
AtkRelation — An object used to describe a relation between a object and one or more other objects.


enum        AtkRelationType;
AtkRelationType atk_relation_type_register  (const gchar *name);
const gchar* atk_relation_type_get_name     (AtkRelationType type);
AtkRelationType atk_relation_type_for_name  (const gchar *name);
AtkRelation* atk_relation_new               (AtkObject **targets,
                                             gint n_targets,
                                             AtkRelationType relationship);
AtkRelationType atk_relation_get_relation_type
                                            (AtkRelation *relation);
GPtrArray*  atk_relation_get_target         (AtkRelation *relation);
void        atk_relation_add_target         (AtkRelation *relation,
                                             AtkObject *target);

Object Hierarchy



  "relation-type"        AtkRelationType       : Read / Write
  "target"               GValueArray           : Read / Write


An AtkRelation describes a relation between an object and one or more other objects. The actual relations that an object has with other objects are defined as an AtkRelationSet, which is a set of AtkRelations.



typedef struct _AtkRelation AtkRelation;

The AtkRelation structure should not be accessed directly.

enum AtkRelationType

typedef enum
} AtkRelationType;

Describes the type of the relation

ATK_RELATION_CONTROLLED_BY Indicates an object controlled by one or more target objects.
ATK_RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR Indicates an object is an controller for one or more target objects.
ATK_RELATION_LABEL_FOR Indicates an object is a label for one or more target objects.
ATK_RELATION_LABELLED_BY Indicates an object is labelled by one or more target objects.
ATK_RELATION_MEMBER_OF Indicates an object is a member of a group of one or more target objects.
ATK_RELATION_NODE_CHILD_OF Indicates an object is a cell in a treetable which is displayed because a cell in the same column is expanded and identifies that cell.
ATK_RELATION_FLOWS_TO Indicates that the object has content that flows logically to another AtkObject in a sequential way, (for instance text-flow).
ATK_RELATION_FLOWS_FROM Indicates that the object has content that flows logically from another AtkObject in a sequential way, (for instance text-flow).
ATK_RELATION_SUBWINDOW_OF Indicates a subwindow attached to a component but otherwise has no connection in the UI heirarchy to that component.
ATK_RELATION_EMBEDS Indicates that the object visually embeds another object's content, i.e. this object's content flows around another's content.
ATK_RELATION_EMBEDDED_BY Inverse of ATK_RELATION_EMBEDS, indicates that this object's content is visualy embedded in another object.
ATK_RELATION_POPUP_FOR Indicates that an object is a popup for another object.
ATK_RELATION_PARENT_WINDOW_OF Indicates that an object is a parent window of another object.

atk_relation_type_register ()

AtkRelationType atk_relation_type_register  (const gchar *name);

Associate name with a new AtkRelationType

name : a name string
Returns : an AtkRelationType associated with name

atk_relation_type_get_name ()

const gchar* atk_relation_type_get_name     (AtkRelationType type);

Gets the description string describing the AtkRelationType type.

type : The AtkRelationType whose name is required
Returns : the string describing the AtkRelationType

atk_relation_type_for_name ()

AtkRelationType atk_relation_type_for_name  (const gchar *name);

Get the AtkRelationType type corresponding to a relation name.

name : a string which is the (non-localized) name of an ATK relation type.
Returns : the AtkRelationType enumerated type corresponding to the specified name, or ATK_RELATION_NULL if no matching relation type is found.

atk_relation_new ()

AtkRelation* atk_relation_new               (AtkObject **targets,
                                             gint n_targets,
                                             AtkRelationType relationship);

Create a new relation for the specified key and the specified list of targets.

targets : an array of pointers to AtkObjects
n_targets : number of AtkObjects pointed to by targets
relationship : an AtkRelationType with which to create the new AtkRelation
Returns : a pointer to a new AtkRelation

atk_relation_get_relation_type ()

AtkRelationType atk_relation_get_relation_type
                                            (AtkRelation *relation);

Gets the type of relation

relation : an AtkRelation
Returns : the type of relation

atk_relation_get_target ()

GPtrArray*  atk_relation_get_target         (AtkRelation *relation);

Gets the target list of relation

relation : an AtkRelation
Returns : the target list of relation

atk_relation_add_target ()

void        atk_relation_add_target         (AtkRelation *relation,
                                             AtkObject *target);

Adds the specified AtkObject to the target for the relation, if it is not already present.

relation : an AtkRelation
target : an AtkObject


The "relation-type" property

  "relation-type"        AtkRelationType       : Read / Write

The type of the relation.

Default value: ATK_RELATION_NULL

The "target" property

  "target"               GValueArray           : Read / Write

An array of the targets for the relation.