Package epydoc :: Package markup
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Package markup

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Markup language support for docstrings. Each submodule defines a parser for a single markup language. These parsers convert an object's docstring to a ParsedDocstring, a standard intermediate representation that can be used to generate output. ParsedDocstrings support the following operations:

The parse() function provides a single interface to the epydoc.markup package: it takes a docstring and the name of a markup language; delegates to the appropriate parser; and returns the parsed docstring (along with any errors or warnings that were generated).

The ParsedDocstring output generation methods (to_format()) use a DocstringLinker to link the docstring output with the rest of the documentation that epydoc generates. DocstringLinkers are currently responsible for translating two kinds of crossreference:

A parsed docstring's fields can be extracted using the ParsedDocstring.split_fields() method. This method divides a docstring into its main body and a list of Fields, each of which encodes a single field. The field's bodies are encoded as ParsedDocstrings.

Markup errors are represented using ParseErrors. These exception classes record information about the cause, location, and severity of each error.

Submodules [hide private]

Classes [hide private]
A standard intermediate representation for parsed docstrings that can be used to generate output.
The contents of a docstring's field.
A translator for crossreference links into and out of a ParsedDocstring.
    Errors and Warnings
The base class for errors generated while parsing docstrings.
Functions [hide private]
parse(docstring, markup='plaintext', errors=True, **options)
Parse the given docstring, and use it to construct a ParsedDocstring.
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call graph 
register_markup_language(name, parse_function)
Register a new markup language named name, which can be parsed by the function parse_function.
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Print a warning message.
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    Utility Functions
Returns: A ParsedDocstring that encodes the type of the given object.
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Variables [hide private]
  _markup_language_registry = {'restructuredtext': 'epydoc.marku...
  MARKUP_LANGUAGES_USED = set(['epytext', 'plaintext', u'restruc...
  _parse_warnings = {}
Used by _parse_warn.
The default width with which text will be wrapped when formatting the output of the parser.
Function Details [hide private]

parse(docstring, markup='plaintext', errors=True, **options)

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Parse the given docstring, and use it to construct a ParsedDocstring. If any fatal ParseErrors are encountered while parsing the docstring, then the docstring will be rendered as plaintext, instead.
  • docstring (string) - The docstring to encode.
  • markup (string) - The name of the markup language that is used by the docstring. If the markup language is not supported, then the docstring will be treated as plaintext. The markup name is case-insensitive.
  • errors (list of ParseError) - A list where any errors generated during parsing will be stored. If no list is specified, then fatal errors will generate exceptions, and non-fatal errors will be ignored.
Returns: ParsedDocstring
A ParsedDocstring that encodes the contents of docstring.
  • ParseError - If errors is None and an error is encountered while parsing.

register_markup_language(name, parse_function)

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Register a new markup language named name, which can be parsed by the function parse_function.
  • name - The name of the markup language. name should be a simple identifier, such as 'epytext' or 'restructuredtext'. Markup language names are case insensitive.
  • parse_function - A function which can be used to parse the markup language, and returns a ParsedDocstring. It should have the following signature:
    >>> def parse(s, errors):
    ...     'returns a ParsedDocstring'
    • s is the string to parse. (s will be a unicode string.)
    • errors is a list; any errors that are generated during docstring parsing should be appended to this list (as ParseError objects).


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Print a warning message. If the given error has already been printed, then do nothing.


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  • obj (any) - The object whose type should be returned as DOM document.
Returns: ParsedDocstring
A ParsedDocstring that encodes the type of the given object.

Variables Details [hide private]


{'restructuredtext': 'epydoc.markup.restructuredtext', 'epytext': 'epy\
doc.markup.epytext', 'plaintext': 'epydoc.markup.plaintext', 'javadoc'\
: 'epydoc.markup.javadoc',}


set(['epytext', 'plaintext', u'restructuredtext'])