if self._messages_visible: 733 self._msgsframe.forget() 734 self._message_button['image'] = self._rightImage 735 self._messages_visible = 0 736 else: 737 self._msgsframe.pack(fill='both', side='bottom', expand=1) 738 self._message_button['image'] = self._leftImage 739 self._messages_visible = 1
741 - def _configure(self, event):
742 self._W = event.width-DW
744 - def _delete_module(self, *e):
745 selection = self._module_list.curselection() 746 if len(selection) != 1: return 747 self._module_list.delete(selection[0])
749 - def _entry_module(self, *e):
750 modules = [self._module_entry.get()] 751 if glob.has_magic(modules[0]): 752 modules = glob.glob(modules[0]) 753 for name in modules: 754 self.add_module(name, check=1) 755 self._module_entry.delete(0, 'end')
757 - def _browse_module(self, *e):
758 title = 'Select a module for documentation' 759 ftypes = [('Python module', '.py'), 760 ('Python extension', '.so'), 761 ('All files', '*')] 762 filename = askopenfilename(filetypes=ftypes, title=title, 763 defaultextension='.py', 764 initialdir=self._init_dir) 765 if not filename: return 766 self._init_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) 767 self.add_module(filename, check=1)
769 - def _browse_css(self, *e):
770 title = 'Select a CSS stylesheet' 771 ftypes = [('CSS Stylesheet', '.css'), ('All files', '*')] 772 filename = askopenfilename(filetypes=ftypes, title=title, 773 defaultextension='.css') 774 if not filename: return 775 self._css_entry.delete(0, 'end') 776 self._css_entry.insert(0, filename)
778 - def _browse_help(self, *e):
779 title = 'Select a help file' 780 self._help_var.set('-other-') 781 ftypes = [('HTML file', '.html'), ('All files', '*')] 782 filename = askopenfilename(filetypes=ftypes, title=title, 783 defaultextension='.html') 784 if not filename: return 785 self._help_entry.delete(0, 'end') 786 self._help_entry.insert(0, filename)
788 - def _browse_out(self, *e):
789 ftypes = [('All files', '*')] 790 title = 'Choose the output directory' 791 if askdirectory is not None: 792 filename = askdirectory(mustexist=0, title=title) 793 if not filename: return 794 else: 795 # Hack for Python 2.1 or earlier: 796 filename = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=ftypes, title=title, 797 initialfile='--this directory--') 798 if not filename: return 799 (f1, f2) = os.path.split(filename) 800 if f2 == '--this directory--': filename = f1 801 self._out_entry.delete(0, 'end') 802 self._out_entry.insert(0, filename)
804 - def destroy(self, *e):
805 if self._root is None: return 806 807 # Unload any modules that we've imported 808 for m in sys.modules.keys(): 809 if m not in self._old_modules: del sys.modules[m] 810 self._root.destroy() 811 self._root = None
813 - def add_module(self, name, check=0):
814 from epydoc.util import is_package_dir, is_pyname, is_module_file 815 from epydoc.docintrospecter import get_value_from_name 816 from epydoc.docintrospecter import get_value_from_filename 817 818 if (os.path.isfile(name) or is_package_dir(name) or is_pyname(name)): 819 # Check that it's a good module, if requested. 820 if check: 821 try: 822 if is_module_file(name) or is_package_dir(name): 823 get_value_from_filename(name) 824 elif os.path.isfile(name): 825 get_value_from_scriptname(name) 826 else: 827 get_value_from_name(name) 828 except ImportError, e: 829 log.error(e) 830 self._update_messages() 831 self._root.bell() 832 return 833 834 # Add the module to the list of modules. 835 self._module_list.insert('end', name) 836 self._module_list.yview('end') 837 else: 838 log.error("Couldn't find %r" % name) 839 self._update_messages() 840 self._root.bell()
842 - def mainloop(self, *args, **kwargs):
843 self._root.mainloop(*args, **kwargs)
845 - def _getopts(self):
846 options = {} 847 options['modules'] = self._module_list.get(0, 'end') 848 options['prj_name'] = self._name_entry.get() or '' 849 options['prj_url'] = self._url_entry.get() or None 850 options['docformat'] = self._docformat_var.get() 851 options['inheritance'] = self._inheritance_var.get() 852 options['introspect_or_parse'] = self._introspect_or_parse_var.get() 853 options['target'] = self._out_entry.get() or 'html' 854 options['frames'] = self._frames_var.get() 855 options['private'] = self._private_var.get() 856 options['show_imports'] = self._imports_var.get() 857 if self._help_var.get() == '-other-': 858 options['help'] = self._help_entry.get() or None 859 else: 860 options['help'] = None 861 if self._css_var.get() == '-other-': 862 options['css'] = self._css_entry.get() or 'default' 863 else: 864 options['css'] = self._css_var.get() or 'default' 865 #if self._private_css_var.get() == '-other-': 866 # options['private_css'] = self._css_entry.get() or 'default' 867 #else: 868 # options['private_css'] = self._private_css_var.get() or 'default' 869 return options
871 - def _go(self, *e):
872 if len(self._module_list.get(0,'end')) == 0: 873 self._root.bell() 874 return 875 876 if self._progress[0] != None: 877 self._cancel[0] = 1 878 return 879 880 # Construct the argument list for document(). 881 opts = self._getopts() 882 self._progress[0] = 0.0 883 self._cancel[0] = 0 884 args = (opts, self._cancel, self._progress) 885 886 # Clear the messages window. 887 self._messages['state'] = 'normal' 888 self._messages.delete('0.0', 'end') 889 self._messages['state'] = 'disabled' 890 self._logger.clear() 891 892 # Restore the module list. This will force re-loading of 893 # anything that we're documenting. 894 for m in sys.modules.keys(): 895 if m not in self._old_modules: 896 del sys.modules[m] 897 898 # [xx] Reset caches?? 899 900 # Start documenting 901 start_new_thread(document, args) 902 903 # Start the progress bar. 904 self._go_button['text'] = 'Stop' 905 self._afterid += 1 906 dt = 300 # How often to update, in milliseconds 907 self._update(dt, self._afterid)
909 - def _update_messages(self):
910 while 1: 911 level, data = 912 if data is None: break 913 self._messages['state'] = 'normal' 914 if level == 'header': 915 self._messages.insert('end', data, 'header') 916 elif level == 'uline': 917 self._messages.insert('end', data, 'uline header') 918 elif level >= log.ERROR: 919 data= data.rstrip()+'\n\n' 920 self._messages.insert('end', data, 'guierror') 921 elif level >= log.DOCSTRING_WARNING: 922 data= data.rstrip()+'\n\n' 923 self._messages.insert('end', data, 'warning') 924 elif log >= log.INFO: 925 data= data.rstrip()+'\n\n' 926 self._messages.insert('end', data, 'message') 927 # if data == '\n': 928 # if self._last_tag != 'header2': 929 # self._messages.insert('end', '\n', self._last_tag) 930 # elif data == '='*75: 931 # if self._messages.get('end-3c', 'end') == '\n\n\n': 932 # self._messages.delete('end-1c') 933 # self._in_header = 1 934 # self._messages.insert('end', ' '*75, 'uline header') 935 # self._last_tag = 'header' 936 # elif data == '-'*75: 937 # self._in_header = 0 938 # self._last_tag = 'header2' 939 # elif self._in_header: 940 # self._messages.insert('end', data, 'header') 941 # self._last_tag = 'header' 942 # elif re.match(r'\s*(L\d+:|-)?\s*Warning: ', data): 943 # self._messages.insert('end', data, 'warning') 944 # self._last_tag = 'warning' 945 # else: 946 # self._messages.insert('end', data, 'error') 947 # self._last_tag = 'error' 948 949 self._messages['state'] = 'disabled' 950 self._messages.yview('end')
952 - def _update(self, dt, id):
953 if self._root is None: return 954 if self._progress[0] is None: return 955 if id != self._afterid: return 956 957 # Update the messages box 958 self._update_messages() 959 960 # Update the progress bar. 961 if self._progress[0] == 'done': p = self._W + DX 962 elif self._progress[0] == 'cancel': p = -5 963 else: p = DX + self._W * self._progress[0] 964 self._canvas.coords(self._r1, DX+1, DY+1, p, self._H+1) 965 self._canvas.coords(self._r2, DX, DY, p-1, self._H) 966 self._canvas.coords(self._r3, DX+1, DY+1, p, self._H+1) 967 968 # Are we done? 969 if self._progress[0] in ('done', 'cancel'): 970 if self._progress[0] == 'cancel': self._root.bell() 971 self._go_button['text'] = 'Start' 972 self._progress[0] = None 973 return 974 975 self._root.after(dt, self._update, dt, id)
977 - def _new(self, *e):
978 self._module_list.delete(0, 'end') 979 self._name_entry.delete(0, 'end') 980 self._url_entry.delete(0, 'end') 981 self._docformat_var.set('epytext') 982 self._inheritance_var.set('grouped') 983 self._introspect_or_parse_var.set('both') 984 self._out_entry.delete(0, 'end') 985 self._module_entry.delete(0, 'end') 986 self._css_entry.delete(0, 'end') 987 self._help_entry.delete(0, 'end') 988 self._frames_var.set(1) 989 self._private_var.set(1) 990 self._imports_var.set(0) 991 self._css_var.set('default') 992 #self._private_css_var.set('default') 993 self._help_var.set('default') 994 self._filename = None 995 self._init_dir = None
997 - def _open(self, *e):
998 title = 'Open project' 999 ftypes = [('Project file', '.prj'), 1000 ('All files', '*')] 1001 filename = askopenfilename(filetypes=ftypes, title=title, 1002 defaultextension='.css') 1003 if not filename: return 1004
1006 - def open(self, prjfile):
1007 from epydoc.docwriter.html_css import STYLESHEETS 1008 self._filename = prjfile 1009 try: 1010 opts = load(open(prjfile, 'r')) 1011 1012 modnames = list(opts.get('modules', [])) 1013 modnames.sort() 1014 self._module_list.delete(0, 'end') 1015 for name in modnames: 1016 self.add_module(name) 1017 self._module_entry.delete(0, 'end') 1018 1019 self._name_entry.delete(0, 'end') 1020 if opts.get('prj_name'): 1021 self._name_entry.insert(0, opts['prj_name']) 1022 1023 self._url_entry.delete(0, 'end') 1024 if opts.get('prj_url'): 1025 self._url_entry.insert(0, opts['prj_url']) 1026 1027 self._docformat_var.set(opts.get('docformat', 'epytext')) 1028 self._inheritance_var.set(opts.get('inheritance', 'grouped')) 1029 self._introspect_or_parse_var.set( 1030 opts.get('introspect_or_parse', 'both')) 1031 1032 self._help_entry.delete(0, 'end') 1033 if opts.get('help') is None: 1034 self._help_var.set('default') 1035 else: 1036 self._help_var.set('-other-') 1037 self._help_entry.insert(0, opts.get('help')) 1038 1039 self._out_entry.delete(0, 'end') 1040 self._out_entry.insert(0, opts.get('target', 'html')) 1041 1042 self._frames_var.set(opts.get('frames', 1)) 1043 self._private_var.set(opts.get('private', 1)) 1044 self._imports_var.set(opts.get('show_imports', 0)) 1045 1046 self._css_entry.delete(0, 'end') 1047 if opts.get('css', 'default') in STYLESHEETS.keys(): 1048 self._css_var.set(opts.get('css', 'default')) 1049 else: 1050 self._css_var.set('-other-') 1051 self._css_entry.insert(0, opts.get('css', 'default')) 1052 1053 #if opts.get('private_css', 'default') in STYLESHEETS.keys(): 1054 # self._private_css_var.set(opts.get('private_css', 'default')) 1055 #else: 1056 # self._private_css_var.set('-other-') 1057 # self._css_entry.insert(0, opts.get('private_css', 'default')) 1058 1059 except Exception, e: 1060 log.error('Error opening %s: %s' % (prjfile, e)) 1061 self._root.bell()
1063 - def _save(self, *e):
1064 if self._filename is None: return self._saveas() 1065 try: 1066 opts = self._getopts() 1067 dump(opts, open(self._filename, 'w')) 1068 except Exception, e: 1069 if self._filename is None: 1070 log.error('Error saving: %s' % e) 1071 else: 1072 log.error('Error saving %s: %s' % (self._filename, e)) 1073 self._root.bell()
1075 - def _saveas(self, *e):
1076 title = 'Save project as' 1077 ftypes = [('Project file', '.prj'), ('All files', '*')] 1078 filename = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=ftypes, title=title, 1079 defaultextension='.prj') 1080 if not filename: return 1081 self._filename = filename 1082 self._save()
1084 -def _version():
1085 """ 1086 Display the version information, and exit. 1087 @rtype: C{None} 1088 """ 1089 import epydoc 1090 print "Epydoc version %s" % epydoc.__version__ 1091 sys.exit(0)
1092 1093 # At some point I could add: 1094 # --show-messages, --hide-messages 1095 # --show-options, --hide-options
1096 -def _usage():
1097 print 1098 print 'Usage: epydocgui [OPTIONS] [FILE.prj | MODULES...]' 1099 print 1100 print ' FILE.prj An epydoc GUI project file.' 1101 print ' MODULES... A list of Python modules to document.' 1102 print ' -V, --version Print the version of epydoc.' 1103 print ' -h, -?, --help, --usage Display this usage message' 1104 print ' --debug Do not suppress error messages' 1105 print 1106 sys.exit(0)
1108 -def _error(s):
1109 s = '%s; run "%s -h" for usage' % (s, os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) 1110 if len(s) > 80: 1111 i = s.rfind(' ', 0, 80) 1112 if i>0: s = s[:i]+'\n'+s[i+1:] 1113 print >>sys.stderr, s 1114 sys.exit(1)
1116 -def gui():
1117 global DEBUG 1118 sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ 1119 projects = [] 1120 modules = [] 1121 for arg in sys.argv[1:]: 1122 if arg[0] == '-': 1123 arg = arg.lower() 1124 if arg in ('-h', '--help', '-?', '--usage'): _usage() 1125 elif arg in ('-V', '--version'): _version() 1126 elif arg in ('--debug',): DEBUG = 1 1127 else: 1128 _error('Unknown parameter %r' % arg) 1129 elif arg[-4:] == '.prj': projects.append(arg) 1130 else: modules.append(arg) 1131 1132 if len(projects) > 1: 1133 _error('Too many projects') 1134 if len(projects) == 1: 1135 if len(modules) > 0: 1136 _error('You must specify either a project or a list of modules') 1137 if not os.path.exists(projects[0]): 1138 _error('Cannot open project file %s' % projects[0]) 1139 gui = EpydocGUI() 1140[0]) 1141 gui.mainloop() 1142 else: 1143 gui = EpydocGUI() 1144 for module in modules: gui.add_module(module, check=1) 1145 gui.mainloop()
1146 1147 if __name__ == '__main__': gui() 1148