
AtkUtil — This is a utility class which supports the adding and removal of event listeners.


enum        AtkCoordType;
guint       atk_add_focus_tracker           (AtkEventListener focus_tracker);
void        atk_remove_focus_tracker        (guint tracker_id);
void        atk_focus_tracker_init          (AtkEventListenerInit add_function);
void        atk_focus_tracker_notify        (AtkObject *object);
void        (*AtkEventListener)             (AtkObject*);
void        (*AtkEventListenerInit)         (void);
guint       atk_add_global_event_listener   (GSignalEmissionHook listener,
                                             const gchar *event_type);
void        atk_remove_global_event_listener
                                            (guint listener_id);
enum        AtkKeyEventType;
gint        (*AtkKeySnoopFunc)              (AtkKeyEventStruct *event,
                                             gpointer func_data);
guint       atk_add_key_event_listener      (AtkKeySnoopFunc listener,
                                             gpointer data);
void        atk_remove_key_event_listener   (guint listener_id);
AtkObject*  atk_get_root                    (void);
AtkObject*  atk_get_focus_object            (void);
const gchar* atk_get_toolkit_name           (void);
const gchar* atk_get_toolkit_version        (void);

Object Hierarchy



This is a utility class which supports the adding and removal of event listeners. The adding and removing of the listeners must be done in the same thread. The file also contains a number of utility functions.



typedef struct _AtkUtil AtkUtil;

The AtkObject structure should not be accessed directly.

enum AtkCoordType

typedef enum {

Specifies how xy coordinates are to be interpreted. Used by functions such as atk_component_get_position() and atk_text_get_character_extents()

ATK_XY_SCREEN specifies xy coordinates relative to the screen
ATK_XY_WINDOW specifies xy coordinates relative to the widget's top-level window

atk_add_focus_tracker ()

guint       atk_add_focus_tracker           (AtkEventListener focus_tracker);

Adds the specified function to the list of functions to be called when an object receives focus.

focus_tracker : Function to be added to the list of functions to be called when an object receives focus.
Returns : added focus tracker id, or 0 on failure.

atk_remove_focus_tracker ()

void        atk_remove_focus_tracker        (guint tracker_id);

Removes the specified focus tracker from the list of functions to be called when any object receives focus.

tracker_id : the id of the focus tracker to remove

atk_focus_tracker_init ()

void        atk_focus_tracker_init          (AtkEventListenerInit add_function);

Specifies the function to be called for focus tracker initialization. This function should be called by an implementation of the ATK interface if any specific work needs to be done to enable focus tracking.

add_function : Function to be called for focus tracker initialization

atk_focus_tracker_notify ()

void        atk_focus_tracker_notify        (AtkObject *object);

Cause the focus tracker functions which have been specified to be executed for the object.

object : an AtkObject

AtkEventListener ()

void        (*AtkEventListener)             (AtkObject*);

An AtkEventListener is user specified function which is called when an event, such as receiving focus, occurs. The parameter of the AtkEventListener is the AtkObject on which the event occurred.

Param1 :

AtkEventListenerInit ()

void        (*AtkEventListenerInit)         (void);

An AtkEventListenerInit is an initialization function in an implementation of the ATK interface used to perform implementation-specific initialization when enabling focus tracking.

atk_add_global_event_listener ()

guint       atk_add_global_event_listener   (GSignalEmissionHook listener,
                                             const gchar *event_type);

Adds the specified function to the list of functions to be called when an event of type event_type occurs.

listener : the listener to notify
event_type : the type of event for which notification is requested
Returns : added event listener id, or 0 on failure.

atk_remove_global_event_listener ()

void        atk_remove_global_event_listener
                                            (guint listener_id);

Removes the specified event listener

listener_id : the id of the event listener to remove


typedef struct {
  gint type;
  guint state;
  guint keyval;
  gint length;
  gchar *string;
  guint16 keycode;
  guint32 timestamp;	
} AtkKeyEventStruct;

The AtkKeyEventStruct describes a keyboard event.

enum AtkKeyEventType

typedef enum
} AtkKeyEventType;

Specifies the type of a keyboard evemt.

ATK_KEY_EVENT_PRESS specifies a key press event
ATK_KEY_EVENT_RELEASE specifies a key release event
ATK_KEY_EVENT_LAST_DEFINED Not a valid value; specifies end of enumeration

AtkKeySnoopFunc ()

gint        (*AtkKeySnoopFunc)              (AtkKeyEventStruct *event,
                                             gpointer func_data);

An AtkKeySnoopFunc is a function which is called when a keyboard event occurs.

event :
func_data :
Returns :

atk_add_key_event_listener ()

guint       atk_add_key_event_listener      (AtkKeySnoopFunc listener,
                                             gpointer data);

Adds the specified function to the list of functions to be called when a key event occurs. The data element will be passed to the AtkKeySnoopFunc (listener) as the func_data param, on notification.

listener : the listener to notify
data : a gpointer that points to a block of data that should be sent to the registered listeners, along with the event notification, when it occurs.
Returns : added event listener id, or 0 on failure.

atk_remove_key_event_listener ()

void        atk_remove_key_event_listener   (guint listener_id);

Removes the specified event listener

listener_id : the id of the event listener to remove

atk_get_root ()

AtkObject*  atk_get_root                    (void);

Gets the root accessible container for the current application.

Returns : the root accessible container for the current application

atk_get_focus_object ()

AtkObject*  atk_get_focus_object            (void);

Gets the currently focused object.

Returns : the currently focused object for the current application

atk_get_toolkit_name ()

const gchar* atk_get_toolkit_name           (void);

Gets name string for the GUI toolkit implementing ATK for this application.

Returns : name string for the GUI toolkit implementing ATK for this application

atk_get_toolkit_version ()

const gchar* atk_get_toolkit_version        (void);

Gets version string for the GUI toolkit implementing ATK for this application.

Returns : version string for the GUI toolkit implementing ATK for this application