
AtkObjectFactory — The base object class for a factory used to create accessible objects for objects of a specific GType.


AtkObject*  atk_object_factory_create_accessible
                                            (AtkObjectFactory *factory,
                                             GObject *obj);
GType       atk_object_factory_get_accessible_type
                                            (AtkObjectFactory *factory);
void        atk_object_factory_invalidate   (AtkObjectFactory *factory);

Object Hierarchy



This class is the base object class for a factory used to create an accessible object for a specific GType. The function atk_registry_set_factory_type() is normally called to store in the registry the factory type to be used to create an accessible of a particular GType.



typedef struct _AtkObjectFactory AtkObjectFactory;

The AtkObjectFactory structure should not be accessed directly.

atk_object_factory_create_accessible ()

AtkObject*  atk_object_factory_create_accessible
                                            (AtkObjectFactory *factory,
                                             GObject *obj);

Provides an AtkObject that implements an accessibility interface on behalf of obj

factory : The AtkObjectFactory associated with obj's object type
obj : a GObject
Returns : an AtkObject that implements an accessibility interface on behalf of obj

atk_object_factory_get_accessible_type ()

GType       atk_object_factory_get_accessible_type
                                            (AtkObjectFactory *factory);

Gets the GType of the accessible which is created by the factory. The value G_TYPE_INVALID is returned if no type if found.

factory : an AtkObjectFactory
Returns : the type of the accessible which is created by the factory.

atk_object_factory_invalidate ()

void        atk_object_factory_invalidate   (AtkObjectFactory *factory);

Inform factory that it is no longer being used to create accessibles. When called, factory may need to inform AtkObjects which it has created that they need to be re-instantiated. Note: primarily used for runtime replacement of AtkObjectFactorys in object registries.

factory : an AtkObjectFactory to invalidate

See Also
