
AtkStreamableContent — The ATK interface which provides access to streamable content.


gint        atk_streamable_content_get_n_mime_types
                                            (AtkStreamableContent *streamable);
const gchar* atk_streamable_content_get_mime_type
                                            (AtkStreamableContent *streamable,
                                             gint i);
GIOChannel* atk_streamable_content_get_stream
                                            (AtkStreamableContent *streamable,
                                             const gchar *mime_type);

Object Hierarchy





typedef struct _AtkStreamableContent AtkStreamableContent;

The AtkStreamableContent structure does not contain any fields.

atk_streamable_content_get_n_mime_types ()

gint        atk_streamable_content_get_n_mime_types
                                            (AtkStreamableContent *streamable);

Gets the number of mime types supported by this object.

streamable : a GObject instance that implements AtkStreamableContentIface
Returns : a gint which is the number of mime types supported by the object.

atk_streamable_content_get_mime_type ()

const gchar* atk_streamable_content_get_mime_type
                                            (AtkStreamableContent *streamable,
                                             gint i);

Gets the character string of the specified mime type. The first mime type is at position 0, the second at position 1, and so on.

streamable : a GObject instance that implements AtkStreamableContent
i : a gint representing the position of the mime type starting from 0
Returns :: a gchar* representing the specified mime type; the caller should not free the character string.

atk_streamable_content_get_stream ()

GIOChannel* atk_streamable_content_get_stream
                                            (AtkStreamableContent *streamable,
                                             const gchar *mime_type);

Gets the content in the specified mime type.

streamable : a GObject instance that implements AtkStreamableContentIface
mime_type : a gchar* representing the mime type
Returns : A GIOChannel which contains the content in the specified mime type.