
AtkHypertext — The ATK interface which provides standard mechanism for manipulating hyperlinks.


AtkHyperlink* atk_hypertext_get_link        (AtkHypertext *hypertext,
                                             gint link_index);
gint        atk_hypertext_get_n_links       (AtkHypertext *hypertext);
gint        atk_hypertext_get_link_index    (AtkHypertext *hypertext,
                                             gint char_index);

Object Hierarchy


Known Implementations

AtkHypertext is implemented by AtkNoOpObject.

Signal Prototypes

            void        user_function      (AtkHypertext *atkhypertext,
                                            gint arg1,
                                            gpointer user_data);




typedef struct _AtkHypertext AtkHypertext;

The AtkHypertext structure does not contain any fields.

atk_hypertext_get_link ()

AtkHyperlink* atk_hypertext_get_link        (AtkHypertext *hypertext,
                                             gint link_index);

Gets the link in this hypertext document at index link_index

hypertext : an AtkHypertext
link_index : an integer specifying the desired link
Returns : the link in this hypertext document at index link_index

atk_hypertext_get_n_links ()

gint        atk_hypertext_get_n_links       (AtkHypertext *hypertext);

Gets the number of links within this hypertext document.

hypertext : an AtkHypertext
Returns : the number of links within this hypertext document

atk_hypertext_get_link_index ()

gint        atk_hypertext_get_link_index    (AtkHypertext *hypertext,
                                             gint char_index);

Gets the index into the array of hyperlinks that is associated with the character specified by char_index, or -1 if there is no hyperlink associated with this character.

hypertext : an AtkHypertext
char_index : a character index
Returns : an index into the array of hyperlinks in hypertext


The "link-selected" signal

void        user_function                  (AtkHypertext *atkhypertext,
                                            gint arg1,
                                            gpointer user_data);

The "link-selected" signal is emitted by an AtkHyperText object when one of the hyperlinks associated with the object is selected.

atkhypertext :the object which received the signal.
arg1 :the index of the hyperlink which is selected
user_data :user data set when the signal handler was connected.